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VeC. 2 0. the 8th Chapter to the ROM A Ìi1 S. 97 original ufe were intended for Gods glory ; and fo God is difhonoured, rather than glorified by them. Some abufe the creatures to pride in apparel, forne to glottony,and drunkennefs; fome to bate fparing : whereas thofe that would be good Stewards for God,thould uCe wholly what God bath put into their hands for Gods glory that the creature may not be turned from the end and ufe for which it was firft Made , as it is when the provi(ìonsofthislifeareuied, not for ftrength, but for forfeiting, and drunk. ennefs 5 our cloathes not for warmth, but for pride,and wantonnefs ; and the remaind- er and overpius of our Oates imployed in pomp, not in charity. But now when this is little minded, the creature is abufed to our vain ends. 2. The manner how it came into this ¡late of vanity. 'Tis expreffed. I. Negatively and'pofttivey g firft negatively ;xar,7ca not willing, that is, by its own natural propenfron. Voluntarinef is attributed to the fenflefs creature . Eby tranflation from man; and what is againft the natural inclination of the creature; or the ufe for which it was ordained by God, 'tis Paid to be done unwilling. ly; the fiat inflitution of the creature was for Gods glory, and the benefit of man ; and all creatures were fitted for the ufe for which they were made ; and if it beput by its natural ufe, it bath a refer iblance of violence. Therefore if you take vanity for the diforder or perilhing of the creature, you may fay, not willingly ; for all things tend na- turally to their own prefervation 5 and fo what tendeth to its deftrudion, cannot be faid to be done willingly. Or if you take it for falling from its end and ufe, as the fer- vice of wicked men in their lulls ; the creature is not fubjeta to this Bondage willing- ly, but forced to fubmit to it, as the world is nowconftituted. 2. Pofltivey;yrararJ.'aad arri God by his Judgment bath fubje&ed the creattìre to this curfe for mans fin; man as the meritorious, and God the efficient caufe of this vanity, which is brought upon the creature; fo that it is brought upon them by man as a (inner, by God as a Judge.Firft, by man as a firmer; that brought the hereditary and old curie. As the lower world wascreated for mans fake, fo by the jufl Judgment of God the curfe came upon the whole earth for mans fake, Gen. 3: 17, IS. Curfed is the ground for thy fa4e, in f crow (halt thou eat of it all the days of thy lift ; thorns and thifiles a fo jball it bringforth noto thee.This was the original curfe.So for the aáual curie, Prat. ro7.33,34 He turneth rivers into a wildernefr, and the water- f rings into dry ground : a fruitful land into barrennefs, for the wickednefr of them that dwell therein. Barrentiefs or fertility is not a natural accident , but ordered by God for the punifhment of mans fin ; There- fore we fhould lift up our eyes above all natural caufes, and fix them upon God, who chaflifeth men for their unfruitfulnefs towardthim, and punifheth countries wholè plenty bath been infamoufly abufed, and (pent upon their lofts. Secondly, by the will and power of the Creator; he it is who hath the fovereign dífpofal of the creature, and to order it as he pleafeth with refpeet to his own Glory. I. Herein we fee Gods juflice,who by the vanity of the creature would give us a ¡land- ing monument of his difpleafure againi fin ; creatures are not as they were made in their primitive inftitution ; the enmities and deflrudive influences of the feveral crea- tures had never been known, if we had not rebelled aginft God. We fbould never have been aquainted with droughts, and famines,and peftilences,and earthquakes; thefe are fruits of the fall, and introduced by our fin, and by thefe God would thew us what an evil thing fin is, Jer. 2. 19. Thine own wickednef'hall correo' thee, and thy back- Hidingsfliall reprove thee : know therefore and fee, that it is an evil thing, and bitter, that thou haft forfaken the Lord thy God, and that my fear is not in thee, faith the Lord of Hofls. We being in a lower fphere of underftanding, can only know caufes by the effete s; here is an effest, it hath brought misery upon us, and upon the whole Creation. When God looked upon the whole creation, all the creatures were good, Gen. t. 35. very good:. but when Solomon had confidered them, all was vanity, very vain; what is the reaton of this alteration? fin had interpofed. 2. Thepower andfoveraigntj of God ; all the creatures are fubjea to the will of God, even in thofe things which are contrary to their natural ufe and inclination: for there- fore he imployeth them to deftory one another, and man, who bath brought this diforder upon them; if God bid the fire burn, however kindled, what can withfiand its flames? if he bid the earth cleave and (wallow up thofe who had.made a cleft in the congregation of the Lord, the earth prefently obeyeth, Numb. t6. 3r. As he had fpo4en thefe words, the ground clave afunder that was under them, and the earth opened her mouth, and (wallowed them up. So if God bid the Sea fta up like a Mountain and Wall of con- , gelled