Manton - BS2785 M35 1651

' 624 VIRS.19,1o, AnExpofiti~n,wi.thNotn CHAf.)' / ,. pardonor cqpverfion; pods free gift is · of man] off:nces unto [u– ftiftcation, Rom.5. . I 6. and 'tis faid, Ifa 5)• 7• he will multipfJ to' pardon; For thefe fix: thoufand years God bath been multiplying pardons,and yet free Grace is nor tyred and grown weary;~hecrea– tures owe agreat debt to j ufiice, but we have an able fure-ty, there is no want ofmercy in the credi.cor, nor of fufficiencie in the furety. ~cis afolly to think that an EmperorsRevenue will not pay abeg~ geri debt , Chrifi hath undertook to fatisfie , and he hath mony enough topay; we areof llmited difpofitions, and therefore fini– ren theabundance of grace in our t~ughts; but God is not as man, Hofea 1 r. 9· the Mafter can forgtve Taltf!t', when the fervant would not forgive pence;and .ten thoufand Mlents,when wegrudge at an hundredpence, Mt;.t. I 8. 24. with ·z8. Mercy is a treafure that <:annot.eafilybe fpent, we. ~ave man)jint,butGodhath mAny mer– f in; according tr~ the mHitiiude ofth) compaffions,Pfal.S 1 ,z,When 6owed.down p(itha1Ra49fguilt,w~ ~ay fay ascfau~ haft tkoH ku.t one &11Jing (J_"!] ~athe.r? Cer~~Y; ~ercy is an 0(;t,:an that ts;, ~ver full~,anQ ever flowll"Ig; TheSamts carry-load~ of _experiences with them,to Heaven. Free Grace canLhew yonlarge .accounts) anda,loog bill, can"cellt:dby theblooa ofChrifl:; the"I.ord interd\: you_iq this a~Jl!laapt mercy,J:hrough the bloodofChriO:,and .the fapetification - ef. the:,Spidc: A~~~ ~ . ' ,., _ - '. t ~ t - ' •' , . ( ,.. .. ( ~ - ••. ':> .: ., • < • f ()') 1 • .J H • C 1;.., F I N' I s. I 1; . :· '· ... ... .. .. ) ', ' ..