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Ver. 24. the 8th Chapter to the R OM AN 5, 23 á But then, there is another hope, that is grounded upon the evidence of our fincerity' and is the fruit of affurance , when we can make out our own claim and title to eternal life, which is not ufually done without much diligence, Heb. 6. tr.: And are desire that every one ofyou dofbew forth the fame diligence to the All úfurance ofhope,tuto the end. Much fobriety, and weanednefs from the word, r Pet. t. 13. Much watch - folnefs, that we be not moved away from the hope of the gospel, Col. I. 23, That our hopes of eternal life begotten in us by the Gofpel, be not weakned and deadned in us 5 'tis not enough thankfully at fiat to embrace the conditional offer, but we mot; keep up this hope in life and vigour. Much refolution in our conflif s with the Devil, world, and Beth, r Thef 5. 8. Lay, fome experience, Rom. 5. 4. of Gods favour and help in troubles, and our fincerity therein 5 when we are fealooed, add tryed, our con- fidence increafeth 5 the frequent experience of Gods being nigh to us, and honouring us in fundry tryals, is a ground for hope to reff upon, that he will not leave us till all be accomplilhed, Phil. I. 20. According to my earnest expe(ition, and my hope, that in nothing I shall be ashamed ; but that withal/ boldnefr, as always, fo row alfo,Cbrilt /all be magnified in my body, whether it be by life or death. Paul gathereth his confidence for the future, from former experience. Now there two forts of hope muff be díttin- guilhed ; for the first hope may be accompanied with Come doubts of our own falvati- on, or the rewards of Godliness ex parte noflri, at leaft; not ex parte Def, for there al! is lure and ftedfaf; and to doubt there, is a fin ; it would detrab from the goodnéts, power, and truth of God 5 but when our qualification is not evident, this doubting may do us good, as it may quicken us to more diligence to make our title more clear and explicate 5 especially when we are conscious to our (elves of force notorious defeat in our duty , and have a blot upon our evidences 5 indeed the rathet, when more Godliness might be expeted from us, as having more kngwledg or helps, or are obliged by calling and profefiìon to greater integrity and Hofinefs of life.. "Doirbting is right, when it arifeth from a right and true judgment of our'altiods, according to the new Covenant 5 and we cannot truly fay, who hath the greateff interest in t,5, God or the world, Sin or Holinefs.Would you have men muffle their coíifcicnces,aud think that they have more grace than they have,or judg their condition to be better than it is, absolutely fate 5 when they are not periwarded of their fincërity ? Indeed when con - fcience judgeth erroneoully, and amin thinketh he hath not that Godlinefs which is neceffary to llvation, which indeed he hath,he overlooketh Gods "work,his judgment of himself is erroneous,and therefore culpable,tho it be not unbelief,ora difirufl of Chrift; Well theo,as to these two Hopes: t. That hope which arifeth from faith, mullevery day be more flrengtlwaed : for tho there be no fallibility in Gods promise, ye: our faith may be weak or strong, according to our growth and improvement ; and in force temptations Gods Children for a while may queftion articles of religion of great importance, and the eternal recompence , not their own interest only ; as David, Peal. 73. 13. Verily I have cleanfed my heart in vain, and washed my hand, in innocency. As if he had laid, What reward is there of Holinefs,Mortification, Patience, and felfdenyal ? In the lower world where God is unfeen, our great hopes yet to come, the Beth being importunate 'to be pleafed, and the things of the world necelfary for our ufe, and perfent to our imbraces, Chrittiaos are not certain, and pall all doubts of the truth of their everlalting hopes 5 elfè there would be no weak faith, nor faint hope. Did not the Disciples in a great temptation doubt of an Article of Faith, Luke 24. s r. But we trotted that it had been he which should have redeemed Ifrael. And v. 2 y. 0 ye fool, andflow of heart to believe all that the prophet, havefpoken. To doubt of what the Prophets Ipake, was not to doubt of their own Salvation, but of the confiant (late of their Souls; all the Godly arc perfwaded of the truth of the Gofpel, that ordinarily they have no conlderable doubts about it, but that [till they resolve to cleave to God and Christ, looking for their re- ward in another world, whatever it coil them here; and in Come meafure can fell all for the pearl of price. 2. As to the hope which arifeth from your affurance. I. Make your fincerity more clear and nngneflionable, and every day your hope anti your confidence will increase upon you; to believe and hope, that you your felves (haft be Caved, is very defirable and comfortable: but then you mutt do that which affurance calleth for, give diligence to make your calling and eletfion ¡ere, abound in the love and