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Z o6 S E R Ní O N S upon Seim. XXVIII as to the deft; they are da) is cxercnèd by hint, out t.acy overcome, and ttaua ltedtáa in the faith. Fiftly, They are freed from the law and covenant of works, which requireth that which to us is become impoffible, and alto from the burdenfome task of ufelefs ceremonies impofed on the Church in the times of imfancy and darknefs. Auu the A- poftle biddeth us ftand fart in the liberty wherewith Chrilt hath made us free, Gal. 5. r. The ceremonial law wes a Bondage by rearm of the great trouble, expence, and pain to the flefh which did attend the obfervation of it : efpecially in its tire, a bend con- ferring the debt) and Chrilt bath purchafcd this freedom and liberty to the Church, and we fhould Rand to the defence of it. Sixthly, An immunity fromfuch temporal judg- ments as might hinder our falvation, and the fervice of God, 1 Cor. to. 13. There bath no temptation taken hold of you, but filch as is common to man. But Gad is faithful, who will not After loll to be tempted above that you are able, but will with the temptation alto make a way to efcape, that ye may be able to bear it ; and Rom. 8. 28. All things (.hall work together for good to them God. No abfolute immunity from troubles; God bath referved a liberty to his wifdom and juftice to affli& us as he (hall feecaufe, Pfal. 89. 32. Then will I vift their tranfgrejons with the Rod, and their iniquity with flripes 5 But will preferve us to his Heavenly Kingdom, 2 Tim. 4. 17, 18. t. Their rights and prerogatives. Fir(l, They have a right to ferve God with a ready and free will, and on comfortable terms, Luke t. 74, 75. That being delivered out efthe hands of our enemies, we might ferve him without fear, in holinefs and righteoufnefi before him, all the days of our lives. Pfal. 51. 12. ReFlore unto me the joy of thy falvation, and uphold we by thy free fpirit. And Rom. 8. 15. For we have not received the fpirit of Bondage again to fear, but we have received the fpirit of adoption, whereby we cry , Abba , Fa. ther. 2. A liberty of accefs to God ; a large door is opened to us, for communion with him Eph. 3. t 2. To whom we have boldnefs and accefs with confidence, Heb. 4. 16. Let us come with boldnefs to the throne of grace,that,we may have grace, and find mercy in a time of need, and Heb. to. 19. Having therefore, brethren, boldnefs to enter into the holyefl, by the blood of Jefes. t John 3. 21. Beloved,if our hearts condemn us not, then have we bold. nefr toward God. 3. A free efe of all the creatures,which fallto our ¡hare and allowance by Gods fatherly providence, r Tim. 4. 3, 4. Forbidding to marry , and commanding to abflain from meat, which God bath created to be received with thanksgiving of them that helieve and obey the truth. For every creature of God is good, and nothing to be refuféd, if it be re- ceived with thanksgiving, t Cor. 3. 22, 23. Whether Paul, or Apollos, or Cephas, or the world, or life, or death, or things prefent, or things to come; all are yours,and ye are Chrifis, and Chrifä is Gods. With good confcdence we may ufe the creatures, and get them San - ilified to 110 by the word and prayer. 4. A right to eternal life, Tic. 3.7. That beingjufüfied by his grace, we fhould be made heirs according to the hope of eternal life. Rom. 8. 17. If children,then heirs, heirs of God, and joint heirs with Chrifl ; If fo be, wePuffer with him , that we may be alto glorified to- gether. Tho we have not the pofïeffton, yet a Title lure and indefecible 5 fo that you fee( and yet I have told you little of it) it is valuable ; but 'tis a glorious liberty we are to fpeak of 2. Our glorious liberty in the world to come. That is a liberty which implyeth the removal of all evil, and the affluence of all good : and may be confidered either as to the Soul, or to the Body. 1. As to the Soul. We are admitted into the b(efled fight of God ; and the perfect fruition, and pleating of him in perted love, joy, and pralle, to all eternity. t Cor. 13. 12. For now we fee through a glafo darkly, but thenface to face ; now I know it partly, but then (hall I know even alfo as 1 am known. 1 John 3. 2. But we know that when he (hall appear, me fhall be like him,far roe ¡hall fee him as he is. Pfal. i6. 11. Thou wilt fbew me the path of life,for in thy pre Bence is fulnefs of joy,and at thy right hand pleafures for evermore.Pfàl.17. 15. As for me, Imill behold thy face in righteoufnefs,l (hall bef tisfied when 1 awake with thy likenefs. 2. As to the Body it is in a flare of immortality, and incorruption, wholly freed from death, and all the frailties introduced by fin: and becaufe the body remaineth behind, when the Soul is in Glory, our Deliverance and Redemption is la.d to be yet be.