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244 S E R M 0 N S upón Serm. X.XXIV:' them that are out of the way, for that he himfelf all is compaffed with infirmities 5 And by reafon hereof be ought, as for the people, fo alfo for himfelf, to offèr for fins. The word for help is notable, aäca ñ w1fsK helpeth oft infirmities, as Mark 9. 24. Lord I believe, help my unbelief help me againf it which we render, he helpeth alfo, joineth in relie- ving ; helpeth us under our infirmities: Goeth to the other end of the fiaff,' and bear- eth a part of the burden with us. The word 6gnifieth, To lift up a burden with,ano- ther; In afiftions we are not alone, but we have the Holy Ghofi as our Auxiliary Comforter, who ftrengtheneth and beareth us up, when we are weak and ready to fink under our burden. 2. The reafon evincing the neceffity of that help; for we ¡now not what we fhould pray for as we ought. In which there is 1. Something intimated and imp fed; That prayer is a great flay in affil &ions. James 5. If any among you be a ffliiled, let thempray. God doth afflid us, That we may (wallow :our griefs, but vent them in prayer. We have noother way to relieve our felves in a- ny diftrefs, but by ferious addreffes to God; This is the means appointed by God to 'procure comfort to the difireffed mind, fafety to thofe that are in danger, relief to them that are in want, ftrength to them that are in weaknefs ; In fhort, The only means for obtaining good, and removing evil, whether temptations, dangers, enemies, fin, forrows, fears, cares, poverty, fhame, ficknefs; God is our only help agaitift all thefe, and prayer is the means to obtainrelief from him; yea, all grace and ftrength, and the greateft mercies that we defire and ftand in need of. 2, That which is expreffed, that we know not how to conceive our prayers aright either as to Matter or Manner; 'Tisfaid of Zebedees Children, ye know not what ye ask, Matth. 20.22. and 'tis true of all others alto ; we often beg a mifchief to our felves in- . ftead of a blefling. In thofe times they were fubjed to great perfecutions, and therefore prayed foran exemption from them; which not happening according to defire,they were troubled : Therefore the Apoflle telleth them, we know not what we fhculd pray for as we ought; we know not what is abfolutely belt for us, till the fpirit inlighten and di- reel us. There is a darknefs and confufion in our minds; we confult with the Heft, and asVv-chat is molt eafie, and what is molt advantagious; The fpirit of God knoweth what we molt ftand in need of, and is belt for our turn, health, wealth,- honour , or ficknefs, poverty, and difgrace. There is need of great confideration when we pray, more than good men commonly think of: That we may neither ask things unlawful, nor lawful things amifs, Darn. 4. 3. we know not what fpirit we are of, Luke- 9. 55. we count revenge, zeal; therefore the Holy Ghoft doth inftrul and dire& our motions in prayer, 2 Cora I2. 8, g. 3. Theparticular alliftance we have fromhim, is mentioned; but the fpirit maketb interceff for us, with groans which cannot be uttered: Where obferve, t. The Author of this help and affiance; The fpirit it Pelf ma/etb interceffion for us : not that the fpirit prayeth, but fets us a praying. As here the fpirit is faid to pray in us, fo elfewhere we are faid to pray in theHoly Ghofi, Jude 20. he prayeth; As Solomon is faid to build the Temple; he did not do the Carpenters or Mafons work, but he di- re fed how to build, found out workmen, and furnifhed them with moneyand materi- als. Neither doth the fpirit make interceffion for us as Chrift doth, Rom. 8.34. who is at the right hand of God, and maketh interceffion for us; prefenting himfelf to God for us; the drawing up of a petition is one thing, the prefenting it in Court is another; The fpirit as a Notary, inditeth our requefts, and as an Advocate prefenteth them, and pleadeth them in Court. , 2. The manner of his help and affiflance, he flirreth up in us ardent groans in prayer, or worketh up our hearts to God, with defires expreffed by fghs and groans; ssreyµ 's ru,rá-ra7s may be rendered unuttered groans, as well as unutterable, and fo fome take it here; And indeed that way it beareth a good fenfe, That the vertue of true prayer, doth not confft in the number and artifice of words, as thofe that thought they Ibould be heard for their vain bablings, and much fp eaking, Matth. 6. 7. Alas, the greateft cow- inand and flow of words, is but babling, without there fecret fighs and groans, which the lively motions of the fpirit ftirreth up in us. There may be this, without words ;. As Mofes cryed unto the Lord, though he uttered no words, Exod. 14. 15. or unuttera- ble; Whatfoever proceedeth from a fupernatural motion of the fpirit, its fervour, and efficacy, and force, cannot be apprehended or expreffed 5 1 Pet, 1. 8. Te rejoice with joy unfpeak