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Ver. 2 2: the 8th Chapter to the R O M A N S. 2 i verfe doth in effeet fay to us, Arife,depart, this is notyour rill, Micah 2. ro. 'Tis fpoken to the Jews; the Land of Canaan was given for a reí at firft, but by their fin it had loft much of that ufe ; the frequent changes of eítate they met with therefor, their fins, w 2s a fummons to remove and look higher ; 'tís true of all the world, 'tis not our ceiling place, liince'twas defiled by fin ; therefore the groaning creature ( hould wean us froni the world, and inflame us with a deliire df Heaven, where is perfeet and eternal happi- nefs. 2. Itteacheth us the evil offin : 'Tis the burden of the whole Creation, of which it would fain be eared; all the vanity that is upon the creature, and all annoyance which we have from thecreature,is the fruit of our rebellion againilGod, which Ihould make us more humble for fin pail, and more cautious for the time to come ; fo much fin as you introduce, fo much you difturb the harmony of the Creation, and are acceffary to the many deíru &ive changes wrought in the world. 3. It readeth us a lea tire of patience:We live in a groaning world,and mutt expe& to bear our (hare in the common confort 5 the world is a valley of tears; now to feek for joy in a valley of tears, toaffeet an exemption from groaning, 'cis to be fingular,and to be out of tune from the relt of the Creation : What is in Pfal. 84. 6. the Valley of Bacha, the Septuagint renders the valley of weeping; it means the lèorched weeping ground they pall thorough; and becaufe their going to yerufalemto worfhip,was a figure of ourpro- grefs or journey towards Heaven, therefore many apply it to the world, refembled by a valley, as Heaven is by a Mountain, likeMount Sion; and a valley of tears, becaufe we frequently meet with mourning occafions : Now it Ihould not trouble us to be put up- on groaning, in a groaning world; we have company with us in our mourning, not only . our fellow Saints ; the Apoitle urgeth, t Pet. g q. Ta fe things are accomplifhed in your brethren, which are of the flefb : Every one of Gods children have their (hare of hard - fhips in the world; we think no forrow like to our forrow, and that none are fo hardly dealt with as we are : Others havetheir forrows and hstrdlhips; the meafure and weight of others forrows we know by guefs, but our own by feeling: All things confdered you will find your lot no harder than the Saints of God, who went to Heaven before you; but here is more company offered, the whole Creation groaning for a burden brought upon them, not by their fault but ours,yet fubmitting to that appointed Crevice, till it be the Will of God to eafe them. 4. Aleáure of long fufering:W hick is patience extended.'When we are oppreffed with many perfecutions and afi&ions, and thefe continue long, and we fee no end, we def. pond, The creature groaneth and travelleth in pain until nowt That is, from the time fin entred into the world, until the whole be diffolved; the continuance of the Univerfe is much longer than the continuance of our lives : therefore let us not repine at fo ihort a time, for the creature hath been in a groaningcondit ion thefe 6x thoufand Years, or there about : Surely the foftne(s and delicacy of our flefh is too great, if we mutt fee the- end of our troubles, alfoon as we enter into them: Ifthecreatureis obedient .to the Crea. tor in bearing the burden he lays on it, tho it groan under it, then furely, we ( hourd fubmit to his difpofing will, fo long as he will have us in a ful£ering condition, Jam. r. 4, Let patience have its perfeli work. 5. Aleilure of repentance, and falemn humiliation : if the.ereattlre groan under origi- nal vanity and corruption, brought upon it by the 6rí fin, fin being wonderfully inerea- fed, the world is ready to fink under the weight of it : therefore when fin increafeth; tis a groaning time, the multitude of the wicked are a burden to the countreys where they live; the Heathens would call a wicked matt ,The burden of the earth: The Word of God fheweth it more plainly ;therefore when the wicked increafe and walk on every fide, and they increafe in wiékednefs; 'tis time to look about us, and ferioufly and heartily humble our (elves before God, Lev. 18. 25. And the land is defied, therefore I do vijt the iniquities thereof upon it. And. the land it felt vomiteth out her inhabitants, Micah 2. ic, Becaufe it is polluted, it (hall defirby you with a loar defiru &ion; and Jer. 9. 18. Our dwellings have call us out. The land doth as it were loathe to bear and feed them that fo grolly difhonour God. 6. Aleffon of hope in long farrows. We Ihould keep up hope and expeetation; the crea- ture groaneth till now: Yea, but yet 1h11 it expe&eth its final deliverance; 'tis anexpref ion of great rebellion, diíruí and contempt, to fay, Why fhould I wait on the Lord any longer? 2 Kings 6. 33. God can bring the bittereftcondition to a molt comfortable iffue; confider how he dealeth with other creatures,othe creature groaneth and travelleth in pain, but the bjrth will enfue : The groaning of the creature is like atravelling in birth, 9 D 2 and