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i94 S E R M 0 N S upon Serm.XXV11, SERMÓN XXVII:, ROM. VIII. 2o. For the creature was made fubjei to vanity, not willingly, but by rea- fon of him who bath fubjebled the fame in hope. E R E is the reafon why the creature waiteth with earneft expe&ati- on for the confummate (late of the faithful ; becaufe it is for the pre- lent in a difordered elate, fubjeft to vanity. In the words three things. I. The prefentElate of the creature. 2. The manner how it came into that efiate: 3. The hope of getting out of it. Dot1. The creature is made fubjetJ to vanity, for mans fin. Here I Shall enquire, I. In what fenfe the creature is made fubjefl' to vanity. 2. The manner how it came into it. 3. The reafon why the innocent creature is punifhed for mans fin. I. In what fenfe the creature is made fubjetl to vanity. In feveral refpe &s. Firft, put by the order of its natural eflate, or much of that harmonious and perfeet condition wherein God difpofed ir. The perfe&ion and harmony of the world, is often now diflurbed by tempefis, inundations, diflempered weather, penitential airs, and noxi- ous fogs and vapours ; whence come plagues, and famine, and murrains, and other difeafes. The world is a Theater whereon much fin and manychanges, have been a &ed for thoufands of years ; not only among men , but much deftru &ive emnity is to be found among elements themfelves, and a mutual invafion of one another ; for the con- federacies of Nature are in a great meafure loaned, though not altogether diffettled. This is the vanity of diforder. 'Tis very obfervable, that when God cometh to pun- i(ha people or aNation for their fins,the Prophets exprefs it as if the whole Creation were to beput into a rout and diforder : as when Babylon Dearu &ion is threatned, Ifa. 13. I 7. 1 will (hake the heavens, and the earth ¡hall remove out of its place in the day of his fierce anger : and it (ball be as a chafed roe, and afheep whom no man taketh up ; fo Ifa. 33. 9. The earth mourneth and languifheth; Lebanon is afhamed and hewed down; Sharon is like a wilclernef : Bafhan and Carmel (hake of their fruits; fo Ifa. 34. 4. When God threatneth the Idumeans, and other enemies of the Church ; 'tis laid, all the hoafl of Heaven fhall be difolved, and the Heavens fhall be rolled together as of roll,and all their hoaff fèall fall down al a leaf falleth off from the vine, and as a falling leaffrom the figtree: for my finord fhall be bathed in Heaven : It (hall come down upon Idumea, and upon the people of my curte, to Judgment : it was but a particular judgment, yet the expreffions carry it, as if the whole Univerfe were to be put into a diforder ; for by the fin of man came all thole mutations which we fee in the world. On the contrary, you (hall fee in the promifes, the Scripiture (peak as if the whole Creation were to be reflored,when man is reduced to God. I (hall only in(lance in that, Ifa. g r. 16. I have put my words in ehj mouth, that I may cover thee in the fbadow of mine hand, that I may plant the heavens, and lay the foundations of the earth, and fay unto Zion, Thou art my people. Implying, that if mankind were better, the marks and prints of the curie would ceafe and bequite ex- tingui(hed; there would not be luch diforder in the creature as now appearetb: but it