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232 SERMONS upon Serm.XX,XIÌ, and work of the Lord, grow more indifferent to temporal things, venture all in Chrífts hands; for while your faith and repentance is obfcure,you will not have Inch full com- fort, tho you are confident of the truth of Gods promilè to all penitent believ- ers. 4. This latter or confequent hope which dependethon the aflurance of our intereft, admits of a latitude, it may be full or not full, Heb. 6. 1 t. To the fall affirrance of hope. That is full which cafteth out all fear ; that is not frill, which is accompanied with doubts; but the certainty prevaileth, Mark 9. 24. Lord I beli,ve, lelp then mine unbelief. Cant. 5. 2. f fleep, but my heart wa(eth. Now we should labour to go to Heaven with full fails, or abound in hope, Rom. 15. 13. and a Pet. 1. s t. For fo an enterance (hall be neiniffred unto you abundantly, into the everlalling kingdom of our Lord and Saviour jefus chrifl. With hearts full of Comfort. 5. When 'tis full, it may be interrupted, or continued to the end; or at fometimes it may be full, or nor full at another, r Pet. 1. 13. Hope to the end ; If we continuein our duty with diligence, affeftion and zeal, our full hope may be continued ; if we abate our fervour, grow remits, and cold in the fpiritual life, we lofe much of the com- fort of our hopes. 6. The hope which followeth after experience, and much exercife in the fpiritual life, may refult from an ati of ours ; and from an impreJon of the comforting Spi- rit. r, From an act of ours. From our confidering the truth of Gods promites, or his wonderful mercy in Chrift ;.and his grace inabling us in fome meafure to fulfil the conditions of the new Covenant, when thereupon we put forth hope, Phil. 3. 20, 21. For our converfrtion is in Heaven, from whence we look for the saviour, the Lord Jefxs Chrifi,who fliall change our vile bodies, that it may be ffbioned like unto hisglo rions body. 2. Or fume impreffion of the comforting fpirit, fupporting and relieving us in our diftreffes , or rewarding our fell-- denial, and obedience; as Rom. 5. 5. a pe leaveth not afhamed, becaufe the love of God is flied abroad in ear hearts by the holy ghofl, given unto us. The one is an aá of Godlinefs, the other one of Gods internal rewards; the one is a duty, the other a felicity. 2. VS E, Is to prefs us to get, and aï# hope. Hope implieth two things: I. Certain Perfwafon. 2. An earnefl Expeaation. The certainty is feen in the quiet and pleafure of the mind, for the prefenr. The earneftnefs in the diligent purfuit after the thing hoped for, by all holy means. Now we muff look to both ads of Hope. t. To flrengthen the certain expeltation. There we mud Mien revive the grounds of hope, which are thefe. 1. The mercy of God, which bath made Inch rich preparation for our comfort in the Gofpel. The belt ground of hope to the fain creature, is the undeferved grace, mercy, and goodnefs of God, 2 Thef. 2. t 6. He bath given us everlafling confolation and good hope through grace. And therefore it is our great invitation to hope, Pfal. 130. 7. Let Ifrael hope in the Lord, for with the Lord is mercy and plenteous redemption. A pply your felves to God, as a God of mercy ; otherwife filch were our undefervings, and our ill defervings, there were no hope for us ; fo Pfal. 13. 5. I have trufiedin thy mercy; my foul fhaIl rejoycein thy falvation. Let others troll in what they wi11,I will truft in thy mercy. The ferions remembrance of Gods mercy, maketh hope lift up the head; fo Jude 21. Looking for the mercy of the Lord Jefus, unto eternal life. There's our belt and firongeft plea, to the very laft : Therefore the Heirs of promife are called, Rom. gr 23. veffels of mercy. Becaufe from fielt to laft they are filled up with mercy. 2 The promife of God, which cannot fail, Titus 1. 2. The hope of eternal life, which God that cannot lie, bathpromifed before the world began ; he promifed it to Chrift in the Covenant of Redemption; and he bath promifed it to us in the Covenant of Grace; that before time, this in time : now God will not fail to do what he bath pro- knifed ; when he made the promife, he meant to perform it. For what need had God to court his creature into a falfe hope, or to flatter him into a fools paradife ? to tell them