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Ver.2I. the 8th Chapter to the ROMANS. 20 a. We mull: be changed by Grace, and freed from the Corruption of fin, Eph. 5. 5. For this we know, that no whoremonger, nor unclean perfon, nor covetous .man, who is aso idolater, hash any inheritance in the kingdom of Chriff, and of God. Common know- ledg will eafly (hew us, that thofe that impenitently pert(1 in grofs fins , are unca- pable of any right unto, and never (hall come to the Poffa&on of that bleffed elate of eternal Glory. We have a larger Catalogue, Gal. 5. 20, 21. And the Apoftle con- cludeth, that they that do filch things, /hall not inherit the kingdom of God. There is no mixture of godly and ungodly in the Kingdom of Heaven: Nay We may go further; not only exclude them , who live in grofs fn; but every unregenerate Perlon, Joh. 3. 3. Except a man be born again, he cannot fee the kingdom of God ; and in the 5th very. 'tis explained, he cannot enter into it. Every man in his natural elate, be he to appearance better or worfe, is unmeet for Glory. And there mull be a change wrought in him,he mutt be delivered from the Bondage of linful Corruption,or be can- not injoy the glorious liberty of the Children of God ; not only an Epicure, or Drunk- ard, or Whoremonger is excluded ; but a painted Pharifee, as long as his heart is cor- rupt, and unrenewed, hath no right, and never (hall have poffeffion; he mull be chang- ed from a late of Corruption to a (late of honfs 5 and the Image of God in which he was created, mull be reamed in him. 2. Changed by Death. The Saints being mortal, mull be changed, before they can inherit eternal Life. All that we derived from old Adam, mull be laid and left in the Grave, a Cor. 15. 50. Flefh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God; neither doth corruption inherit incorruption. Thefe earthly frail bodies of ours, cannot be received in- to Heaven, till they be changed and immortalized, nerf. 53. This corruptible muff put on incorruption, and this mortal mud put on immortality. As a man to build his houle better, razeth it to the very bottom; fo God will have the body refolved into duff, before he will fet it forth in this new fair Edition.As the creature is diffolved,that is,deli- vered from the Bondage of Corruption; fìrl the creature is let free, and dilcharged from being obnoxions to change and alteration; fo we muff till die, then be railed in Incorruption, which should make us the more ready and willing to fubmit to the appointed cousle, and not only even dare to die, but to be willing to dye, fnce Death puts an end to fin, and all our calamities, and is the gate and entrance by which we pals into Glory. 2. Do&. That the liberty to which Gods people are refereed, is a glorious liberty. Here I (hall firft fpeak of the liberty of Gods children in this life. 2. The glorious liberty in the world to come ; for the one is a fiep to the other ; for 'tis called, a glorious liberty, to dilinguith it from the liberty of Gods children Itere in thisworld, which is not glorious, but gracious, to thew how it exceedeth this elate in glory : Therefore I mull thew, a. What is the liberty of Gods children in this world. 2. What in the world to come. a. What is the liberty of Goda children in this world : There are three practical notions in which man is greatly milaken, Mifery and Happinefs, Wildom and Folly, Liberty and Bondage. Mifery and Happinefs. Men count none miferable, but the affli&ed; none hap- py but the profperous, becaufe they judg by the prefent cafe and commodity of the Ae(h. Wildom and Folly ; we all affe& the repute of Wifdom, job II. 12. Pleafe our felves with a falle thew of wifdom, negleling what is true and folid, which is tò be wife to falvation. Liberty and Bondage; Man accepteth of a falfe liberty rather than none; everyman would beat his own difpofe,live as he lift; whereas the true liberty mull be determined by our condition as creatures ; by our end, as creatures that are in purfuit of true happinels : To think the only true liberty is to be at the command and controul of none above our felves, or to live at large according to our hearts delire, is to affe& a thraldom and bondage inlead of liberty ; thereforelit concerneth us to (late exa&ly what is the liberty of Gods children now 5 it either relateth to our duty, or to our feli- city. t. To our duty; and fo our liberty mull he flated by thefe four Th'ngc. 9C 2 I. !t