CHAP.~. flpDn ·the Epifflt of JAM I~. VJRS.l9,10. 623 norant , thofe that· can pleafe themfelves in the ignorance of any ~ruth , err not only in their minds but hcdlrts; ~tis the practice of ~ods people to·be always fearching, Pf~tl.t. z. Rom. 12. 2. we , thould not only do what we kRoW , but fearch that we may know more. Sixthly, thofe thatlive and die i'n a leffer error'about faith 0r worlhip, are faved with'moch difficulty, t Cor. 3. ·y ~. the Apofile fpeaketh of -chaffand hay built on thegolden foundation , and he faith that he that fo dotb,jba/l befovedas by fire;he lofetb much of his comfort and peace, is much fcortched in fpi'rit • and kept in a more dark, cold, and tioubtfull way~ · I z. From that [And [hall bide J lt~fti{it"ation confiJ~et·h in the Obfervat.n C<Overing ofourjinJ: #~is removed out df 'Goqs fig'ht,and the·fight of ou'r own confciences,; tbid1y out 0f Gods fight, God\cannot choofe but fee it as omni{citnt' hate it .as holy, buc-'he will net punith it as juft,having receive&'farisfaetian'in Cbrifr: peccata·ftc velantur·Ht· in. jn4icit~ 'nu~~re'l!el(rltur,;' ti~s1 ir~ fo nidHen'·t1h~fJrhe1fiHUnet beprought'into judgment, nor hurt us when tp~y'dcindt 'ptellife•i4f; fuchlike notions areelfewhe&uf~d. P [Jl. 3 2 • 1 1;. 1 B.Ft§..cPis·the m;H, w:hofe fin is covered.: ~cis an allufionto'fh'e coverit)goft-he·clm'lgof the.Ifraelices, in their march , they ~;er,e• ~~ ·~~~e·a p:ddle- ~ye~;~ theJr weapon, that When:the£ wennfiHe toeafe th~mfdves ·,- di~ might dig therewith, and co'VeHta·r \\rhich.caine fr6m·tHerti .; t·hat God might fee no unclean thing among.them, Deut. '-3·13, 14. fo this excr.ement is covered, and the unfavory filthinefs removed out of the noftrils of j ufiice; futabte exp.reffioos are thofe ofrememhringour fins no more, !fa 43·15.andcafting rhem behind his bac~, . Ifa. 38. 17. Cod will remove them out of the fight of his jufii~e; they ·are in their own n:uure clamorous for revenge , and carnefr m– ducements-to wrath , but God wilt take no nottce of them; there are yet higher forms of expreffion, ofremoving th<m as far as ~he Elljf is from theweft,P(. I 03.1 2.which chiefly refpecb the fedt~g. of our confciences we dread them, and God will {et them at dt- - , M' fiance enough.- so~ofcJfling them int6 the dept~s ofthe Sea, tcah 7· 18. that which is in the depths of the Sea ts loft and~ forgot– ten for ever, the Ocean is never lil<e tobe drained or dryed up : All< thefe words doth she Lord ufe to perfwade us,that fins once pardo... ned,are as if theywere never committed;menf~rgiv.::,buc n0r eafily. forget , if the wound be cured, the fear remameth; But God .aC~· ceptethas ifthere were no breach. ' 3• From that [AmHllitudeoffins J M;~ny fins do nos hinder oHr ObforvAt.ll' - -- · · . pardgl' ·