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234 S E R N O N S stpon Senn. XXXIi: to have anxious thoughts about it, till we began to make it our bufinefs to Peek after it bÀthe fecret drawings of his fpirit, inclined us to chufe him for our portion 3 how ma- ny Zontradidions and flruglings of heart were there, ere we were brought to this, ever hnce he bath been tender of us in the *hole conduct of his providence, afided us when we needed it, delivered us when we were ready to fink ; he pardoned our failings, vi- i fired us in ordinances, fupported us in troubles, helped us in Temptations, and is Rill { mindful of us at every turn,as if he would not lofe our hearesand (hall we not hope in him to the lati ? Hath he forgotten to be gracious? As they Paid, Judg. 13. 23. If the Lord ( were pleafed to 01 us, he would not have received a burnt. of ring and. a meat offering at our hand, neither would he have/hewed err thefe things. So if God had no mind to fave us, I he would not ufe fuch methods of grace about us. k 8.' The greatnefs of the Gofpel Covenant : For that allayeth a great many fears, to re. member that we are to interpret our qualification according to the Covenant of Grace, and the fweet terms thereof ; and tho there be many failings, we may be accepted with the Lord, who will not impute tó his people their frailties and fins of infirmity; not per- fthiou, but fincerity,is our claim ; we have indeed a faith too weak, and mingled with doubtings, too little love to God, and felf-love too prevalent : Our delires Of grace too cold, our thoughts often ditiraded; but yet where the heart is fee to feek the Lord, he will accept us, and our infirmities thall be forgiven us for Chrifis fake, When hejnflifeth, who /ball condemn ?' Rom. 8. 23. He will anfwer for the imperfection of our holy things; every fin is not a figa of death, force are continent with a Date of grace, and hopes of glory ; there are force fins which every one that truly repenteth, ceafeth to commit them, Prov. 28. 13. He that covereth hia fins, Jball not pro fper : bat whofo confeeth and forfa/jeth them /hall have mercy. There are other fins, which they that repent do hate, but they too frequently return, Rom. 7. 15. What I hate, that do I. As the imperfe&ion of our graces, many vain thoughts and inordinate pallions, too much deadnefs and coldnefi in holy duties, thefe are forgiven, and confift with life; thefe are caufes of childlike humiliation, bat not of judging our felves ungodly , ór calk out of the Favour of 1 God. 2. To breed earneflnef, and this delirousexpeh ation. 1. ,Think often of the fnfulnefsand miler, of the prefect evil world : E'ven the better part of it, that which is incident to the people of God, which are to be confidered either Jingly or rolleilively : Singly ; Each Saint and Servant of God findeth enough to drive him off from the world, and to make him long for Heaven, a great deal of fin to make him long for his perfeR etiate. Here in many things we offend, all of us, and the bell of us, jam. 3. 2. But above, there are the fpiaits of jufl men made perfect: A great deal of ìmifery, unlefs we are in love with difrefs, and prefer vanity and vexation of fpirit before our rat and quiet repofe; why Should we not delire to be at home with the Lord, which is much better for us? Phil. I. 23. We had been more in danger to forget Heaven, if all things had fuited to our delires, and our way had been tfrowed with worldly flowers and delights; but God bath more wifely Ordered it, that our temptation to abide here, Should not be too thong; or when the world appears to us in too temp- ting a garb and pot-hire, a valley of tears and fnares, a world full of fins, croffes, and pains, thould make us look out after a better eiate. Confider them colletfively, as a Church, here'tis quite different from what it will be hereafter t Alas I how often is it like á (hip in the hands of a foolifh guide, who knoweth not thet right art of (leering; fpotted with calumnies of adverfaries, or the Rains and fcandals of its own children, fometimes rent and torn with fad divifions, every Party impaling and inclofing the com- mon falvation, and confining it to their own bounds,unchriflianing and unmininring all the left, and many times in the purfuit of thefe contentious unmanning themfelves, while they leek to bear down sll that nand in their way ; tho'tis better to dwell in the Courts of the Lord, than in the tents of wickednefs, yet truly a tender fpirit will groan under theft: diforders, and long to come to the great council of fouls, to the fpirits of jul men made perfeR, who with petted Harmony are lauding and praifing God for ever- more, 2. Remove impediments ; Which are, fenfuality, and addidednefs to worldly things ; force feek all their delights and happinefs in the things of this world, and fo fit more by earth than Heaven, and will do more for it. . Certainly when we fall into the loare of worldly hopes, and are laying deigns for greatnefs here, 'tis a troublefome interrup- tion to think ofa remove,and their great change cometh upon them unawares,unthought of,