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200 SERMONS upon Serm. XXVIII. 3 LI S E, Is to perfwade us to turn our hearts from the creature to God; for the crea- ture is made fubjAl to vanity. They change, but he changeth not, 1 John 2. 17. The wield paffeth away, and the lnfis thereof. These is no true hap - pinefsto be found under the Sun. Surel r they that can fee no vanity, nothing but glory and goodnefs in outward things, Satan bath bewitched them, Matti:. 4. 8. Shall wefix our minds on a reeling world, ever fubjeht to changes? Pfal.83. 13. 0 my God, make them like a wheel, as the (lubble before the wind. Thole things are continually rolled and turn- ed uplide down, as a wheel is unturned and turned, never ftandeth (till in a declevity; the creature is vain, and made more vain by our confidence, Pfal. 3o. 6. In my profperity I Paid, I fhall never be moved. Therefore if we love thecreature,let it be after God,and for God ; not in comparifon with God; if the heart be fet upon worldly things , 'tis bola from better, Pfal. 62.1o. Trull not in oppreff ion, become not vain in robbery; if riches in- ereafe, let notyour heart upon them. God is impatient of a corrival; I am married to you, Jet. 3. 14. Not in exclubon of God : As when we rejoyce in the creature apart bon' God, an heart divided from him, Luke 12. 14. Not in oppotition to God ; as if by the . creature we were able to make our party again(t him. 4. Ü SE Let us Peek after refutation by Chrifl. The Covenant made with God in Chrilt doth fecure us agatnft the hurt of the creature, Jobs. 23. crr thou pit be in a league with the flanes of the field, and the beafls of the fieldfhall be at peace with thee; and Hofea 2. 18. And in that day brill make a covenant for them, with the ée.fl.' of the field, and with the fawls of heaven, and with the creeping things of the ground. t'h, y are Mau,. ded in Gods Covenant, who concerneth himfelf in all our affairs ; the new creature fuit- eth with the new world, li.ev. 21. 5. And he that fate upon the throne, fail, Behold, 1 will make all things new. 2 Cor. 5. 17. Whofoever is in Chrift, is a new creature ; their mer- cies are fweet; come not in Anger, but purchafed; we have a covenanr.tight reftored. 5 Lt S E Is hope: If inanimate creatures are delivered from vanity , much more Saints. Let us bear our burden with patience; the creature was fubjeft to vanity, but it was not their fault, but ours ; obedientially God fubjeeced them ; but God would not leave the world under a perpetual curfe. SE RM ON XXVIIi. ROM. VIII. 21. Becaufe the creature its felf alfo (hall be delivered from the bondage of corruption into the glorious liberty of the children of God. N this Verde the Apoftle (heweth what hope was appointed by God for the creature, which for a while was fubjett tovanity; Becaufe the crea. Sure, &c. In the Words obferve, I. The deliverance alerted, Becaufe the creature its felf alfa (hall be delivered. 2. The terms of this deliverance explained, I. A quo terminus, From the bondage of corruption. 2. Ad quern, Into the glorious liberty of the children of God. t. Afferted ;' ors may be taken cafually, as giving a reafon of the hope, mentioned ; fo- -we render it, becaufe, orfpecificative, as (hewing what kind of hope they have jelled