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Ver. 2 I. the 8th Chapter to the R OM AN S. 20 7 behind, Eph. r. 14. Wbich is the earnji of our inheritance, until the redemption of the púr., . chafed poffeffion,Eph.4. 30. And grievenot the holy fpirit,whereby ye are fealed to the day of redemption : And that in refpe& of the body, Rom. 8. 23. Waiting for the adoption ; to wit, the redemption of our body. In (port, This glorious liberty may be fomewhat under - flood by the liberty which we have now. 1. Our liberty now is imperfetl, and incompleat5 but then 'tis full, and perfeíl: 'Fis but begun now, and our bonds moored in part; but our compleat deliverance is to come from fin at death, from all mifery, when our bodies are railed up in glory ; fin dwelleth in the Saints now, but in death it will be utterly abolilhed ; therefore groan and long fot it, Rom. 7. 24. 0 wretched man that .I am, who/hall deliver me from the body of death? Yet with hope, v. 25. I thankGod through yefus Chrifl our Lord 5 f then, mitb the mind I my felf ferve the law of God ; but with the flefh the law of fin. Our bodies now are fub- je& to corruption and difeafes, as others are, but Phil. 3. 21; God will then perfe &ly glorifie his children in body and foul. 2. Spiritual liberty is confinent enough with corporal bondage. Paul was in Prifon when Nero was Emperor of the world; many that are taken into the liberty of Gods children are not freed from outward fervitude; r Cor. 7. 21, 22. Art thou called, being . iceman: ? care not for it but if thou canfl be made free, ufe it rather. The condition of a flave is not incompetent withChrinianity ; yofeph was a flave in Egypt, but his Mifreftf was the Captive, as the was overcome by her own lulls ; fervants may betheLords Free- men, and Freemen may be Satans Haves. 3. All the parts of liberty are quite other than now:Firft, as to duty, we are not fo free from the power of fin, as to beable to govern our own a &ions in order to eternal happi> nefs, Rom. 7.25. With my mind I firve the law of God, with my flefb the law of fn. ,There is law againft law, mutual confli &s, and mutual oppofition ; tho grace gets the manery, not abfolute freedom : Our prefenteflate is but a convalefcency, a recovery out of lick- nefs by degrees. 2. As to felicity : Firft, Immunity from the curfeof the law, and the wrath of God. W® have a right, but the folemn anda&ual judgment is not pall, nor the cafe adjudged; but at the lait day,when the condemning fentence is pall upon thé wicked, our fins (hall be blotted out, Aar 3.19. Secondly, Death remaineth on the body, but then the laft enemy (ball be quite deftroyed, 1 Cor. 15.26. Thirdly, Satan doth (till trouble us, and vex us, winnow us as wheat, but then he ¡hall be trodden under our feet, Rom. 160 2p, Fourthly, For the afflictions of the world : They do not now endanger falvation, but then wholly gone, Rev. 21.4. Then God(hall wipe all teary from onr eye; : then no more farrow and crying. That is, becaufe of oppretfìon and violence. 2.For Rights and Prerogatives:Now we ferve God at a dinance by fome remote fervice, then immediatelyminifter before the Throne ; Here we come to God now and then, but then we (hall be ever with him ; we have now a right to ufe creatures, then we (hall need none ; now a title to Heaven, but then poffeffion, made a&ual partakers of eternal bleffcdnefs,; therefore there cannot be a greater liberty than the children of God haveat the laftday. t. LI S E is to admire the goodnefs of God to poor affliáed creatures. We have this glos riousliberty from Gods bounty, Matth. 25. 34. Chri is love, he purchafed it ; 'cis the Son of God, hath made its free, John 8. 36. 'Tis applied to us by the fpirit, Rom, 8. 2; The fpirit of life in Chrin Jefus, bath made us free from the law of fin and death t The Roman Captain faid, With agreat fum obtained I thisfreedom, As 25. 28. To us it eem4 eth on meet favour. 2. Have you intereft%n this bleJdnefs ? 7s the liberty begun? Hath he fealed you to the day of redemption ?Eph. 4. 3o. You will find the comfort and benefit of his Pealing t On that day God will own thole whom he hash [tamped and marked with his own feat; that is, whom the fpirit bath formed for God,by impreffing his image upon them in righ teoufnefs and true holinefs; after that day no more place will be left for doubts and fears: But till that day this is our warrant and affurance, till full po(leff}oni tht feg of the fpirit is an holy frame of heart, fitted to ferve,pleafe, andenjoy God, Ss1V