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Ver. 22. the 8th Chapter to the R O MAN S. 2 I 3 them of their fin. Thus hearing is afcribed to a fen1lefs ftone, becaufe it was a circum. fiance that might be produced in the judgment. Thirdly , How we know it ? For whoever heard the groaning of the whole Crec.. Lion ? t. By fenJible experience we know the vanity of the creature. Ocular demonftratioti is enough to tell us all, that things are frail and perifhing, Pfal. 119. 96. I have fen an end of all perfeblion. 2. The Ward affirmeth, Firft, That this came in by mans fin ; and the common appre henfions of mankind attefteth it , That wicked men are unprofitable burdens of the earth, and bring a judgment on the place where they live. Secondly, That God hav- ing repaired the world by Chri i, there is a better eflate appointed for man; and fo by con(. quence for the creatures, which are an appendage to him. Ilà. I I. 6, 7, 8, 9. The enmity of the creature (hall ceafe there, as in Noah's Ark. 3. The Spirit improveth it, both the vanity of the creature, and our mortality,and the hopes of rettauration, God mutt teach us the plaineft Leffons. Pfal. 90. 12. Lord teach us to number our days, that we may apply oser hearts unto wifdom. Deut. 29. 2,3,4. re have feen all that the Lord did before your eyes, in the land of Egypt, unto Pharoah, and unto all his fervants, and unto all his land : the great temptations which thine eyes have feen, the fgns and the great miracles ; yet the Lord bath not given you an heart to perceive, and eyes to fee, and ears to hear, unto this day. And the hopes of reftauration. Faith is his weer gift and produ &ion, Eph. a. 8. For bygraceye are Paved, through faith, and that not of oar felves, it is the gift of God. From the whole take thefe Corallaries. I. That fin ful man is an enemy to all the creatures, aswell as to himfelf. He hath brought mifery upon himfelf, and all the world, which was his palace to dwell in. The Creation was a well -tuned Inftrumenr, upon which man might make mufick to the praifeand ho. noun of God. But the firings of the Harp are broken, and there is nothing but jarring inftead of harmony, and groans for praife. Yea, man himfelf, who is the mouth of the Creation, is very dumb, and tongue -ty'd, in the praifes of God. 2. That every particular land fareth the wort for wished men. Man bath brought a burden on the Creation, and the encreafe of wicked men fheweth the ruine of any peo. ple or countrey. Prov. I r. lo, 1 r. When it goeth well with the righteous, the city rejoi- ceth ; and when the wicked perifh, there is fhouting. By the biding of the_ upright the city is exalted ; but it is overthrown by the mouth of the wicked. The meaning of thefe two Pro- verbs is, That the godly bring on a bleffing on the Land where they live, and the wicked a curie. The godly bring on a bleffing by their prayers and holy example, Gods Provi. deuce, and refpe& thereunto; but the wicked a curie by their abide of the creatures; The corrupt world think otherwife , That all their dithonour, their judgments, come from fuffering the godly to live among(} them. 'Tis not for the Kings profit to fuffec them to live, Heft. 3. 8. 3. That we mutt not afcribe the alterations and changes of the creature to chance or fortune, but to Gods Providence punilhing mans fin. Some do not fee the hand of God, as ignorant, ftupid, and carelefs perfons , Pfal. 28. S. They regard not the work of the Lord, nor the operation of his hands. And fume care not to fee, Iia. a6. t r. When thy hand is lifted up, they will not fee. They put all Judgments upon the ordinary courfe of fecond caufes 5 either a chance, I Sam. r 6: 9. or attribute it to fome natural thing, Jolsd 12.29. They faid itthundred, when God fpake from Heaven to own Chrifl. Some fee, but are in part blinded with malice and prejudice, which is to be feen by their making perverfe interpretations of Providence, 2 Sam. 16. 8. Toe Lord hath returned upon thee all the blood of the houfe of Saul. 4. You feea reafon why a righteous man fhould be merciful to his beaft, Prov. 12. roe A righteous man regardeth the life of his beafl ; but the tender mercies of the wicked are cruel. There is burden enough already upon the creature, under which he groaneth ; he would bring on no more than needeth ; he will not ufe them unmercifully, nor wear them out with too great and continual labours; but giveth them that food, ref(, and re. fe &ion which is neceffary. In thedeflru &ion of Niniveh, God had refpe& to the beafts, Jonah 4. t i. There was mach cattel in that city. 5. The wonderful dulnefs and dead- heartedn&ss of man in cafe of fin and mifery ; fa that the creatures are fain to fupply our room 3 few are fenfible of this burden ; wie thou }d