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S E R M 0 N s upon Serm. XX X: fhould all groan, but do not : Surely we ought to be excited to groan for fin and mile - ry, and long for the happinefs of the Saints, fo v. 23. And not only they, but we our flues alts, which are the fr.fl fruits of the fpirit, oven we our felves groan within ourfelves, waiting for tie adoption, to wit, the redemption of our bodies. 6. The great need there is to draw off our hearts from the inordinate love of the creature,and to lay up treafure in Heaven :What can we expefk from a groaning creature, which will loon come to an end, but that only we wholly truft fenfe, and judg according to prefent appearance? Otherwife we would fay with the Apoftle, We know and look further than the compafs of this world, to that place where all is firm and fable ; but we feldom improve thefe thoughts. 7. How unfuitable fenfual rejoycing is unto the flare which we are now in ; 'tis a groaning world, and here we Peek all our pleafures and contentments;'tis a charge againft Senfualifts, jam. 5. 5. Ye have lived in pleafure upon earth : The place of our exile, the place defiled with mans fin, the place fubjefted to a curie for mans fake : Moderate contentment is allowed us during our pilgrimage, as appears both by the difpenfation of Gods Providence and Covenant; but our full joy is referved for hereafrer; his Provi- dence alloweth many natural comforts, and his Covenant many perpetual bleffings. SERMON XXX. ROM. VIII. 23. And not only they, but our felves al fo, who bave the firft fruits of the fpirit; groan, even we our felves groan within. our felves, waiting for the adoption, the redemption of our bodies. N thefe Words the Apofile purfueth his main fcope, which is to direhl believers patiently to wait for their final happinefs : He doth it by comparing the difpofttion of the children of God, with the inclination of the creatures, 1poken of in the former verles, and not only they, There is a Comparifon, i, Between Perlons and Perfons. 2. Between Alitions and Aáíors. a. Between Perfons and Perfons. The whole creation, and thofe that have the firfl fruits of the fpirit. The one is a feigned, the other a real Perlon: Therefore this groaning and expeftation is attributed to the children of God, with greater propriety of fpeech. The creatures are faid to groan and wait, upon fuppofition, if they had fenfe and reafon they would groan and wait ; we by certain knowledg and true delire ; the creatures groan as they are afftfied and direhted by God to a better flare ; we by voluntary in- clination; the creatures groan by others, as they excite our thoughts to confider their va- nity, and viciflitudes; the Saints by themfelves, and in themfelves ; others cannot per- form it for them; they expehl by Gods dire&ion, and groan by our meditation; but we properly, and withsut a figure. 2. Ahiions and Actions. There are two afcribed to the creature, waiting, v. 19: groaning,v.22. They groan, and we groan; they wait, and we wait ;the groaning is ampli fled by the mannner, and the waiting by the Objet. t. The