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Ver. 26, the 8th Chapter to the R OMAN )' the croft, defpifng the Jhame. Secondly, The fnbjell: Fir(t, it breedeth courage and forti. rude, and (trengthneth our refolutionsfor God and Heaven; the fpirit of power is hope, 2 Tim. 1.7. 2.It breedeth joy and comfort; all the pleafures of the world doth not give j that quiet content and re(t to the foul, which the hope of glory doth to a believer Matth. 5. 12. Rejoice, and be exceeding glad, for great isyour reward in heaven: t. U S E, To perfwade us to this patience of hope : The things hoped for; are to come, at a great di(tance ; many things mull be done, many things fuffered, and we mat make our way through the midlt of dreadful enemies, if we would attain our end ; :cis with us as with David, he was promifed a kingdom, and at length he had it, but in the mean time liable to many troubles; remember, David had his troubles : So it is with you; ma -, ny are the troubles of the righteous, but you mull do nothing unworthy of oùr great hopes; we expect great things, therefore we (hould contedtn lowthings, andendtirehard things; all the pleafures of the world are mean and lbw, and the hard(hips carry no comparifon or proportion with our hopes ; what great evils will men endure to obtain worldly gain, rife early, go to bed lite, eat the bread of forrowsirun from one end of the world to the other? Qur hope is not found, unlefs it breedeth this patient waiting; if we have atrue hope, we not only ought. in point of duty, but (hall; 'risthe property of hope fo to do, tofubmit with patience to all things which God fendeth; in the mean time,- and comfort dur lilies with the glory that (ball enfue. SERMON XXX I V. ROM. VIII. 26. Likewife the fpirit alfo helpeth our infirmities : for we know not what we fhould pray for as we ought : but the fpirit it felf maloeth intercefon for us with groanings which cannot be uttered. N the Context you have feveral arguments to perfwade to patience un- deraffiidion ; thofe two that are of chief Conlideration, are she hope of glory to come, and the help of the fpirit for the prefect ; this Jai= ter is in the Text. In this Verfe, i. The help of the fpirit is generally alerted. 2. The reafon evidencing the twerp, of that help. C r. The Author. R. The particular afJlance : Where we have, ¿{ 2. The manner of the fpiritr afTflance, i. The help of the fpirit ;e generally affected : Likewife the fpirit alfo helpeth our in- firmities : By infirmities he meaneth afRi &ions, and the perturbations occafioned thereby, as fretting or fainting; or more generally any finful infirmities, as ignorance, diltrufi, &c, For aiHi &ions, fee 2 Cor. 12. 9, io. And he faid onto me, My grace is fief cient for thee, for my f rength is made perfeft in weaknefi; moll gladly therefore will rather glory in my in- firmities, that the power of Chrift may refl upon me. Therefore I take pleafure in infirmities, in reproaches, in necefties, in perfectttions,in diffref t, for Chrif s fake; for Irhen 1 am wegk, then am 1 grans: rpr fins, fee Hebr 5..2, 3. Who can have comlaffìoit on the ignorant, on