Manton - BX8915 M26 1684 v1

Ver.25. the Stb Cbaptër to the ROMAN S. '2351 fon, that we Ihould venture the imitation of them, not their holinefs only, but theiü faith, Heb. tr. 13. they lived and dyed in this faith; their life was holy,,and their death was happy, that are gone into the other world. But you will fay, If we could talk. with any of these that are gone into the other. world, Luke 16. 3o, 3 t. And be Paid, Nay father Abraham, but if one went unto them from the dead, they would repent : and he said unto him, They have Mofes and the Prophets, and if they will not hear them, neither will they be per- fwaded if one should cotùe from the dead. They are out of the fphere of our commerce; their testimony is not convenient for the government of God,. who will not govern the wòrld by fenfe, but by faith 5 and befides,you have better hopes, Mofes and the Prophets; there is more reafon to perfwade a man the Scriptures are true, than to believea ínef- fage brought him from one among the dead. 2. One that bath feen and is an infallible witness, hath teRified to us of the truth of thefe things we hope for ; John e. t 8. No man bath feen God at any time, the only begot, ten fin which is in the bofoine of the father, he bath declared him ; Chriü perfe&ly law and knew all that he hath told us of Cod, and the world to come ; John 3, It. fierily, ve. rely I fay unto thee, We fpeakthad Which we know,and teflify that we have fen, and ye reedit"; not our witnefo: fo that our faith and hope goeth on lure grounds ; fo veal 32, Ifbat hi hath feen and heard, he teflifteth, and no man receiveth his to ffimony. A good man, whole teftimony is valuable, that hath been in a ftrange country,and teltifitth what he hath feen there of it, would not we believe him ; Chrifi that came from the other world, and told us of the bleffednef of it, desèrveth the credit of a good man; he ufed a faithful plainnefs, John 14. 2, if ii were not fo, I would have told you. But more, of a Teacher lent from God, who confirmed his meffage by miracles, and laid down a Dotrine holy and good, and (hall not we receive his teRimony concerning there things he had perfe& knowledge of affured us of the truth of them ? (hall we not receive his teRimony? 3. Thole that law him and converfed with him, were not only authorized by him to Thew us the way to Eternal life, but law fo much of it themselves, as the mortal flare is capable of; yet enough to prove the reality of the thing,. a John t. t, 2, 3. That which. warfront the beginning, Which we have heard, which we have feen with our eyes, which we have looked upon, and our hands have handled of the Word of life: for the life was manrfefied; and we havefeen it, and bare witnef , and thew unto you that eternal life which was with the father, and manifested unto us: that which we have feen and heard; declare we unto you. Ach, 4. 20. For v'e cannot but 'peak; the things which we have feen andheard; they had it nc t by hearfay, but force kind of light; there being fidelity in the witnelles, there Ihould be faith in thofe that hear and read. 'the Apoliles had lenfible confirmation of what they did declare; If they fay that they heard, saw, and handled, that wbiéh they never did; then they were deceivers; if they only imagined they did fee and hear thole things,, then they were deceived ; if what they saw and heard, will not amount to a proof of Eternal life, then their teRimony is not lufficient. But their down-right ample honesty ;, and great holinefs, tbeweth they had no mind to deceive; and the nature of the things. they relate, (heweth that they could not be deceived; for they were eyewitnefTes'and ear - witneffes, and always converting with Chrilt; the proof is fuffrcient. If fuck racles, loch refurrel iòn, attention, such a voice from the excellent glory, will not prove another world, what will? 4. There is care taken that we also may have a fight of these things fo far as is ne ceffary to a lively and quickning hope; for the fpirit is given to reffne our reafon,. and elevate our minds, god raise them above fenfible things; that we may believe thefe fu- pernatural truths, and hope to enjoy this bleffednefs in the way of Chri(tianity; Gal; g. g. For we through t he fpirit, wait for the hope of righteoufnefs by faith ; interpret it not, only of the righteoufnefs of faith, but the hope built thereupon; it doth ajfure us of bliss, and glory for all that are obedient to the faith, and believe thefe endle s joys which are prepared for Chriftians. John. t. 17, t8. g. If we fee not thefe-things by faith, 'ris because we are blinded by lulls and brui- tith affelfions, which misbecome the humane nature, 2 Cor. 4, 3, 4, If our gofpel be hid, tit hid to them that are loft, whofe eyes the God of this world bath blinded. 'Tic because worldly advantages have [educed and perverted their affeftions, which inchant their minds, that thefe.fublime truths make no imprefíìon upon them, nor have any influ- ence upon their hearts : fo 2 Pet. 1.9. He that lacketh thefe things is blind, and cannot fee afar of They have not that purity of heart, which (hould finable them to believe this Doltrine, or fee things that (hould contraáh`t or check their' lulls 5 and being wed- ded to ptefene things, have do profpcft of things to come. , , i. USES