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226 SERMONS upon Serm.XXXI. fufferings of this prefent time are not worthy to be compared with the glory that fhall be reveal- ed in us ; and 2 Cor. 4. 17. For our light affiiaton, which is but for a moment,worketh for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory. This is the language of one that hopes for falvation; all is but a flea-biting to him that'hath his heart in Heaven. 3. To comfort us in all our tribulations. There are many difficulties that intervene and fall out between hope and having ; between our firft right to eternal life, and our full poffeffton of it ; in our journey to Heaven, we meet with tryals and fufferings by the way; now 'tis hope carryeth us through, and therefore 'tis compared to an Anchor, Heb. 6. 19. To an Helmet, r Thef.4. 8. As we would not go to Sea without an Anchor, nor to War without an Helmet ; fo neither mull we think of carrying on the fpiritual life without hope ; nothing elfe-will compofe the mind, or keep it liable in the floods of temptation; therefore 'tis an Anchor; nothing elfe will caufe us to . hold up head in our daily conflicts and encounters with afilictions, but this Helmet without this Anchor we are in danger of fpiritual fhipwrack ;without this Helmet, our Heads are expofed to deadly blows from fin, Satan, and worldly difcouragements. 4. That we may dye peaceably, and with comfort. We need hope while we live, but we mock need it when we come to die, and (hoot the gulph of death. They that are defti- tute of the hope of falvation, are then in a dangerous, woful,and molt lamentable cafe, Job 27. 8. What is the hope of the hypocrite, if he bath gained, when God taketh away bis foul ? They may be full of prefumption and blind confidence while they live, but what hope have they when they come to dye ? All their worldly advantages will then yield them no folid comfort. We live in a prefumptuous dream, that all (hall be well ; but then they dyeftupid and fenflefs, or elfe defpairing ; and their hopes fail when they have moft need of them ; but then a lively hope of eterual life fuftaineth the hearts of the faithful; they are going to poffefs what they expected; and when they refign their fouls to Chrift, they can commit their bodies to the grave in hope, Pfal. 16. g, 1o. My fleJh fhall roil in hope, for thou wilt not leave my foul in hell, nor fur thine holy one to fee corruption. God will not utterly forfaite that duff that is in cotenant with him, nor fuller his fer- vants totally to be extinguifhed, or finally to perifh. 1. Z) SE is Information. a. That the great reward of aChrifiian, lyeth not in things feen, but "often : Not in the good of this world, but of anbther ; becaufe hope is one of the graces requifite-to his conftitution, and hope is about future things. Much to blame then are they, who place all their happinefs in prefent things which are fo tránfitory : God hath referved us to a future eftate, becaufe he beftoweth graces that fuit with it, and nothing fo oppofite to it as the fpirit of the world, 1 Car. 2. 12. For we have not received the fpirit of the world, but the fpirit which is of God. 2. The Cognation and kin that is between faith and hope.The one is the evidence ofthings notfeen, Heb. r 1. 1, The other is the earnji de (ire and expetiation of things not fien. The one is an Alone, the other an Appetition. Faith differeth from hope, I. In the order of nature. Faith goeth before, as the caufe is before the effe t : Firft, There is a firm perfwafion of good things to come, and then a certain exile lation of them in the way which God hath appointed : Faith affents to the truth of the promife; and hope looketh for the accompli(hment of it. 2. In the object there is fome difference : Firft, in the latitude of the object ; The object of faith is larger ; Faith is of things paff, prefent and to come ; as by faith we believe the Creation of the world, Heb. 1. 4. Theprefect exiflence of God, Heb. 1 s. 6. And the truth of heavenly joys, Heb. 11. 1. Hope is only of things to come: So again, we believe Tome things that we hope not for, as the Torments of the damned ; For hope is an ex- pe&ation of good tocome ;and the pains of hell are matter of fear, not of hope. Se- condly, In the formal con fderatiou of the obje&: Faith looketh to the word promifing, verbum rei, hope to the thing promifed, rem verbi; Faithconfidereth the veracity or truth of God in making the promife; hope the benignity and goodnefs of God in making fo great a promife as eternal life and falvation by Chrift : Faith refpe is the perfon giving, his fidelity; hope, the perfons receiving, their benefit : Faith perfwadeth us there is falva- tion; hope,that we fhall, or at leaf} may obtain it. 3. There is a difference in the fubjeli : Faith as 'tis an affent is in the mind, hope is in the affections, as reflecting upon the goodnefs of the thing promifed ; fo that tho there be force difference between faith and hope, yet they are much of a like nature. 3. ly