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I , '002 S E RM 0 N S upon Serm. XXVIII, the Grave ; but the Soul of the Beals goeth downward, Eccl. 3.2 1. that is, peritl with their bodies, which are buried in the ground. 4. All artificial works done by the hand of man, as Cities, Caflles, Houle!, Gardens ; They (hall all be burnt up, and be extant no more for tho thefe things are ufeful during the earthly Life; yet then they are all confutátd, as being defiled by the inhabitants there- of, 2 Pet. 3. l o. The earth alto, and the worts which are therein, Pall be burnt up. That is, which men have made, and built thereupon; which íhould turn our hearts from our affe&ing thofe things, or fixing upon the Creature paffing away, whileft we negleet God, who is the fame that paffeth not. 2. That which (hall be refuted, is the Fabrick of Heaven and Earth ; not the higheft Heavens 3 they need no purifying fire, no unclean things entring there. But the lower Heavens, and this Earth; the State, of things after the Diffolution, is called a World to come often: Now World, in the facred Diale&, comprehendeth the vifible Heavens and Earth: Meaning by Heavens, the airy and (tarry Heaven; and by Earth, dry Land, and Waters. Well then, Heaven and Earth, Sun, Moon, and Stars, which had a be- ing in the Creation, and undergo the purging fire at the diffolution, (hall be reltored as Gold,that bath been melted and refined in the fire: If you ask for what ufe? We mull refer that to the event; the Scripture in the general, 2 Pet. 3. r 3. We expee'I according to his promilee, new heavens and a new earth, wherein dwelleth 'righteoufnefs. Wherein righ- teous men fhallfhave a firm place, and always dwell therein, and exercife righteoufitefs. Whereas this earth is full of wicked and unrighteous then, which then (hall be all in Hell. But the difficulty is about the ufe of this lower World. 1. What if God report it as a monument of his Wifdom, Goodnefs and Power ? An ob je& wherein by the grear beauty of the creature, the juft [hall fee God by refle&ion. 2. What if for the exercife of our delight and gratitude ? To delight the eyes and minds of the Saints; the creatures having a glory and brightnefs put upon them, fome- what proportionable to theirown glorious e(tate. God will make a proportion between the Heir and the Inheritance, the Lord and the Servants , the Habitation and the Inhabitant ; as the Church is altered , fo mutt her dwelling; there Ihall he no- thing in nature difpleafing to the Eyes of Gods Children, but all delightful to all eter- nity. 3. What if to be a Trophy of the final Abolition of Death, the laf enemy that (hall be de. frayed ? The World is now a Monument of Sin, and then of our Redemption, that all the fruit of Sin is done away both in us, and the World. q.. What if to compleat the ftr?i grant of Dominion to man over the creatures? This grant mutt fometimc' or other take place, Pfal. 8. 6. Thou made?! him to have dominion over the work of thine hands ;'thou hall put all things under his feet. 'Tis not done here, therefore in the World to come, as the Apofile fpeaketh, Heb. 2. g. For unto the an- gels path he not put in fubjetlion the world to come. Which World to come, concerneth . the (late of thé Church under Chril,and the (late of Glory after the Refurre &ion; now we have the right, then the poffe(fron ; An eternal Kingdom over all creatures; for Paid of the Saints, that they (hall have Dominion in the morning, and that they fhall reign with Chrift for ever and ever, Rev. 22. g. and of the new Heavens and the new Earth, Rev. 21. 7. He that overcometh fhaU inherit all things, which beareth force fenfe. V S E. It (heweth us three things. 1. The certainty of our Hopes. There is hope that the creature at length !hall be de- livered into a (rate agreeing with the future Glory of Gods Children. Therefore much more is their deliverance to be hoped for, by the Children of God themfelves. For if thefe dumb infenfible things be made partakers of a better elate than they have now; Will not God take care for the recompence of his people ? 2. The excellency of our Hopes. It appeareth hence, what excellency of Glory is re- ferved for the Children of God, lince all the World (hall be refined, and reamed for their fakes; and feeing the Glory of that late requireth the creature fhould be changed, before it can fuit with it. 3. It fhereeth us the manner -of entring into our hopes. As the creature mull be freed from the late of Corruption, before it can partake with Gods Children in any de gree of their glorious Liberty ; fo mull we be changed before we are capable of ir. How changed? Fiel, By Grace. Secondly, By Death: t. We