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Ver.23. the 8th Chapter to the ROMAN S. 22it of it are full, glorious, and eternal. Cod is fain to drive us out of this world, as he did Lot out of Sodom, yet loath to depict; have we not fmarted enough for our love to a vain world ? Sinned enough to make us weary of the prefect flare ? If heaven be not worth our delires and groans, 'tislittle worth. There is the 'attic ellate, the bell work, and the heft company. ,ueflion. But how Iltall we do to get up our hearts from this world to a better? Thefe things are neceffary. T. The illumination of the fpirit, that the mind be foundly perfwaded, 2 Cor. 5. r. For we know that if our earthly boufe of this tabernacle were dilived, we have a building of God, an bogie not made with hands, eternal in the heavens. 2. Strong inclination, or an heart fixed on heavenly things, Matt. 6. 2 t: For where your treafure is, there will your heart be allo. Col. 3. 12. If ye be rifen with ChriSl, feel¿, thole things which are above, where Chrift feteth at the right hand of God. Set your of íiions upon things above, and not upon the earth. 3. Love to Cbrifl, Phil. 1. 23. For to me to live is Chrill, and to die is gain. They that love Chrift, will defire to be with him,they delight in his pretence , count it their honour to be miferable with him, than happie without him. 4. Some competent affurance of our own interefi, 2 Tim. 4. 8. Henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of righteoufnefr, which the righteous judge, Lord, will give me at that day, and not unto me only, but unto all that love his appearing. 5. Some mortification, that the heart fhould he dead to the world, weaned from the pleafures and honour thereof, Gal. 6. 14. God forbid that 1 fhould glory, fave in the croft of our Lord jefus Chrifi, by whom the world is crucified unto nie, and I unto the world. While our hearts are feet upon worldly Profits, and pleafures, and gratifie the vices and lulls of the body, we are loath to depart 5 they have their portion in this life, Pfd. 17. 14. 3. iI S E, Do we groan and wait ? If fo, I. There will be ferions waiting, and diligent preparing, 2 Pet. 3: 14. Where- fore beloved, if ye look for fuch things, be diligent, that you may be found of him in peace without fpot, and blamelefo. 2. It will frame our lives, Phil. 3. to. For our converfation is in heaven. 3. It will put no upon felt - denyal: that waketh the Chriftian labour and fuller trouble and reproach; delreis the vigorous part of the Soul, t Tim. 4. to. For therefore we labour, and fur reproach, becaufe we trufl in the living God. SER,