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246 SERMONSupon Serro. XXXIV. when we begin to waver, we fbould look to it betimes, and rouie up our felves, that we may refolve to go on and finifh our raro, and not lofe the benefit of our former labours and fufferings. 2. Confderation, That in this weaknefs, if bewe left to ourfelves, we cannot fuppori our felves. This appeareth, partly becaufe they that have but a light Tinllure of the fpirir, give up at the firft affault, Matth. 13. 21. When tribulation arifeth becaufe of the word, by and by he is effénded. Offers of pardon of fins, and eternal life, affel them for a while, and ingage them in the profeffion of godlinefs ; but when once it cometh to prove a coftly bufinefs, they give it over prefently sand partly, becaufe the moft refolved, if not duly poffeffed with a fenfe of their own weaknefs, loon mifcarry, if not in whole, yet in ,part; witnefs Peter, Matth. 26. 33, 34, 35. Chrift had warned them that fuch afHidi- ons fhould come, as the ftouteft fhould (tumble at them, and fall for a times but Peter being confcious to himfelf of his own fincerity, could not believe fuch weaknefs to be in him ; but God will loon confute confidence in our own ftrength, as the event of his fearful fall did evidently declare; partly, becaufe they that feem to be molt fortified, not only by Refolution, but ftrong Reafons, may yet overlook them in a time of Temptation. As Eliphaz told yob, Chap. 4. 3, 4, 5. Behold, thou haft in ftrulled many, and haft irerigth. toed the weakhands; thy words have upholden him that was falling; and thouhaft ftrengtb- ened the feeble knees: But now it,is come upon thee, and thou faintell ; it toucheth thee, and thou art troubled. 'Tis one thing to give counfel, and another to pra &ice it , and thete is a great deal of difference between tryal apprehended by our judgement, and felt by our fenfe, John 12. 27. Now is my foul troubled ; and what Pall I fay? Father, fave me from this hour : but for this caul came I to this hour. When well; we eafily give.counfel to the tick :. They that (land on (bore, may dire& others when ftrugling with a Tempeft. And betides, we know many things habitually, which we cannot actually bring to remem- brance, being overcome with the fenfe of preterit evils ; and grace that feemeth ftrong out of tryal, is found weak in tryal, and faileth when we fhould moft ad it: and partly, becaufe thole that do not wholly defpond, but are yet wreftling, are plainly convinced, that they cannot conquer by their own ftrength, Jet. 8. 18. When I would comfrt my feif againft my furrow, my heart fainteth within me ; The tedioulnefs of prefent preffures doth fo invade their fpirits, that they find themfelves much too weak to grapple with their troubles: They gray to do it, but find it too hard for them. Now after all theft, experiences of the Saints, Where is the man that will venture in his own ftrength, to compote his fpirit, and overcome his own infirmities? 3. That when we cannot fupport ourfelves, through our weaknefs, the fpirit helpeth us. We (peak not of the neceffity of the holy fpirit to our regeneration, but confirmation: After grace received, worldly things let near and dole to us, and the love of them is not fo quite extint3 in us, but that they have too great a command over our inclinations, and affe &ions, that we cannot overcome our infirmities without the affrtiance of grace, which Chri(ldifpenfeth by his fpirit; And'tis not enough for us to (land upon our guard, and defend our felves, but we mutt implore the divine affiflance, which is ingaged for us Eph. 3. 16. That he would grant unto you, according to the riches of his glory, to be .lrengthened with might, by his fpirit in the inner man. . t Pet. r. 5. Who are kept, by the power of God through faith tofalvation. t Cor. to. 13. There bath, no temptation taken yes:, but fach as is common to matt ; but God is faithful, who will not fufer you to be tempted above what you are able ; but will with the temptation alfo, make a way to efcape. The fpirit that inlightneth a Chriftian, fortifieth him; and the fame grace which he f ieddeth abroad in the fonl,filleth us both with light and ftrength, and as a fpirit of ftrength and counfel doth ínable us to bear all the afllidions which othetwife would (hake and weaken pur relo- lutions for God and Heaven. 4. They that route up themfelves, and life all means, are in a nearer capacity to receive in- fluences from the fpirit than others. For the Apotiles word is, he helpeth alfo. We have been at the work, reafoning and pleading, but he maketh our thoughts efledual. Plat. 27. 14. Wait on the Lord, be of good courage, and he pall llrengthen thy heart; wait 1 fay on the Lord. If we do no; exercife faith and hope, How can we look for the affttiance of the Holy Gho(t ? If we give way to difcouragement, we quit our own Comfort; But when we alive to take courage from the grounds of faith, 'cis followed with ftrength from God, to undergo the trouble. So Pfal. 31. 24. Be of good courage, and he Pall flrengthen your heart, all ye that hope in the Lord. When we arm our felves with con - ftancy and fortitude, there is no doubt of Gods feafonable relief; but if you, out of love of the eafe and contentment of the fle(h, give way to difficulties, and defpond ò How