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i96 'cis given : God never gave the creatures fo to man, fo as to difpoffefs himfelf. The fupreme -right [till remaineth in him 5 and our grant was not a total alienation from God, for that is impofïible, unlefs the creature were put into an abfolute fate of in- dependency. No, God referved an intitefl fill, that all thefe things Ihould be ufed for his glory. To pafs over this right any other way, is inconfifient with the wifdom of God, and the nature of the creature, Rom. le. 36. All things are of him, and through him, and to him, to whom be glory for ever and ever. This quit -rent God referveth to himfelf for all his bounty, that we tbould honour him and acknowledg him in all that we are, have, and do, a Cor. io. 13. Whether ye eat, and drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God. Well then, thefe things being premifed, we than the better Rate the vanity to which the creature is made fubje& for mans fin : vanum efi quod excidit fine fuo. That is vain which faileth in its ufe'S now the ufe is to ferve man in- nocent, and to promote Gods 'Glory 5 therefore the creatures if they had reafon, it would be a grief to ferve Gods enemies, and to fach vile ufes as they abufe them. t. 'Tis a part of their vanity, that they are made to ferve man in a Hate of corruption, and the molt wicked of the kind, that refufe to come out of the Apoltacy and de- fection from God : the creatures naturally take the part of the Creator, are to be accounted friends, or enemies to us, as God is 5 for the Scripture fpeaketh of them, as involved in his league and covenant, yet they are forced to ferve thole whom they are appointed to pnnifh. God caufeth his Sun to thine on the good, and the evil 5 and caufeth his Rain to fall upon the jtift, and unjuft. To ferve wicked mens turns with whom they are at no peace. ris an' old and a vexed quetlion, What right and intereft wicked men have in the creatures ? As much as needeth to be now fpokeu to it, may be comprifed in thefe propofitions. r. Man never had the right of an abfolute and fupreme Lord, but only of a flew - ard and a fcrrant; the fupreame and original right was in the Creator, but the fub- ordinate and limited right was in man; who had nothing abfolutely his own, but was to ufe all for God, to whom he was accountable; all things are ours for God; nothing is properly and ultimately our own. 2. Upon the fall,man loft the right of a fery int 5 for when the lirft Charter was broken, the rights that accrued thereby were loft, and by lapfe forfeited into the hands of the true Owner again. 3. Tho the right of a fervant was forfeited and loft, yet God was pleated out ofhis patience and indulgence to continue fat en man the ufe and benefit of the creature5aod tome . kind of right to them A civil right, and providential right. Firtt, a civil right, as Nabals (beep were laid to to his Cheep, r Sam. 25.4,And he is a thief that fhould have ftoln them from him : a man is a thief before God and man, that robbeth a wicked man : Rill we have fuch a right to the creatures that our fellow - fervants may not take from us without our Lords confent : Secondly, A providential right, as God puts them into our hands by the fair allowance and difpofure ,of his providence, Pfal. 17.14. They have their portion in this life : Thou frllefi their bellies with thy hid treafure. So Jet 27. 5. I have given it to whom it feemeth meetunto me. Corn, houles, lands,goods, cattel. He that bath an abfolute right and interett in the creature, may difpole it . at his pleafure. 4. Though they have a civil and providential right, yet they have not a filial and evangelical right, for that is by Chrift. in him all things are ours, e Cor. 3. 22. All things areyours, and you are chrills, and thrift is Gods 5 and with him he bath given us all things, Rom. 8. 32. and'tis Paid, r Tim. 4.3, 4. That every creature of God is good, and created to be received with thanks giving of them that believe, and know the truth. Thefe are heirs of promife who have right by Chrift. 5. The Evangelical right is that which fanílifieth the creature to us, and fo thereby the creature may more comfortably ferve us, our right being refioted by Chrift, r Tim. 4. 4. The creature is fandtfred by the word and prayers the more we believe, and ac- knowledg God in Chrift, the more comfortable ufe of the creature : whereas unre- generate men who have forfeited the right of a Reward, ufe the creature as if they had the right of a Lord : ufe goods, lands, moneys, as their own , and given to them for themfelves, and not for God: and this is a part of the vanity the creature -is fubje l unto. 2. The creatures are often im?loyed as inRruments to fulfil our lulls, which in their original SERMONS upon Serm.XXVIJ.