Manton - BS2785 M35 1651

6u An Expo.fition, 'WithNotu againfi thofe that do ·e-r~e9' ;,,rvtL~;utr.H,. , otherwife Gofpel it, and teach another doCl:rine , Gal. 1. 6, 7, 8. 1 Tirm 6. 3. 1 Tim. r. 3. therefore they are deceived ·that fay Chrifi will not·regard how )ON /;elieve , ~but ho'W Jou live-; and put all upon good life. 4· I:effer differences in and about the doCtrine ofthe Scriptures, though con6fl:ent wirh the main Tenour of falvation , yet if held up ouc pfby– ends, or againll confcience, are damnable; c-irc.umcijion anduncir– cNmcijion is nothing to the Newcreature, yet tobe of either of thefe againfi confcience, is amatter of a fad confequence: For then, a ltj[er opinion is in the fame [rank with a known fin, as being de– liberately maintained againfi light; confider then how much it con– cemeth you to be right in judgment and profeffion, for though the · error be not damnable in it felf, jtmay be fo bycircumllance; relu– tl:ation againft light being fo inconftfl:enc with Grace; for there cannot be a greater argument of ap unfubdued will ,, then to fiand out againfi convitl:ion out of fecubr refpetl:s ; this is to love dark._ne[s mor"e then light , John 3· 19. and to prefer pre– fent conveniencies before thofe glorious recompences which Re... ligiqo propoundeth; and how incpnflllent that is with faith qr tru~grace, Chrifl lheweth i.n thofe palfages, rohn ;. 44· and 'J:ohn. I z. 43· J·know men ufually pl~ad t-here may be falvation as long~ tpe error is not fundametal ; I, but be theerror never fo (mall, tbe danger is great in walking againfi light: A.r rmmy. a& are perfeCJ. muft he thus minded, Phil. 3• I)· thatis, walk up to the heigp~ of their light and principles., and thGugh, in fom~ cafes profeffi. on may be fo.rboro, and.we may have faith tp our felves,Rom. ·I 4· 2 2 . yet not in times of publick contefi , and when weare{~ lemnly called to give witoe(s to truths; and therefore be not de– ceive6 with that pretmce, that there may be fllvation in that way, ,., DefpaigtZL's which you ptaelife:asi<one argueth well,fuppof~ you could be faved new Obf,rin that way which you acknowledg robe erroneous,yet how can it v:1t ions 0n fl:and with love, to be guilty of fuch horrible contemp,t and ingrati· the Creed. mde, as to be content that God may be diilionored, ,provided that we may be faved ? 5. Grofs negligence or not raking pains to know il cva([.z 'I'IC f h· ~ettcr,~s ~quiva_lent tG reluchtio~ odlandmgout a!:!ainfi light,;"there gentia f.'nlw eft'! de ce1t m la~mcfs or ajfertcd 1gnorance, men wdl not know that Regula j uri- wh ich theyhave amind to hate, it arguerh a fecret fear and fufpi• fl ar um. cion ofthe truth , men are loath to follow it too clofe , lcfr it cro(s their lufis and interefis, John 3. lo. they will not come to the light lefl tbeir deeds he reproved, (o 2 Pet. 3. 5. they are U 1 illing!y ig– norant