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Ver. 7, I8. xxvth Chapter of St. .IVI A T T H E w, 95 are not accepted, a Cor. 13. r. God loveth non copiofum, fed hilarem Datorem, not a large, but a chearful Giver. Thirdly, Where the matter will afford it, a Liberal and open Heart will not be defective in R.:pantity; they think nothing too much for God , and therefore will do all that they can, all feemeth too little ; 1 Chron. 22. 14. And nom behold, in my Trouble, ( Heb or Poverty,) I have prepared for the Houfe of the Lord, an hundred thoufand Talents of Gold, and a thoufand thoufand Talento of Silver, and Brafs and iron without weight. Look, as there may be a Winters day in Summer, and Summers day in Winter, for the Proportion ; fo much may be little, and little much , according to the Mind and Love of the Giver ; the Widow gave Oa ßior Some do twice as much good with a little, as others with a great deal. Love will not be backward. Reafons of the Point. Becaufe Rghteoufnefs doth confift in a Proportion; and fo it holdeth goad both for our Duty, and Gods Judgement. Firfi, For our Duty ; that we lhould be fruitful according to our Means, Op- portunities, and Helps, for every one of there encreafe our Obligation. Secondly, For Gods Yudgement. God is not a Pharaoh, to require the full tale of Brick, where he doth not afford Rubble : In all his Proceedings there is great Equity ; he copfidereth men according to their Advantages. Rom. 2.9. Tribulation and anguif% upon every Soul of manthat Both ,evil, of the Jew firft, and al/o of the Gentile. I VS E, Let this of f vage the Envy and Trouble of the Meaneft . If thy Gifts be mean, thy Account will be fo much the eager : Merchants that have the greateft Dealing, are not eveathe fafeft men. Eeelef. e. 18. He that encreafeth knowledge, encreafeth Sorrow. None fo miferable as they that have received much, and return- ed little ; which íhould prevail with us to an Acquiefcency in Gods Provicjenee, though our Talents be not fo large. 2. Let it quicken chafe that have received greater Gifts than others, to do fo much the more good with them : you are more bound, and that which God will ac- cept from others, he will not from you. If you have many Ordinances and means of Improvement, you íhould get the more Grace. Heb. 6. 6, 7. and Mat. r r. 22, 23, 24. You are deeper in the State of Condemnation, if you do not bring forth Fruit proportionable to the means of Salvation : if greater Abilities, you muff give God the more Glory ; if a greater Efrate, you muft-be richer in good Works. r Jim. 6. 7, 8. For you to Phut up your Bowels, r John 3. r7. How dwelleeh the Love of Gad in you T Potentes potenter . cruciabuntur : Mighty fhall be the Deftru &ion of the Mighty : if we have greater Mercies, there is greater Duties ; and greater Duties, greater Sins; and greater Sins, greater Judgments : Surely if men had any Senfe of their Accounts, thofe that have much to anfwer for, would have more Trouble. Doll. III. Among thofe that have received Talents, all are not alike Fruitful. I (hall handle the Point with refpel to the Context we have in hand. s. Though but one be mentioned, yet the Number of `Unfaithful ones it very great; In Parables the Scope mull be regarded. Now the general Scope is to íhew, that as the Virgins are not all admitted, fo all the Servants of the Houfe not accepted in the Parable. Indeed two of the Servants are Faithful, one unfaithful We cannot conclude thence, that the Number of thole that ufèd their Talents well, íhould be greater than of thofe that hid them, or negle£ted the Improve- ment of them as in the former parable, that the Number of the Foolifh (hall be juft equal with the Number 'of the Wife ;- or in the Parable of the Wedding Gar- ment,, that but one (hall come to the Gofpel.feaft unprepared: No, the Ornament of that Scheme and Figure which Chrift would make ufe of, to fignify his mind, required it lhould be fo expreffed. For fince our Lord, to avoid Perplexity and Confufion, would mention but three Servants, 'twas fit that one fhould be an infrante of eminent Faithfulnefs and Service, another of Service in a lower de- gree, that the meaneft may not be difcourced ; and the other íhould reprefent the unfruitful ones. Now Experience fheweth they are more than one to two ; yea more than ten to one, much the far greater Number. Oh how few are Oierg