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248 S E R 1Vi ® N S upon 8erm. )XXIiT: them who dram backunto perdition, but of them that Eelteve to the fazing of the foul. Will you run into hell for fearof burnirg? 7. The holy Spirit blefeth thefe cofckrations; and doth further comfort the Saints 5 partly, by (bedding abroad the love of' God in their hearts, Rom. 5. 3, 4, 5. Gods finites are infinitely able to counterballance the worlds frowns ; and partly, by a clearer fight of their bleffednefs to 'come; remember. your eternal bh ffìngs, and how far your at-flit-lions prepare you for them. 2 Cor. 4. 16, 17. For this conferee faint not 5 but though our outward man per fh, yet the inward man is renewed day by day. For cur light aifitblions which are tot fora moment, worketh for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory. The greaten trouble cannot make void thishope, yea it doth prepare you for it, your Spiritual ellate is bettered by them. 2. Do &. That prayer is one fpecial means by which the Holy Spirit helpeth Gods chil- dren in their troubles and afflitlions. t. Troubles are lent for this end, not to drive us from God, but to draw us to hits. Hal. 50. 15. And call upon me in the day of trouble, I will deliver thee, and thou fhalt glo rife me. Trouble in its felf is a part of the curie introduced by in when God feemeth angry, we have a liberty to apply our felves to him : In trouble we are' apt to think God an enemy, and that he ptttteth the Old Covenant in fuit againft us; but then God expe &s moll to hear from us. a. Prayer is a fpecial means to eafe the heart of our burdenfome cares and fears; Phil. 4 6. Be careful for nothing, but in every thing by prayer and fnpplication, let your re- grief's be made known unto God. When the wind is got into the Caverns of the earth, it caufeth Earthquakes and terrible Convulfions, till it get a vent 5 we give vent to our troublefome and unquiet thoughts by prayer, when we lay our burden at Gods feet. 3. 'Tis a fpecial means of acknowledging God as the fountain of our flrength, and the Author of our bleffings. Firfi, As the fountain of our flrength and fupport 5 we have it not in our felves, and therefore we feek it from God; he is able to keep us from falling 5 Therefore we pray to him, t Pet. 5. 10. But the God of all grace, who bath called us to his eternal glory by jeftis Chrifl, .after that ye have filffered a while, make you perfeû, flablifh, frengthen, fettle you. Secondly; As the Authour of our deliverance, 2 Tim. 4. 18. He Pall deliver me from every evil work I. USE, Is to exhort us to prayer. Firn, He delights to give out ble(fings this way, Jar. 29. II, 12. ...For I know the thoughts that I think towards you, faith the Lord, thorights of peire, and not of evil, togiveyau an expelled end. Then fhallyou call upon me, and ye (hall go and pray unto me, and l will hearken unto you. And Ezrk. 36. 37. Thus faith the Lord God, I will yet for this be enquired of by the hoof of tfrad, to do them good. And our Lord Chriti as Mediator,' waste) ask of the Father, Pfal. 2. 8. Askof me, and 1 will give thee the heathen for an inheritance, and the uttermofi parts of the earth for a poffeffion. Se- condly, All mercies come the Tweeter to us, as they increafe our love to God, and troll in hint, Pfal. 116. t, 2. Ilove the Lord, becaufe he hath heard my voice, and my fupplrcatioi, becaufe h. e hall, inclined his ear unto me, therefore will I call upon him as long as 1 live. 2. USE, Is Information 51f we would have the fpirits help, let us pray ;there we have moll fenfible feeling of his a f htance ; our (trength lyeth moll in asking ; and when we are at a lofs what to do, your hearts are more ealed in pray er, than in any other work 5 every condition is fro&ified, when it bringeth you nearer to God; if croffes bring us to the throne of Grace, they have done their work, your troubls is eafed. 2. Do&. That the prayers of the godly come from Gods Spirit. That the Spirit bath a great firoke in the prayers of the faints, is evident by ma-. ny other Scriptures betides the text, as Jude 20. praying in the Holy Ghof15 that is, by his motion, and infpiration. Look as we breathe out that air which we lirfi fuck ill: fo the prover is &rn breathed into us, before breathed out by us 5 firft infpired, before uttered 5 fo Zech. t2. to. I will pour opon them a Spirit of grace and fripplications 5 A Spirit of grace, will become a Spirit of fupplications. Where he dwelleth in the heart, he difco- vereth himfelf mofily in prayer 5 fo Gal. 4. 6. Be,aufeye are fans, God bath fens forth the Spirit of his Son into your hearts, crying Abba Father. The Spirits gracious operations are manifefted, efpecially in fitting us for, and affìning us in the. duty of prayer; affe- aionate and believing prayers, areafcribed unto him; God bath put forth the Spirit of his Son, crying, &c. Here I tihall enquire, 1. In