Manton - BS2785 M35 1651

~, / ;: "' !,Ji •' r·,~ ) ( // i --·/'1- ;I" .. r"); I 0 J .... ' ' I ' i

A ·Pratl:icalCommentary, 1: . ~ oR · AN . , · , t: EX -POSITION~ • • ,.. WITH on . the EPISTLE of

.. l ~ .li" i •••1. r: ~ ' "-. j ..,.! ·. ,;p. t. I · .• ;~ '{~ ~~.iJ ".,. -!-.f. ,.

-- ~~~-~-~e~~*~~~~~~~ ··.To the H·onorahle 0 Colonel dlexa.nder Popham :J a Member of P Aa L I A M E N T. SIR , ~m~~~Edications, though often abufed aLuke· 1 : 3 . to a rvain:.flatter,) ', are of Ancient ACl:s 1. 3 o · -·· ./ h So much I rvft, andmay beofgreat profit: c_onceive .i~ inTh C 11. • h 1 f b tmutc:d m e Unom IS t e e S tO · e that form of diftparaged becaufe we finde it ad~refs, . ' • K-eg,TJ>s e,.. hallowed by the praCtice of one 6~JM, a ofthe Penmen of the holyScriptures Se Luke term which ~s ' ' wont to be giin his a GoiJ.el and the Ails both which he in- v~n to pe.rfotlS . 'Jf . > - • of honour, as fcnbeth to .Theophtlus, a perfon not onely emt- A~j; z.4. 3· , nent in Rel~gion,but bdi&ni~ed withBirthand ~~i·;;~d A~; . Place; whtc~ bathbeen t:mltated by the holy 26. 2s. "-ef.– men ofGod i.n all Ages : their aym in fuch in- 1J>s ~~>»>~, m · both places we fcriptiOOSbeing, partly tO fignifie their thank... ren~er Nebte : l"..} r. t: F . d. h" b}" dAndfobyJu– IU ne1s ror avors recetve . tn t ts pu Ique an fli'! Martyr to fp • · } f 1 ' bl" Drognet&u , to tntua way 0 . return ; part y to, 0 Ige per.. whom he' gifons-eminent by the refpects of the Ch~rch,. ;~~t~f :h; and by the Honer ot their Name to,commend Ch_rifttan ~eh . L .b b.}. . . 1. L llt!On, /fer;:rl.. t e~r a ors ~o_pu · tq~e acceptance : part y JtJY s-i ~'G'Yv~1s,. a:ntnnocent gude to bnng themander a greater Ju~in Mar~. bl . ~pz{J. ad D1~1: *- o '~ga-

The Epiftle DedicatfJrJ. - -·--o-b-li-ga-t-io~n:-- " i-n--,th_e_P_r_o-::-fe_.ffi~to-=- ·n_a_n-.d-P-r-aa_i_cv=-e o-f-t-he Truths of Religion. 'Tis ufual in Scripture to ' I • afcribe a .Teflim~ny, producible at the day of Judgment, to the more notable eircumllances and accidents of humane Life; as, to the rufl of hoarded Mony, lames 5· 3· to the folemn Pub– lications of the Gofpel; the duft of the Apoflles feet,~c. Matth. 10. And fo (I remember) in the Primitive Times, when grown.·perfons were baptized, theywere wont to leavea Stole and white garment in the Vellry of the Church for a teA:imonyand witnefs: wherefore when one Elpidophorus had revolted from ~he. Faith, ·the 1Jeacon ofthe Church cameand toldJlim., 0 El– pidophorus, Iwill keep this Stole M aMonument againfl thee to all Eternity. And truly 13ook.s, being pub 4 lique Monumen~s, are muchofthis nature, a tefl:i.. mony likely tobe produced in theday ofJudg... ment~ not onelyagainfl: the Author, but thePer.. [9ns to whom they are infcribed, in cafe oneither fide there be any defeCtion in Judgment, o~ Manners, from the Truths therein profeffed: . For they being·con~gned to their refpeCt and Patronage, they are drawn into aFellowfhip of the Obligation. , Sir, there are .manyReafons why I fhould p~efix your Name to this Work. Befides the " · · general

The Epiflle t])eJ.icatory. general relation youhave to thee place, where, c ~;eki · New.: By the Bldling of God, I have enjoyed a qu_iet zng on. - and fuccefsful MinHlry and Service in theWord for thefe [even years, I have good caufe to re.. member your frequent attendance upon there LeCl:ures, ,and countenancing _o( Religion ; whil'fl: the Lord continued your abode amongfl: us; your private refpeet to myperfon, your of .. ten repairing thofe breaches which at any time were ·mad~ in my Efl:ate ~by the hand of Violence : For.all which, ifthe Lord would make me·anlnfl:rutrtent, by~ the prefent E..xerci~s, , of ·promoting your fpiritual welfare, or \Varming :your-heart-into any raifednefs ofZeal and Rel;i:– ·gi.ous Eminency, that by your Example o-thers maybe provoked to the emulation of the like . Vertue, l ~all have.myaym, and the fruit of my prayers. -By this Infcription the Book is be- . come not onely mine, but yours; ·you,own the · Truths towhich I have witnejfed: and it will be · fad for our accou~t : in the Day of the ~ord, ·if · after fuch a folemn Profeffion, you or I £hould ': : be. found in _a_carnal and unregenerate. condition. · . • 9oodS~r, , Make .it-your·workto ,honor him t~at bath -advanced you : thofe differences of - h~b, and lo'lll, _. ~i~hand poor, areonelycalculated1 *·· z fo.r rr

.I . I " The Epifllt Dediclltwy. tor the ·prefent World, and cannot out-live Time : in the Grave, at the Dayof Judgment, and in Heaven, there are no fuch difrinttions: The Gral'e takethawayall Cil'il Differences; Sculls · ~ear no wreaths andmarksaf Honor: lobJ·•9· 17Je fmaJI and the great are there, and the ferJ1ant il free from his mafter. So at the DayofJudgment; I Jaw the dead bothgreat and fmaO ftand before tbe Lord}~)'. 10~ u .• Nonecan ·beexempted from tryal at Chrifl:s bar : When (il'il'Differences van– Hh, Moral take place. The di£l:inC1:ion then is good andb4d 1 not great and fmaJl. Oh Sir, then you will fee, that there is no fJirtb like that to be born again oftheSpirit,noTenur~ like an interefl in the Covenant, no Eflate liketh~ inheritance of ·. the Saints in light, no Magiflracy like that where... ., , Cor.6.~) ~ by we fit at Chrifl:s right hand, djudging Angels· and Men. ~owwill the Faces of Great Men ga.. ther blacknefs, that now flourHh in the pomp and fplendor of an outward Efrate, but then fh~ll become the fcorn ofGod, and Saints, and Angels? and thofe holy ones ofGod fhal come f~rth,and fay, Lo, this is the man that made not God his flrengt!J; but trufted in tbe .abundance ofhis riches, · 4ndflreng'thtned huwickedneflllPfal. 51.7. :Ah Sir_, Wealth and Power are-ofi nouJe in that ·day',unleis it be to aggravateand increafe J udg.. ment.

. ...... " . t .... Tht Epiftle Ded·catDrJ• -ment. Many that are now defpicable, fo ob– fcure that they a~e loft in the tale and count of the World, fhall then be taken into the arms of ChriG ; He will not be afhamed eto confeft them c Luke u , s. man by man before his Father ; Father, this is one of mine. Oh ·tis fweet to hear fuch an ac– knowledgment out ofChriA:s own mouth~ So alfo in Heaven there are none poor; All the J?ejfels of Glory are filled up: if there be any difference in the degree, the Fo~ndation of it is layd in Grace, not GreaUleft. {See theNores Sir, .Youwill finde in f this EpiA:le,that men~~ [;~&1c;~~: of your rank and quality are liable to great Cor- :&.r,t,~ ,·h>.6, . h r: d r_ f 1 7 . & cap. S' the rupttons; t ey 100n grow· prou , 1en ua , op- fidl s-.v_erfe~ fli ldl . 11 bb . . 11 h w· d . I g Nthtlhabet pre ve,wor y,nu .. orn agatnn: t e or • {ortuna magnll went to thegreat men bnt the'IJ had altouether broken maj 141 q:tam ut · 1 'J 6 pejjit & natura theyoke, Ier. 5·5· To a fpiritual eye the condition bolla' metiur. . d ~ bl b . . . h r: • d qrutm ttt vtllt lS no way eu.ra e, Ut as lt gtvet ratrer ~ - bw(acerequam vantages ofpublique rvfefulnefl, and a more dijfo- f{:;~~~;r:~;~ ji11e Charity. g Greatnefs bath nothing greater, ~:ge Deiota– th,en an Heart to be liilling, and a Power t.o be hTeiet ~~~v:., 4ble .to do good, Then it is a fair refemblance Z"H cl':ct~;!,.," f h P r .a.· h. h. . G d h hd'tr. ~,,, o .3-eCir, o t at erre~~.ton w le lS tn o ,w o tner-.,;,,Jithn7J eth from man in nothing fo much as the Eter- ~Jn~,~~·eu~Q"rtf. , Jl , \ nity ofhis ~ein~, the Infiniteneft of his P()wer, and P.r;~s;_~~~" tbe un"YtJeariednepofhuLo)leand GoodnifS. It is the ~7fOI~Y 7~) fond ambition ofman to fever thefe things. We ctTvhOft"":~~ . * l "" all · tmtHJU!,

The Epiffle DedicAtory. ~~~--------------------------------~~ aU affect to be great, but not good; and would be as gods, not in Bolinep, but rJ'ower: nothing · hath cofi: the Creature dearer fince the Creati– on ; It turned Angels into 'De1JilJ, andAdttmout ofParadife~ In thefe-Times we have feen flrange changes : God hath been contending with the Oaks and Cedars, .Amos 2~ ;·9. and A:aining ·all worldly glory. Certainly there is no fecurity in any thing on this ftde·Chri.ft; what ever fl:orm·co~eth,you will finde his Bofom the of retreat ; the Lord give you to lay·· up· your Soul there, by the fure repofal of a lively and attive Faith. Sir, You will bear witi}. my plainnefs .and fr(edom with you ; Other addrelles would nei– ther be comely in me, nor pleajing to you :· Our work is not toflatterGreatnefs, but in the Scrip– ture-fence (not in the humor ofthe Age) i.tQ le'lJel ;J;uke 3; >• Mountai1ts. N.ow;Sir,.the God -and~ Father of our Lord Jefus ChriA: blefs you W·ith,all Spiritual Bleffings in Chri{l; . as alfa your pioru Confort;, your h()pefulJBuds; with·- all the "»Jorthy fRJlatives ... -and Branches..of your Family;~ that the Nam'e sf P O·P;E'A·M may yeeld forth a iweet and frefh ·perfume in the Chnrches ofChrifl:; which. . .. liddjre to;as the ·pr~yer ofhim·; who-is, ' SIR., . "'. ' . ·x:ours.inall Chrifhan.Obferv:ance, . ~ . ~ho. c8vfanton~

~·····••t·•·················••+++ .An ~A·dvertifement _to the ' ~eade·r. :Good Reader, 11 T Mu[u11/with thofe that publijh Book.J, to fm;ewhat by way of excufe and ackftowledgment of. the un"Worthinefs ofwhat they pub/ijh; "Whir;h fet– .tmg ajide the modeft fenfe that every man jhould hA11e ofhu oWn e.ndeavars.,jee:me:th not to hewith– .out crime ; if it be ~tn\Vorthy , the excufe will not mdk..,e it ~letter tJr 'fmre pajfable; for tb/4 u to adventure Hpon a crime~tgllinft co11vitlion,and(ifwe maya11ude toam11tterfo weigh– t]) i4 Jomewh~tt lik,.e Pilates c~fe , who "Wafhed his hands , and 7et .condemned Chri{f; u[Nai'J fuch profejfions /Ire bnt counterfeit, llntl th~rt pr11i[e whichmen[etm to negleif,or beat b11ck.. at the firft hop, they readily tak..e at next rebound, which certainly u a v11in And Wick!d artifice indivine rr;~~tters;for be .fides the hypocrifte, there u ,c difParagement done to the preciow truths "Which thq pu/,/ifh, whilft they "Would feem to Weak$n th1 efteem 1[them, that they ?nil) the more. pldlu{lbly promote their own honor: the beft that ca11. befoid ir, th~,et. eve'rJ man in puhlick...'Would appear in a better dreft» then common inftrmit.J will alto'W; and t6 this "Work. wecome not out 1[choij4, /;ut conftraint .: fDr my oWn part (though I Apolo– gies of thu natnre are littlecredited) I canfreely profe{s,that I had ~o itch to appear i11 public~,as C()nceiving m] gifts fitter for privat6 e.di~cation , anti being hNmbled.With•the -cgnftant burthen of four times 11-week., preachi11g,:what could Idol and. if I ·had A mind to divulge my labors,[omc 'Will wonder that I made choi{e ofthu{ub;. · jell, ~hich WIU conceived in my verJyouth, and without the le.~tfl ti-Jm of-an1[P~rther.publication, the~ to the Auditor] that then at– tended npon st-; butitbei'flg atrentire piece, ~tml being per/Waded hJ therenewfd i":portunit]' 'f m~ny gr-acio~Ul!{inifters tmdChrjft.i– •ns, thAt Jt rmght ~onducefomewh~t.t to pubJ,cl{_benefit~ I 'Was w1l• ling to be dr.Af to .t~1l Cfm{iderations of m] f.l'\\111 credit ~tndfame; wherein is thAt to be accounted of. {o 9ne 14"foul receive comfort ~~~profi~ ~ '!_h~ :Epiflle'fJu~e. w~'- ~i~~ ~hiJ/icenfed ~~the pr~f; .. ~-

The Epifile to the R. 1 A D 1 1\. But being l?feari~dwith thu 1111d the conjlant returns of my other • Mr.Jcnkins.employment, 11nd heari-ng that another • learned brDther intendeth til p11blijh hu elabort~te meditations on th11t Epiflle, I foal! conji11e m] thoughts lo that privaC) to whichJ had intended thefe., had they n(Jt been thHJ pH.bliquel] drawn forth. Th1 m11tter herein delivered,will,Iconceiv.e,be found hfJl] and ufeft~l;if'any expreffion foouid be fo~end thflt favour_eth not of true piety . or fuiteth not 'With reverence to God, charity to men, or ;;;;.eal DJ goodWork.J, 1do from myfou!Wifh it n:pHnged, and foail upon ,eonviUion t"k! the next occlljion to retr11U it; I k;tow fome are trtjudiced ag~tinft en– deavours ~fthis k]11d,M ifttJo~hing "Hid be faiflbut what hathbeen [aid a/read]; for r»J part,l pretend to nothing novel,and though no ~ther things'"" be [aid, 7et thq maJ be more explained, and with msre live!ynefs ofphrafe And expreffion, ever] truth receiving fome favor from the vef{el through which it p~e/[eth; ~11dyet I mt~] jpeak__it withoNt arrogance,[ome arguments thouwi/t find improved for thy further edification;and therefore I fuppo[e ( th9ugh there he no\\>jomeglut)thuBook..m~ty crowd forth in the throng of Com– met~ts; I confefs I have mt~de ufe of thofe that h1we formerly -wr_it. t-en Hpon thu Epijlie , ~tnd upon others inftigAti~n, that the worft •ight he more complult, more then 1at firjf intended, t~ndyet ( I :taCor.:xo.J6 h•pe) I cannot be flzid "'to boaf.l: in anothermanslineofthings made ready to oar hand. For thy direilion in this \Vor~ I do en– treat thee, to compare the notes With the Expofition , e.ffieciflll] if thou doft · at ~ny ti111e ftick...t•t the genuinefs of an1 point. Well thenfooften repeated, is the ufual note of the u[e or prAflital infe• rence. Iftheftile[eem too curt and abrupt, k!to"W that I fometimu' :refervedWJ folf ft~r a (uddAi14 incslcAtitmanden/argement;for the treat c-,mr•verfie of J ufiification I htwe h•ndJeiJ it M IArgelJ '44 the Epiflle wonld give leAve, and the ftttte of lhe .Auditor} -wou/a be11r; .#md1/Ht.n 11-wllre DJ fome t.ontroverjies gro\Vn finte IITIJDng/1 m, I {bouldha'lle f•Ul more,yet tak.! it llltogethtr,tnough ;.,. fllidM to myfenje,atJdjor vindit:llting this Epiftle; iffomep11j11g11 ,le ~&gt~in.repe~tted, \Vhich Iffippofe-wi/1 feltltm~fa/1 t~Ht ~ impute .it ._.t!he m~t.kituJe.ofm1emp11J)ment;1newrJ~w. the.,ork..~together, t~~~d:my thmghts :being fc-attereJ ttJ fo t1114flJ fuhj,Efs througho~et Hn week__, 1 conld not AIWilJS fo JiftmlliJ remember w.hAt i h11d· Ynitte?J;.in foort iftho,u·e.reivefi. ~"} beNefit, return mebstthe r:etieftJfthJ prA)ersforffn increafo tJf Abilities, and~ fAithfNl •fo ofthem to.tht. LrtrdlglqrJf'~lJbtfl ~~ ~~'!_~fii'J 't(~~pmfod.

n P 0 A Er O' ME N A, Or a P R E F A C E , wherein befidt:s an Explication of the Title , feverall neceffary preliminary quefiions are handled and difcuffed . • Intend 6y the i!ljjifiance of Gods holy Spirit in the weekly returns ofthu Le[/Nre, to handle the Epiflle •ofJames; 'tis full ofufefNI and praClica/ matter; I have the rather chofcn this Scripture, that it m~) be an allay to thofe comforts , which in another extrcifc 1 h~tve endeavoured to draW ant ofthe 53. oflfaiah: [ t h~ fame time can'] on the DofJrine both of Faith and Manners, and jhew you your duties together with your incouragements, leSf with a Ephraimyoufhou/d only love to tread out the corn, aHofea xo.u break the clods; we are all apt to di_vorce comfort from dQty, and' to conttnt our /elves With ab barren and nnfruitfullmowledg ofJe- b ~Pet. x. 8, (us Chrifi, M if all that he required of the World, Were onef.J a few nak!d, cold, andunaa:ive apprehenGons of his merit, aP-d all things Were fo drme for us, that nothing remained tobe done by us; this u the ·wretched conceit ofm11ny in the pre{ent age , ~nd therefore ei-\ ther they abllje the fweetnefs ofGrace to loofenefs, or thepower of it to lazinefs. Chrifis merit and the Spirits efficacy are the common places from whence the) draw all the defences and excufes of their own wantonnefs and idlenefs; 'Tu true, (jod hath opened an excellent trMfure in the ChHrch, to defraJ the dchts of humble Goners, and to bear the ex:pen~es of the Saints to Hea-ven ; but there is nothing alloWed to wanton prodigals, who JPend freely and fin lavifo-' ly upon the meer account ofthe riches ofGrace; M in your charitable bequefts, When )OU leave monies in the WaJ ofa ftoc/z, •tis to encourage mm in an henefi calling , not to feed riot and excefs; who ever lef~ a {um for drun~ards ! o,r a .flock.._ to be empfored in C x.Jvv ti.vTI to dicing andgaming! Again I cmifefs what ev,er Grace doth,it doth )GWT~, free'J; c weh:weGrace.for ~race , , 'John 1.1($. ;th~~ is, Grace for ~~u~rt;_~i'~,r~ (]races fak.§• . But thq:eu a dijferc1JCe het'Ween ment ana means; (X me:a ba.~i~d aSchool~ma[fer m.t) teach a childe gratis, freely, andyet he muft tate, quadalibi ta'<! p_ain.t to g~t hi-4 (earni.n~; and there~ a dijfer~nce betw~m d:ftin~ius ~aa(ality •mdOrder; merCJ 1:S never obt,Hned but m the ufe ofmurwat . .means; Wifdomes dole is difpenfed at Wi[damesgate, Prov. 8. ~+ AP''~o!ur,., But :ke ufe ofmeam_doth not oblige God to give mercy; there are Xrl:V-~[1-(l. tct, ' crmdtt tons which. only jhew the Way ofGraces worlzin iT. Again , l x::' TllV A.~elr, g ttl ~ ,,(, . '·hch ;(J. • f/ d od ,f I h' h lVJffi.llO. ran tH~t·c oJmg wzt . r1;;. t! an e.xce cnt uty,an o 1 t,.x tg • Gror.m 1 ;cum. A e~ · J

The Pa E FA c 1 to the whole Epifile. --~--------------------------~~--------------~ eft importAnce i~ Religion. DHt in Chri.ft there llre no dead anll .[.tplefs branches; Faith is not an .idle Grace; Where ever it is., it fruClifteth ingood 'i\J(Jork-J. To evinft all this to you , I have chafen to e.xplflin this epifl:le; the Apoftle Wr"te it Hpon the [~tme reafon, to wit, to prevent or check their mifprijions who cryed upnaked .- appre~nfions for Fai1h, 1111d abarren profeffion for trueReligion; fuch ;mrelenting lumps offin and IH.ft, were there ev1n in the Primitive times, gilded with"us name ofChriftians. ' The Epiflle in oHr Tranjlation beareth Title thm, The Epifrle General Qf] ames;in the Greek_ Id.x.rJ#-& 1J1; ci,.os-oll.-& 6-m,-oll.n x.GC.-S-oll.lx.~.,. T he Cacholick, or General Epifile of Jarms thi, Apofile; for the c!Mri~g ofwh:ch, before 1 enter upon the body ofthe EpijUe, give. me /ef!,ve to premife thefc queflion.r. 1. Whether this Epifllc be of divine Authority? 2•. Concerning the [ubordi~ate Author or inftrument James, What James this w.u? 3• What WIU the time of~riti14[, it ! 4. The perfons, to whom it W.u Written? 5. What is the occafion, matter, andkope of it? , 6. The reafon ofthat term in the Title Catholid< or Generall ?-– I. C~ncerning the divine Authority of this Epi}Jle, I de[J.rc tQJi[cufs it 'With reverence and trembling; ~tis dange·rous to loofon foundation ftones; I fhor&ld wholly have omitt~d this part of my Work_, hut that the difference is fo famous; a1fJd to conceal ~tdver{aries; i.r an a~·gument offear and diflruft; The:Lord grant: thst the cure be not turnedin~o a fnare,. and that vain mmmay not un{cttle themfelves by Wh¥Atis intc.nded_for an e/fabbfoment. Thlflt · Which gave occafton to .doubt ofth;s EpifU~, 'W.u fome pajfAges in, Jerome audEufebius, inwhich they feem, at leaft by reporting the· fenfe of others, to infringe the Authority t~Jit;lfoall iJve you the · pafage.r, and then fhewyon What little reafon, there is, why they · t liufeh lib. fhould ju..flleJames out ofthe Canon. ·The pa/{ag~>– hifi.Ecclef. neth thm, e ~ Td_ l(!' if IrliGr<l~oV_, ~ n 'JI'f~Tilr?if 6'1n>o1-..~'l, .JV ;YOfAd.,G• •.ol a. ..., ' ' " • ' • a. ., .o.' • l · "' tap. 7..3_~ twt'r.JV K,(;(...,;Oll.lltQJV fWGUM .')ISIGU J IHOI' r.J~ VO'IFi\ltTGU f/.l'f' • V>;J'QN\tl )¥19 -~·~ , , "' • , • ' "' "' .. o.~ "' 1\ ' ~ • , <rfJ ?1"1Lli.GU, «.VTI1~ £[.(.JII1[.(.0VWrfdl) r..J~ 11c:1·~ 'TII~ Ae)IOt"l"ll~ l-&41'd.' [.(Id.~ 'fl GC.!/~ ~ '' _'ll'.r .o.' a. ... • '' ,.,.~ ' 111 ~ y~ , f So Dr H~om- Tn~ -& rrt! ~ 'TY' Myop.l'f'ruv )(,''""'oll.tx.ruv op.,~ ~ · IQ"[.(.S11 'J!j TGC.u Id.~ py "~" 11.•1.. ner rendrerh -rruv C.,.'ifli.Hs-oM CM.l(,Jt1Jr1fcu~,&c. That i.r,And thefe thingsconcerning t1~1u .claure Jarms,whofe Epillle that is reported to be, which is the firfi among kiov p.~v r~~ the EpifUes called univerfall; f yet we are to I.Ulderfiand that the vct~we, fame is not v:oid of fuf!'ition ;. for many of the Ancients make.n9 .. ·- · - - - -· --- --- mentimt

• ~, ., ' 'IThe PR E FA c E to the whole Epifile. mention thereof; nor .of rude being alfo one of the feven' called univertal ; yet nocwuhftanding we know them t~ be publickly . • readil;lmoftChurches: SofarEufebius. The otherpaj[ageofgJe-g Hieronim rom· is thi1, Iacobus unam tantum fcripfit Epi!lolam, qux & ip[a ca~al. Ecclcf. ab alia quodam fub ejus nomine edita effe afiericur, · l.icet paulatim fmpt. · tempore procedance obtinueritA~athoritate;that is ,J ames wr.ot~but oneEpifile,which is alfo faid tobe pnt forth by another in his name, thoughby litle and lide in procefs of time it gained Auchoricy in the Church. Thefe are the C!m>Jfes Which firfl begat a doubt ofthis Epiflle; BNt without rea[on-;thefe t\~o Authors reporting thefenfe of others rather then their own;andifany par:t of.Scripttere foould be lP~Jda fide becaufefome have qne{fiPned it'Jthe Devil \'ivottldj oon obtain his purpo[e; one time or another the·greateft part ofit hath bin impeached by men ofa 'Wicfe.pJ and uii[o6er 'Wit , Who when they eouid not pervert th~ rule ,togratifie theirpurpojcs ,refleClcda[corn and contempt upon it; now zt weutd exceedingly fro~rnifo the trt· umphs of hell, if'We fhould think,.their private cavils to be \\Jilrrant fufficient to wea'<!n our Faith ; and btjides difadvantage the Church by the lofs 'Bfa moft confiderable part ofthe Canrm;for the c.afe doth not oni.J concern this EpifJLe, but divers others; M the fe– condofPeter, thefecondand thirdE)iffln e~fJobn,Jhc Book__of the Revdation, h the /aft ChapterofMark, i Some pajfages in the 2.Z. ·h Se~ Hieron . ofLuke, k the begin'!ing ofthe 8. oflohn, Some paJJ'agcs in the 5· q!f(ft.3•ad He.. Chapter of the firft Epifl/e oflohn; where 'Would profanenejJ ftA-J l dzbzn'!' & E'tt• and if this Lib:rty fhould be AlloWed, the flood of Atheifme flop its~hs')mttums. _ ~ .r: . 'b ,r;d 'I h. b n. l J .r, . .a. . 1 ex IPJ ener;. co~rJe.? But eJz es a1• t u,W 1) JuOH a a ;eWP.rzvAte t' fts Bib!. [ana; prepttl£ce the general confent ofthe Ch11rcb Whtch hath tranfmet- ltb 1 c.1p,2. 3 , ted this Epijlle to TU together with other parts of the NeW Te- '-f,. ftammt? for ifWe go to external tdHmony, there is no rcafon but k– the greater number jhouldcarry it;'twereea{te tw inflance inCoun- rzlftis Ptlag. fels andFathers , Who hy 1W unlfinimous /ujf,·age ihave commc.nded 1 • ~. thi& Epijfle t9 theFotith and :Teverence eflbe Church; Thufe Ca-l ~ee Car:tnza · nons Which commonly go under the notme of the Apo{Ues 1 (though .hits fiullma con• -] '- 'fa h b ,().. ) J J • b d CIIO!t~;n pag.7• oa.z not muc upon t ane1.~ml~ny aecreu~ ~t to e recei~e for • Ettfihi~a · Scrtpturc;fo the (ounce/ ofLaod-lcea, Can. 59.[o of Mllev1s, cap. himfelf di(te7· [o the thir.d Couwcel oJCarthage c.(l.p. 47• of Orange • cotp. Z)• renmh it Concilium Cabilonenfe,cotp.3 3• ofToledo,cap. 3.So for the ;c confont f~om thofe . ofthe m~ff An~ientfa~ her!, by Whom 'tis quoted as Scriptu~e; llJ ~/~;~~i~~~~~n· by Igna:ms Ephefios,&c. J.ou mayfee Brochmand. tnpro- tib, 3 .Eccit[.' log. Epift._Iacob! ~nd Iodocus Cocems, huThefanrus Theologtcus, hifl.cap.J- 5 , A :z. • Tern.

I ' ! The PR E FAcE to the whole ·EpiUle. Tom.r ./ib.6. Art.23. read a/foDr. Rainolds d~ libris Apocryphis, Tom. J , pr<f.le£l.4. &c. Out of all 'Which you r»llJ fee 'What eAu– thority it had among the Ancimts; 1[ llf.te:l confefs it bath found mDo8:or, harder meafure. Cajetan and Erafmus /heW little reJPeEt to it; Lu– whtta~e;-. · therplainly rejeUeth it, andjfJr the incivility f411~ rudenefs ofhir den~eth.It as. expr.ejfion_, in calling it Stramineam Epifrolam,as"it ~·am1ot 6e m de.. ~oth. ndmgk . 1 t nyed;fo ' tu not to be excufcd. Luther himfelf feemeth to retra[&- In 1s wor s, . JP L. ,f.' • [If h · h E 'll. J h but 'cis oene: Jt, ea,Jng o 1 zt e 'Jew ere wtt more reverence, · ptno am . anc rall y g~a nted qlumv is rejed amaveteribus, pro utili ramen& non concemnenda tbat this was habeo, vel ob hanc caufam quod nihil plarJe humana: dot'hin.r ofre– l.uc~:n e.x·b· rat, ut legemD.:i fortiter nrge:it; verum ut meamde illafententiam f~~ f~~;d[ inecandide promam exrra pra: judicium, exifiimo nullius etTe Apofioli. lmGerman Lut/,er. pra:f. Epifi. Iacob. that u, this Epifile though not owned B ible&Primcd by many of the Ancients, I judge ~o be full of profitable and preci1 5:oS · the ous matter, it offaing no d0drine of an humane invention, frrong-. , ~;eodrdbs rE:cor;. ly urging the Law ofGod; yec in my opinion( which I would fpeak. " Y row · h • d' ) · r h b · b A ll.l man. are chefe. Wit out preJU 1ce tt 1ecmet not to e wmten yany pou e;. Epzfiola Iacobi which WtU the err.or ana failing of this holy_ and-eminent {ervant of v_ncJir'ninea God; and therein he isfollowed by others ofhis oWn profe;Jion, OG– epti>'ofa ejt , ander,Camtr.arius, Bugenhag, &c. andAlthameros whofe Blafphecultata Hi rn E- • d Jb G · · h' a· · A td·r; .rr v.u;"elio lo~ m~es are recor eu 1 rotms sn ss wectan po . ~J cuJJ. pag.170. ha r~1is& ejus and by him unWorthily urgd torefleCl P¥ fcornupol'l. ~Ur Churches; iipijiola prima, Co11cq:ning this Andreas Althamerus,fee learned Rn~ets Reply , i?J & cum Eptfio- his .hd.r.wmGrot. difcuJf.pag.48o. HoWever Luther is herein de11~ Pauhn1s, (erted by the modernLutherans, who alloW this EpijUe. in. theCazmprtmu qu&e · l · b h · · ,f.'H · M G h d W 1 ad li..tJmanus non,.u 1s p am· '} t e wrstmgs oJ unmus, ontrer, er ar , aG.alatas, 1 ther, &c. ·Brochmanda learndLro~theran, and Bijhop of Seland in – E phd ios [ai- D~nmark,hath written aWorthy Comment upon this EpifUe, tf1 pt~.fu"Rt ;. nee whom(though I rec!ived himlate,and when the.Work.,.was in PI good e~t, gemum progrt[s) 1have been beholding fgr. /ome help in this Expofttion, _ ~~b~;:"~'l;;ngc- efPecially i PJ the c~itic~~ZI expii&-ction. of fomc Greek. .words, and licam._So in mop ofthe quotateons out of the Socmtan p~tmph./et.r; andfor Whom his Comment Iaci0o'Wledge my /elf indebted to the courtefte of that learned and ~n GenejiS, H w<Jrth] Gem/em11n;, Colonel Edward Leigh, to .who{e faithfulnefs . ;:i~:r:~ff.:n~ anfl induftry, the C!hurch ofGod oweth Jo. muck· . · aemedio ad· The reafons Wh1ch movedLu.ther to re1ea JhVP Epiftle , foal/ he -'Uelf ari t, CJ/,m anjwered in their proper pJaces; by his oWn.teftimony cited befou,_ fuo Iaco~o, it contAineth n.othing repugnant to other Scriptures; and it [avou– ?u;m t{.~ej t reth oftbe Genius ofthe Gofpel, as we{l as other Writings of the A– 'i1fJ. 14 o. r e ftn '!oftles; llnd.though befum~th to mak$ little mentionofChrift and-, ' - . . - ~

The P·R 1 r A c E- to the whole Epifile. · theGQ/pd,]et'ifyou co'IJjider it more throughly, you will finde ma– ny p~JJages /ofJk.jng that WIIJ; The Epiftle of Paul to Philemon, h~th been hitherto r;eputedCanonical,yet it trutteth not of the me– rits and death ofChrift; I confefs th-e flile Which the Apoftle u(eth is more rouzing , much of the Epiftle concerHing the carnal He– brews, as Welt as thofe that had takfn upon themfelves the profeffi– on ofChrift; in fhort it bath a force .Hpm the confcicnce, And is not •niydeliveredby the Church, but foaled up to onr ufe and comfort by the Holy Ghoft, as other Scriptures are; ~IWt:U written b] an A– poftle as otherEpiftles tak£n into the Canon,fls the inj~ri~tion fheW– eth; and there u tJo rea/on 'WhJ We fhould doubt of thu tttle, more -,hen ofPauls name before his EpiJUes: ~tu true, there Were Jome jpuriom Writings that carried the names ofthe Apoftles,cu the Acts ofAndrew,theLiturgyof S.James,theCanons oftheApofiles,Luk_es Hiftory ofthe Acts ofPan\ and Tecla, Marks life of Barnabas,Jhe· , Gofpel ofPaul. But aft the(e by the j?tft hand of God h.adfom_e m~rk.. 6finf(lmy imprej[ed upon them,.by. the e?'}jorcement ofm.1.tters [11/fe w ridiculBUJ, or contrar7. to t.he truth ofDoClrine, or HiflDrJ. But thu Epi{tie bath nothing contrary to the truth of Religion, nor unbe.feeming the gravity ()fit, and the majefly ofother Scrip– tures; therefore upon the whole We maypronounce, that it being, reprefented to u.s with thefe lldvantllgt.s, it hath a juft title to '-our re[pe~ and belief, and jhould be received in the Church . 'With the fame efleern and reve*.nce which we bear to other.Scri– ptures. Secondly, Coneern-ir~g th-e fubordinate- Author lames, ~there is fame contrrwerjie abof!Jt ft~tting the right perfon, wh9 he 'Was ; in. the genera/l #tu certain he WIU an .Apoft/e; no Epiflles but theirs being received irttf} the rule ofF~tith; and •tu no prejudice that he. flileth himfelfe the fervant of the Lord;for fo dothPaul often; M We · ~ltprove anon in the explication of the fir{t Vtrfe.But now among_ the dpoftles, there Were t.'Wo calledby thu m1me ofJames, James · the fon ofZebedee,and James thefon ofAlpheus; Many of the An- . cients indeed thought there Were three of this name;Jacobus major, Wl . 1 . or ofZebedee; Jacobns minor, or of Alpheus; andJ ames the br.o- ~end;~cd1 b~ ~her ofthe Lord, cfliledalfo n Chobliham, or Oblias , or J ames the (:Lemens, JUI1, whom they.thought not t~ beanApofile, but Bitbop ofJeru- ~oJu) id.;d,i! falem. Jerom calletk himdecimum tertium Apofiolum , the thir- c, J'1x.cuoa-J n 1 t·'C.enth Apoftle iN Ifai. lib. 5. c~tp. 7• Dorothcus rn:.dzeth him one By Ep!phanius of the feventy, the firft in hu Catalogue, but witbout rea{on, .7iix_cri:-id r...rf.:( , A 3 .Fo ·

The Pa :&FA c • to the whol~ Epifl:le. b And no F_orjndeed_rher~ Were but b twoJam~..s, thulatter J amcs being more are theJame Wtth ht~n of Alpheus; for pi11mly the hrother of the Lortl rcck·)ned byd is reekf;ned among the Apojiles, Gat I. I 9· ~tnd c~Jlcd aPillar ctem ens an G 1 Jh . ll d b f ' E~fb ;us, yea a.2.9. ~nu etsc.~. . e the :othero theLord,becaufehe\V.ui~ by the Swp· that FamdJ, to "Whtl:h Chrift waJ numbered ;fame {uppofe hu ture, among Mothers Siftersfon, tbefon ofMary ofOeopbas,Wha WM Sifter to the Apufiles ; the Vi,rl7in • nawCleophas and Alpheus u all one cM a leArned {; M 0 ' ' cc an~t·~/i~ Aut_h~r_ fuppo{eth, th1ugh Ju?ius cofjtritdiaeth it in Epifl. Jud~ ~· 17 1 8. fub mitlo: eA"nd Rabanus fasth, after the death ofAlpheus foe c Her/Jert marriedCleophas: But however it be,thu James u the fome;Vfhich 7'hormli_ke. ~f · u e-nough for our purpo(e. Well thm, there being twa,to Which of ~e Prumttve thefe is the Epift!c to be afcribed? The Whole ftream ofAntiquit] of~h~~l~1~~~~. carrieth it for th_e Brother of the L,ord, 'Who (M I [aid) 'utbe fame pag. xx,x~)13 with J acobus mmor, or the fon of Alpheus; and with goodre~fon, w~o difcu{fetn the }on of Zebedee being l~ng before beheaded by Herod from the ~~;~em~t~i;l~ ve?/egin:;ng ofdtbhe pfre~t;hing tJt the Gof}el,1~Ct.s 1fc2.2. B~~thu ~ . f'.cr Ef1;•1e mu;• nee s eo a111tter t~tfte, a4 altuitmg ta omepaJ1 t~ges ,au~ a IOn. t d · d · h 1 · ,f' h h h h· h a rea 9' 'Wntten, an nutmg t e aegenertlltton 6; t e.9 urc , w ~c wM not fo very prefently. There are fome few indeed af another d f b. Judgment, M Flavius Dcxter,Julius Toietanus,Didacus Dazor, ar.d N . :~b~r~t~ tJthers cited by d Eufebius Ndrembergius, a SpAnijh Jefuite, who d/~riviae sa~ alfo bringeth the Authority of 11n t~ncient Gattifh Mif[.tl to this cr.e sc;iptmx~ purpofe, together with Reafons to prove thu ta be the jirfl New lib, u.cap.xs Tef!amtnt Scripture that wasWritten, andall ta devolve the ho16•1'1·,xsj19• nour of the Epiflleupon the Spanijb .~aint Jacob~s major; Which' . yet u contrary ta the Decree ofthe Trent Council, which afcribet~ it to J ames the Brother of the Lord. Well tbm, James the lefs u the perfon Whom We have found 'to be _the Inf!r'!ment which the Sptrit of (jodmarle ufe of to convty tbu treafure to the Church. , J'vf uchmay be (aid ofhim, but I foal! contri4Cl Pl!l inta a brieffum : e cl~{{!15:)1 b• He w.u by his private Calling an c Husbandman, b; publique Of– 'p~f,0;11;,~6t .. jice in the Church an Apoflle, and ejpeci~lly ca/Jed to the infP_eClio~ ofthe Church inand about Jerufalem, etth" becaufe of hu eme– nepcy and tJear relation ta Chrift, o.r for the great efteem he had gaine d 11mong the !ews; and therefore when the other Apoftles were going to and fro dij{cminating the Word of Life, J ames u of– ten found at Jcrufalem; fee G:ll.I. I 8,T9.Atl:.r.r4,~I. & I).&c. For ht:s temper, ·he w.u of ri n t·xaU j?: riElnefs, exceeding juft . and 1 kerefore calledOblias, and J ames the Jufl; y ea fo jLlfr, th.Jt Jof<:– phns m;tk.;th the vialei~Cc offer-ed ta bim to be one of the cat<~fes of · · the

The P~t.E JACE ·to the whole Epiflle. the Jewijhrume. Jofepb. Antiq lib.10. cap.t6. Of fo gru1t tem– perance, th~rt he tir~tnk... neither Wine nor jlrong drink_, and~te No fofh. So pious, that hu kneel were mttde lib,e 11 Cammels hoofby . . / frequent prayer: liis death hAppenedfix]~llrs before tha~ of Pe– ter, thiri.J eightyeArs before thAt ofJohn, tn the jixtj th1rdyear ofChriS1, if Chrot~ology be true: He dyed a~Marty~; thq wc~ld hAve him perfwade the people to abandon the Do£lrme of Chrsff, Which when he reft4ed, and pre./[cd the tfNite contrary, he was thrown down from apinnACle of the Temple, ~tnd hu brains dafoed tmtwitha Fu!lersclub,andfogaveupthe ghoft. See thcfethings Jet forth At large by Eufebius, lib.2. cap.z3. & ibi cicatos. Thirdl], For the TimeVPhm thu Epiftle was Written, it cannot he exailly fttt.ted: •ris placed firfi among the Catholique Epiftles, either as Jirft Written~ 'or firfJ received into the C11non, though in ~he rankjng ofit there be ~t, varief.J: In the Greek,. Bibles it fujfain– eth thefame place which we ajfign tl it, Some think.,the Epiftle of Peter was firft 'Written: But in fo great an Hnctrtainty who can ~ determine any thing L {ertain we .fire, that it was Written after that Hereftn werejomewhat grown, and beforeJerufalemdrew to its end; Jo; what St. James thrMten~th, St. Paul ta~eth notice fJf f Ex&ztata fuit - ;~,s accomplifoed, I Thef. 2. I 6. (If the people ofthe Jews, temport Apoftu , hefaith, Wrarh is (:ome upon them, its" -r~ Tilt~;to the uttermolt, ftolorum op·ni11~ which is denounced in {hap•.5, ofour Apojfllf'. The critical Rea- fltfftce~ folai!J der, th~et wottld m~re of the time andorder ofthis Epif!le, 1 fit de1fl1.t; fa!u< ,r: E r b" N . b . b d 0 . . tm o" .nw re 1 er to u1e IU! .euem ~rgms, li .1 I. e ngine Sacrx Scnp- darn, ji 11 et turx,)cap.I5·- maxime bona Fourthly, The Perfons to whom he.'Wrote arefpecified in the opera' ntglige.– firfl Verfe .To the twelveTnb~s;&c. Which \\Je jb11ll explain anon; rentur '. ~~'IZtra l . j ,.n:;. fi .. L r; h h . h h. fi.' b .r: q•~amllpzmg?Jrm et zt I!.JUMcc or !;o~·pre1 ent, t .·~t ewr1t~t c ze ") to t o 1 eamong AptJ.flolicte E . them that Wtre gazned to thefaztiJ ofChr1{1, thoughthere be many pi(Jo!z Petri, ]'Affages inter{perfed which do concern the u11believing Jews: fee Joh~nnis, J:t.. Chap.s. v.t . ll.ndthc Rrafons ther-e -11./ledgcd iiJ the Expojition. cob1.• Judz. p;r. hi F h fi dr , . h maxzme dtrtc z 1 t _t.J, or t e occa ron,matter an 1cope, you m9 tat<! zt t ~ : gunt i?ztt?Jtio- (e.rtalnly onegreat occajon was that whzch f Aufbn tak._eth notzce nem J;t ve!Je .. •f, .to wit, the growth of that Opinion in rh~ ApoHies days, That ammttr adflm· abate naked faith was enough to Salvation thouoh good works a iJt .fidtmjm Were' "-"gl~4 d ~-7" ' l h t· r. h 'h. 0 d b opmbus mh:t .... ~-ce , .L zs c ear t &t 1 ome J f4C t mgwtts crye up ?] . d iF A the School of Simon: N o_wSamaria,being nigh to J erulalem, ~ur ):~. ~·etFid~~t Apoftlt., infjefli~n W>fJ rmfl'.J confined to thofe {hurchu, Operibus!: might.

The P REFAcE to the whole EpifHe. might rather then others tak_e notice of it. But thu concerneth hut a part ofthf Epiftle; the more general occa{ion, was the great degeneration of faith and manners, a1!Jd the growth of Lilnrtine DoE1riMes ; as about Gods being the Author at fin, the fufficiency of empty faith andnaked profeffion,&c. When the 'World was new– ly p!owed andfewed wi1h the Gof}et, theje tares came up togetker with the good Corn: As alfo to comfort Gods childrenPlgainft the virJlence ofthe perfocutions then e:t:ercifcd upon them, ~md tp awa. k_en the men of hu own Nation out of their ftupidfecurity, 'Judg– ments being evm.:et the door,and they l'l.ltogether fen(lefs: There– fore the whole Epi{fle u fraught with excellent Inflruaions, how to bear afHitl:ions, to hear the Word, to morcifie vile affeCtions, trJ _bridle the tongue,toconceive rightly of the Nature of God,toadorn our profeffion with~ good converfa'tion, with meeknefs,and peac~, and charity ; finally, how to behave our (elves in the time of ap– proaching mifery: AUthcfo and many other Doarines are[clf.tttr~ ed throughout the Epiflle, fo that Jou m~]foe 'tis exceeding ufo– fulf~r th#{e times. Sixthly, ConGerning the Title, Catholick or General Epillle, which is the Title given all the {e'Zien latter Epi/Ues, I anfwcr, I~ fome Copies •ti> ~ctvovt~n,Canonical; but probablJ that's 11n Error: Wl;y theN Catholick? Mlf.nJ Reafons are given: Oecumenius, .fln.dout ofhimBeza, think.§th 'tis becaufe they were not-infcribeJtfl an1 particular N.ztion or (ity, 40 Pauls are to Rome, Corinth, &c. But this holdeth not in al!,fome ofJohns being dedicated to private perfons)to Gaius, and the Elect Lady, and then there muft be more thm{cvm, that to the Hebrews being direaed to the fame perfons tfJ which Peter and J ames Wrote theirs; fome foy, becaufe they cong Ecdfi.t .._.(,.. tain Univerfal Doctrine, or the publique Treafure ofthe Univerfal t;; s_ has t.;ij1o- Church: But that \Vo;t!dfeem to derogate from the other Epi.ftles, l-u Carmzr .u and to prefer tbefe before them. Pareus thinketh they were meer!y & Cathultc,u d r; L • 1 ,a -b 'l h PP'f'!l,tvit , itolz call: 1o t?) _an _znconfiae_rate cufl~m: But moJ• prv_~r:J 7~ e rea- ~1t a!iiJ auid- fon zs to vtndJcate thezr authenttck_nefs, and to diftmguijh them q1tam (ldit.~J:ra,from the Epifiles of Barnabas, Jgnatius Clemens, and Polycarp, ·fed u! fMo _i '!u• Which though ~ncie?Jt,never made ·up any part of the Rule of F11itb, ' ~~~;;:·~ 1~1i~-•·,<~.· and g{o not to dtrogate from the oth~r EpijUes, but to joyn thefe '""·u· .rn.w 1 1 h,r h" ·r d 1 b G d ,rr.a h d'' a.s ad}mgmr,totmm_. T_eJct mgspremt.Jt, come') fJ ltl;;lpan~eto an &e Jun ius in the Epij}leztfelf. IuJ:an,p. a5. AN

VERS.l. 'AN EXPOSIT£0N · WITH N 0 T E S, Upon the EP Is T LE of J A M E S. CHAP. L , J A M E s I. Ver.f. r. \ rames,aServantoj qod, andoftheL()rd Jefm Chrift, to the twelve TribesWhich are jcatteredt~broad, greeting. A ,~u E S, ] There were two of this ~~~D::Lb~,~1 ... ~ Name, the fon ofZebedee, and the fon of Alphem; the latter is_ the Author of this .. Epifile, as in the Prefatory difcourfe on the title,more-fully appeareth; (A ofGo4,) the word J'~'"@- is fomecimes put I .. iJ~~.._, ~~c.!lll to imply an abjetl: and vile condition , as that of a flave or Bond. man , fo the '-- Apo.file Pau/ when he faith * bond or free • Gal. 3, l 8. are all otte in Chrift; for bondhe ureth the word J'~"&-; and this gr.~tApofile thinketh it an honor to be J'!S;..@-,rhe fervant ofGod; Th~ lowefl Miniflry andOffice about hon~urable, , B But

VE R S.J. An Expojition, With Notes lomm. But why not ApoHle? GrotiU& fl;lpp,Bfetb ther-eafon~o be, becau[e neither James the fon ofZ ebeJee, nor [ames of Alpheu~,was the Author of this Epifile, but fome third [amcs; not an ApofHe, but Prefidcm of the Presbytery at Jerufalem; hut that we haw: difprovt:d in the Preface. I anfwer therefore,he mentioneth not his Ap:>fildhip ; 1. Bt:caufe there was no need,hebcingeminent in the opjnion and repute ofthe Churches ; thtrefore Paulfaith., he was accounted a PrJlar and main Colume of the Ch;ift:ian Fait.h,G..z-1. 2·9· Paut, whofe Apofilelhip was el'lviouOy que!l:ioned; avol:lCA~th it often. 2. Paut himfelf doth not in every Epifile c~ll himfelf an Apofile; fomerimes hisfiile is, P~ula Prifoner of Jefm Chrijf, Philem.v. I. fometimes,Pat~! aSer_vant ofChri.ft,Phil.r.I. fame– times nothing but his name Paul is prefixed, as r Thef. I. I. and 2 Thef. I. 1. it followeth (and ofthe Lord J-efm Chri{f.) Some take both thefe claufes in aconjoyned fence, as applyed to the fame / perfon, and read it thus, A Servant ofJefm Chrift who is God and Lord; as indeed this was one of the places urged by the Greek Fa– thers for the God-head cif (hrift ag~infi the Arrians.But our read– ing, which dif- joyneth the chufes, is to be~preferred, as being leafl: firained, and more futable to the Apofiolical Infcriptions; neither is the dignity of Chrifl hereby impaired, he being propofed as an objeCl: ofequal honour with the Father; and as the F~ther is Lord as well as J efus Chrifr, .fo JeftlS ChriLl: isGod as well as the Father. Well then,James is not only(i,iJds Servant by thertght of Creation and Providence, bat CtJrifts Serv.:mt by t~e· right of Redemption ; · yea, efpecially deputed by Chrifi as Lord, that is, as Mediator and Head of the Church, to do him fervice in the way of an Apofile : And I fuppore there is fome fp.edal Reafon of this dif- junttion, A Ser111'ant of God and of Chrift, to thew his Country men, that in ferving Chrijl he ferved the God of his Fathers, asPattl pleaded, ~ A-c1s 26.6,7. that in ftanding for Chrifi, he did but fiand for the ' hope of the promife maJeu~<Jto the Fat hers, unto which promifc the twelve Tribei,ferving Godday and night, hope to come. It follow– eth in the Text(to the tWelve Trib-es)that is,to the Jews and Peo– ple ofJfrael,chieBy thofe co~verted to the Faith ofCbri.O:; to thefe James writeth, as the Mini{fer of the Circumcifion, Gal.2.9. And he writeth not in .Hebrew, their own Tongue,hut inGreu/( , as be– ing the language then moll in ufe, as the Apofile 1'~ul writed1 ,tQ the Romans in the fame Tongue, and not in the Lll,in-;{whith'are · · ·- fca~tered

Ci!..\P.I. upon the Epbjlle rif JAM li s. VElt.S.r. flattered .<tbroad,) in r~e origimat Til~ e,y, ":'! hd.-~'7foej., .to thofe which are in or ofthe dtlperfion. But what ~cattermg or dtfperfion is here intended ? I anfwer, I. Either tha-t which was occauoned by their ancient Captivities, and t~e f~equent changes of Nations, . for fo there were fame Jews.that ihllltved abroad, fuppofed to be intended in that expreffion, John 7. 35. WJ!l he go to the difperfed Atl:s s. 1, among the Gentiles ? Or 2· More lately by the perfecution fpoken of in the eighth of the Atls: Or 3• By the hatred of Claudim, who commanded ~ all the Jews to depart from Rome, Atls 18. 2 .. And ~cis probable that the like was done in other great Cities ; the Jews, and amongO: them the ChriO:ians being every where cafi out, as John out ofEphefm,andothers out of Alexandria. Or 4· Some voluntary difperfion, the Hebrews living here and there among the Gentiles ahttle gefore the dedenfion and ruine of their State, fome in Ciltcia, fome in P·ontus, &c. Thus the ApofHe Peter writeth, I 'Pet. I. I, To the flrdngersfcattered through6ut Pontu.s, Cafp?Z· docia,Aft~t,and Bithyni~t, [xaifHV greetingJ An urual falutatton, but not fo frequent in Scripture. Cajetan thinketh it prophane and Paganilh,and therefore quefrioneth the Epi.file, but unworthily; we find the fame lalutation fornetimesufed in holy Writ, as to the Virgin M ary, Luks I. a8. x ri1f~ (the fame word that is ufed here) Hail thou that art highly favored. So ACls I )·23· The Apoflles, ~mdElders, llnd,Brethren{end ( x~Xi~HV) greeting to the 'Brethren whichareof the Gentiles. U(ually'cisGrace, Mercy and Peace, but fame timesGreeting. · · Obf~rvations out ofthis Verfe are thefe : I. From that,rames a Servant ofGod, he was Chrifls near kinf– man according to the flelh, and therefore by an Hebra.ilin called 3 The Brother ofthe Lord, Gal. I. 19. not properly and firicHy, as . rofephs fon (which yet was the opinion of fome of the -le Ancients) * ~~Jlb!tH by.a former Marria~e, but his Couzin. Well then, James t~e Lords ~~~~~~;t;:r~ Kznfman, calleth h1mfelf the Lords Servant: The Note ts, That fen & othe;s.' inw.ardpriviledges are the beft and moft honorabfe, and fPtritual ) kjn 'is to be preferred before Jldary was happier, Geftando Chriftum corde quam utero; in having Chriil'in her heart, rather then her womb; and {~tmes in beingChrifis Servant,thenhis Brother: Heat Chri!l: himfelf fpeaking to this point, Mat.t 2.47.48,49• When one told him,.Be.hBld,t hy mathersilrl'd t 1:1) brethren ( with~ omde(iring tojp~aiJtw.ith thee.ChriO: anfwercd,who umyiWQther? B 2 · • nd

4 V.E.RS.r. .AnExpo/itio•. withNottJ CH.A.P.r.' andwhoare 'my Brethren r Andhe ftretched forth hu handto hu • Di(cipla~ andfaid, Behold, my Mother and 111) Brethren; For whofocver foall ao the wi/!6[ m; Father which is in .heaven, the fame is my Brother, Sifter '!nd Mother. The trueft relation to Chrifi is founded in grace, and we are far happier in receiving him hy faith, then in touching him by Mood; and he chatendeavors to do his Will, may be as fure of Chri.fis love and efieem, as ifhe were linked to him by the nearefi outw:trd relations, Obfervat, 2. 2· 'Tu no dijhonour to the higheft to be Chrifts Servant: 'jame.r~ whomPaul calleth aPillar, calleth himfelf a Servant o{Chrift; and Dav;da King [aith,Pfalm 48.1o. I had rather In a docr-k_tep- – er in the houfe ofmy God,then dwell in the tents ofWickfdnefs. The office of the Net hinims, or door-keepers in- the Temple, was the lowefi; and therefore when thequdl:ion waspropofed, whlt thry lhould do with the .Levites that had warped from God to Idols, God faith, Thq [hall bear their iniquity, that is, they !halt be de– graded, an~ employed in the lowefl: Offices and Minifl:ries of the Temple,wh1ch was to beporters anddoor-k.feperJ, fee E~e~4+ to, JI ,I 2,q. Yet faith David, I had rather be ll dr;or~k.§cper; car– nal honour and greatnefs is nothing to this. Paul was an Hebrew o(the Hebrews, Phil. 3. 5. that is, ofan ancient Hebrew Race and Extraction ; there being,to tbe memory ofman,noTrofelite in his Family, or among his Ancefl:ors; which was accounted a very great honour by that Nacio'n:yet faithP.ud,I count all a-"o/jd.Mdung and dogs-meat in cotnparifon of an interefi in Chrift, Phi!. 3. 8. · Ohflr7.Mt. 3· 3• The highdl: in repute and office in the Church yet,are fiill but fervants. James aj(rvant. I Cor.4. I. Let aman account ofus, M of Miniflers ofChrijl-. The fin of Corinth was man-worlhip, in giving an excefs of honour and refpect to -thofeTeachers whom.they admtred, fetting them up as heads qf Factions, and giving up their Faith to their dictates: The Apofile feeketh to reclaim them from that error, by lhewing th:H they are not Maflers, but Miniflers; Give them the honour ofa Mimfl:cr and Steward : But not that de– pendance which is due to the Mafier onely. See z Cor. I. 24. We h.::~ve not dominion over your faith, but are he/pert ofyour joy: Wcarc not eo prefcribe articles of Faith , but explain them. So the Apofl:le Peter bi·ds the Elders not to behave themfdves M lords. over Guds herita,e;e, I Pet. 5. ~. not to rnafrer it over their Con– fdences. Our work is meer fervice,and we canbut per[w11de, Chrifl: mufl:

CHAP.I. upon the Epiflle of JAM E s, VBRS,I, muil: impofe upon the Confcience. ~ris Chrifl:s own advice to his Dtfciplcs in Math. 23· 13. Be not ye called Maffers, for one u 7our M after, even Chrift. All the auth~rity an~ fuccefs of our teaching is from onr Lord. We can prefcrtbe nothmg as necdfary to be beleeved, or done, which is not according to his Will, or Word. In f11ort, we come not in our own name, and mufi not act 5 wich' reipetl: to our own ends, we are fervants. ' 4· A fervant ofGod, and efJefm Chrift.J In all fervices, we Obfcrvat. + mufl honour the Father, and tl.e Son 11/fo: Joh.) 23· God will h,"'/Ve all to honour the Son, M they honour the Fat her : that is, God will be honoured and worlliipped onely in Joh. 14. r. Ye beleeve in God, beleevea!fo in me. Beleeving is the .Bighefi Worlliip, and refpect of the creature; you mufi give it to the Son, to the fecond perfon as Mediator, as well as to the Father. Doduties fo as you may honour Chrifl in them, and fo Firfi, Look for their acceptance in Chrifi. Oh, it would be fad ifwe were only to look to God the Father in duties l hid himCelf, and durfi not come into the prefence of God, till the pro– mife ofChrifi.The Hypocrires cryed,lfa.33.14.Who fhall dwell with confuming fire. Guilt can form no other thought of God by look– ing upon him out of Chrifi, we can fee nothing but Majefiy armed with wrath and power. But now ~cis faid, Eph. 3· 12. That in Chrift we have accefs with boldnefs and confidence. For in him thofe attributes, which are in themfelves terribk, become fweet and cop1forrable, as water, which is falc in the Ocean, being firain– ed through the earth, becometh fweet in the Rivers; that in God, which ouc of Chrifi firiketh terror into the foul, in Chrifl begers a confidence. - --- Secondly, Look for your affifiance from him. You ferve God in Chrifl, when you ferve God through Chrifi, Phi!. 4· I 3· I can do all things, through Chrift that fircngt!:;cneth me. When your own hands are in Gods work, your eyes mufi be to Chrifrs hands forfupportinit, Pjit.I23.2. Astheeynoffervants look_ to the h~nds of their ,mafters,o<-,c. youmufl: go about Gods work,_ with hts own tools. _ ~hirdly, When ye have an eye to the concernments of Jefus'fi in all your' fervice of Godt 2 Cor. 5· 14- We muft live to htm that dfdfor m ; not onely toGod in the_ general, but to him, toGod that dfdfor iu : You mufi fee how you advance hii King- , B 3 dom,

6 VERS.t. AnExpojititm, with Ndtn dom, propagate his truth, further the glory ofChrifr as Mediator. -. Fourthly, When all is done for Chrifis fake: InChrifr God hath a new claim in you, and ye are bought with his blood, that ye may be his fervants; under the Law the great: argument to obedience was Gods Soverai[Jzty, ·rhus and thus ye tball do, I am the Lord ; as Levit. I!J. 37• and in other plac{'s. Now the argumen~ is Gra– titude, Gods Love, Gods Love in Chrifi, the Love of Chrift con– firainet hm, 'l Cm·. 5. 1 + The Apofile often perfwades by chat motive, Be Gods fen•ants for Chrifis fake. Obflrvat. 5. 5. To the tWelve tribes which ~tre fcattered abrMd.] God looks after his afflicted fervants, he moverh Jam et to write to the flattered tribes : The care of Heaven flourijheth towards you, _ when you wither. A man would have thought thefe had been clriven away fromGods care, when they had been driven away from the Sanauary . Ezek. 1I. 16. TbuJ jtiith the Lord, though I have caft them far off among the Heathen, and have flattered them among the Countries; yet will I be to them tU a little San• Ruary in the places where they come : Though they wanted the ~emple, yet God would be alittle Sa~~au-~,ry. He Jooksafter them to watch their fpiri;s, that he may apply feafonable comforrs, and to watch their adverfaries to prevent them with feafonable orovi– dencc.s. He looketh afcer them to watch the feafons of deliverance, that he maygather her that Wt'A driveH out, Mica.7.6. And make Mal. 3· 17· up hujewels, that feemed to be careleOy fcatcered, and lofl. Obfervat. 6· 6. Gods own· people may be difJ erfed, and driven from their Countries and habitations: God ,hath his our-cafls, he faith to Moab, Pity my out-earls: And theS:hurch complains, Our inhe– ritance i; turned to ftr.;t.ngers, Lam. 5. 2. Chrifi himfelf had not where to lay his head, and the Apofile tells us offome, of whom the . world "W.u not worthy, that they wandred in defarts ,a;admountains, and woods,and caves. Mark,theyWandered ith' woods,('cis Chry~ ch;y[uJl . in foftom's note,) ti,Md, ~ bt~.~ ov1~~ ~'Psu/'ov, the retirement aqd privacy Heb 1 1.~ap. of the wildernefs clid not yeeld them a quiet and fafe abode. So in AUs .8. 4· We rc:ad of the Primitive Beleevers, that they Were fca ttered abroad every where. Many of the children of God in thefe times have been driven from their dwellings; but you fee we haveno reafon to think the cafe ftrange. Obfer7Ntt, 7• 7· To th.e twel~e. ~rik~s \vhich .are fcatter~d abroad.] There was fomethmgmore mthelr fcattermg the[)-ordmary : They were a