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Ver. 26. the 8th Chapter to the R OM ANS. 1. In what manner the fpirit cancurreth to the prayers of the faithful. 2. What necety there is of this help and affiance. 3. Caution again'?force ábnfer and miftakes of this dotirinë. Foi the fitff. T. Thefe three things concur in Prayer , aS different caeca of the fame effet: The fpirit of a mas, the new nature, and the Spirit of God. Firft, there is the Spirit of a man. For the Holy Gholi makes ufe of our underftandinge, for the gloating; of our will and affetions5 the Spirit bloweth up the fire, tho it bettor hearts that burn within us. Secondly, the new nature in a Chriftian, is more immediately and vigoroully operative in Prayer, than in molt other duties; and the extcife of Faith,; Love, and Hope in Prayer, doth flow from the Renewed Soul, as the proper iutvard and vital principle of their aftions ; fo that we, and not the Spirit of God, are faid to repent, believe, and pray. Well then, there is the heart of man, and the heart Renewed, and Santtifyed; for the Spirit, as to his aâual motions ; doth not blow up- on a dead coal. But then there is the Spirit of God, who createth, and peferveth . their gracious habits in the Soul ; and doth excite the Soul to a&, and doth eat it iu aIing, according to them ; as for inflance, the natural fpirit of man out'of felt' lové, willeth and defireth its own good, and its own felicity in general, and is unwilling of deftru &ion, and apparent mifery, or whatever may ocefion it. But then as we are renewed, this will to good is fanftified, that God is chofen as our portion and te. licity ; or as the principal good to be defined by us. Faith feeth that the favour and fruition of God in ablefled immortality, is our true happinefs ; and love detireth it above all things. And on the contrary, fhunneth damnation, and the wrath of God; and fin, as fin, and all the apparent dangers of the Soul. Hope waiteth and expetteth the fruition of God; and the good things which leadeth to him accordingly we addrefs our felves to God, and put forth, and aft this Faith, Love, and Hope in Prayer; this our renewed Spirit doth; but the Holy Ghoft himfelf,is the principalcaufe of all, who doth create this faith, love, and hope, and Rill preferve it, aad order and attuate it. The Soul worketh powerfully and (weedy by an eanueft motion and in- clination towards God: 249 S MON XXX V, 8 O M. VIII. 26. Likewife the fpirit alfo helpeth our infirmities : for we know not what we, Jhould prayfor as we ought : but the fpirit it felf maketh interceion for us with groanings which cannot be uttered. E now come more diftinttly to chew what the Holy Ghol Both in Prayer. . ' r 1.He direlleth,and ordereth our requeils,foasthey may fait with our great end, which is the injoyment of God. For of our felves we fhould Pray only after a natural and humane affection, which fets up its felt inttead of God ; and felf confidered as a Body, rather than a Soul ; and fo askèth Bodily things, rather than Spiritual ; and the conveniencies of the Natural Life , rather than the injoyment of the world to come. Let a Man alone, and he will fooner ask baits, and fnares,and temptations, than graces,and helps. A Scorpion iaftead of Fitb,- and a Stone rather than Bread ; we take counfel of our lofts, and interdis, when we are left to our own private fpirit ; and fo would make God to ferve with our fins, and im- ploy him as a Minifter of our carnal delires ;as 'tis faid of them in the Wildern'efs, Pfal. 78. 18. They tempted God in their hearts, by asking meat for their tuffs. Our natural will and carnal affetttons will make us Pray our fettles into a fnare. In the Text tis laid, We know not what to pray for as we ought.And in the 2 7.1r. He maketb intercejon for the faints according to the will of God. ew, Saar according to God ; not only with refpeû to 9 I his