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Ver.2 3. the 8th Chapter to the ROMAN S. 2 2. By, way of Confirmaeion, Why we (hould groan and long for this eftate. The Reafons concern either this life, or the next. I.. For this life : I (hall prove, that there iscaufeor matter for groaning and defiring a bettereflate. 2. That thofe that have the frr2l fruits of the fpirit,are more apprehenfve of this mife- ry, than others are or can be. r. The preffures aad mifeties of _this life, call for this groaning; being burdened ( faith the ApoGle ) we groan. We have an heavy burden upon us, bothof fin and mifery. I. Of fin : To a gracious heart, and wakingconfcience,'ris one of +the heaviefl burr dens that can be felt, Rom. y. 24. 0 wretched man that lam, who fhall deliver me from the body of death. Paul was whipped, imprifoned, ftoned, in perils by Land and Sea, perfe- cuted by enemies, undermined by falfe brethren, but a($iftions did not lit fo clofe to him as fins; the body of death was his foreit burden, therefore did he long for deliverance; a beat will leave the place,'wherehe findeth neither food nor refit; 'tis not the troubles of the world only, which fet the Saints a groaning , but indwelling corruption, this grieveth them that they are not yet rid of fin; that they ferve God with filch apparent weakriefs and manifolddefeds, that they are fo often diftra&ed and opprelfed with fenfu- al and worldly affeftions; they cannot get rid of this curled inmate, and therefore delire a change of Elates ; by the Grace of God they have got rid of the guilt of fin, and reigning power of 6n ; but the being of it is a trouble to them,which will Gill remain, till this Tabernacle be diffolved; then fin.fhall gafp its lab; and the Saints aye groaning and longing for the parting day, when by putting off fleas, they (hall put off, fin, and come and dwell with God. 2. Of niifery : This burden is a partial caufe of the Saints groaning, for they have not diverted themfelves of the feelings of nature; nor grown fenflefs as ftocks and aonei; they are of like paflions with others,' and love their natural comforts as others do ; hu- mane nature is the fame thing in all that are made of flefh and. blood , Job 6. 12. IJ my firength the flrengtb of flames, or is my fiefh of brats? They feel pain as every one cloth which will. extort complaints from them. Now a Chriaians miter), may be reckoned fromThree Things. r. Temptations from Satan. . 2. Grievous Perfecutions from the World. 3. Sharp afi &ions from God himfelf: All thefe concur to wean a Chrillian from the World. t. Temptations from Satan ; Who feeketh all advantages, either to withdraw us frogs God, or to di(traét us in his fervice, and make it tedious and wearifome to us, r Pet. ç. 8, 9. Tour adverfary the devingoeth about, feehing whom hé may devour. All thefe things are accompli(bed in yourbrethren in the fieth they are all haunted with a bale Temp. ter, who is reftlefs'in his endeavours to enfnare their fouls ; this world is Satans walk, the Devils Circuit, who goeth up and down todearoy unwearyed creatures ; and there- fore his a(fiduons temptations, are one of the Chriaians burdens. . 2. Bitter and grievous perfecations; Which fomeimes make them weary of their lives, that they may be freed from their hard Taskmallers, as Elijah was weary of the trouble he had by jeza els purfuits, that he durrt not true himfelf in the land of Ifrael and Ju- dea, but goeth a days Journey into the Wildernefs, and fate down under a juniper Tree, and requefted for himfelf, that he might die ; for, faith he, I am not better than my Fa- thers Houfe, 1 Kings 13. 4, g. Surely the troubled will long for ref/. 3.Sharp affïiftions fromGod himfel fgwho is jealous of our hearts,becaùfe we are not watch, ful over them;we are too apt to take up with a worldly happinefs,and to root here ;look - ing no further, whil(l we have all our comforts about us; our hearts fayïng,'fis Rea to be here,tillGod by his (mart rodawaken us out of our droufie fits;we are fo pleafed with our entertainment by the way,that we forget home; therefore the Lord is fain toimbitier our worldly Portion, that we may think of a remove to Tome better place and flare, where all tears (hall be Wiped from our eyes: We would fleep and nit here, if we did rick fometiriles meet with thorns in our bed ; All the days of my pilgrimage ( faïth holy Jacob) Gen. 47. 7. are few and evil. Our days are evil, and 'tis well they are but few i that in this fhipwrack of mans felicity, we can fee banks and (bores, and a landing place, wflere 9,, E we