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2 5o S E K M O N S upon Serm. XXXV. his will, but his Glory, and our eternal good ; fo that human and carnal affe &ion (ball neither prefcribe the matter, nor fix the end. To Pray in an Holy manner, is the pro - du& of the Spirit, and the fruit of tits operation in us. Faith, and Love, and Hope, are more at work in a ferious Prayer, than human and carnal affe &ion, which referreth all its defines and inclinations to the Bodily Life. 2. He quickneth, and enliveneth our defrer in prayer. There is an holy vehemency and fervour required in Prayer,oppofrte to that carelefs formality and deadnefs, which otherwife is found in us. There are the groaning, which cannot be uttered , fpoken of in therext. Groaning, noteth the ftrength and ardency of delire, when there is a warmth, and a life, and a vigour in Prayer. Oh how flat and dead are our hearts, oftentimies, when we want there quickening motions ! A flow of words may come from our natural temper, but there lively motions, and ftrong delires, from the Spirit of God. Tis notable, that the Prayer which is produced in us by the fpirit, is reprefented by the notion of a cry; twice'tts Paid teaching us to cry Abba Father ; not with re- fpea to the loudnelss of the voice, but the earneftnefs of affe &ion. Crying for help, is the molt vehement way of asking, tired only by perlons in great necefflty and danger 5 a prayer without life is as inceufe without fire, which fendeth forth no per- fume, or fweet favour. The firing of the Sacrifices was atoken of Gods acceptance; fo when warmth of heart cometh from Heaven,God teftifieth of his gifts. 3 . He incourageth and emboldnetb ut to come to God as a Father. Phis is one main thing twice mentioned in Scripture, Rom 8. Is. We have received the fpirit of adop- tion, whereby see cry Abbe father; and Gal. 4.6. Becaufe ye are fans, God hathfent forth the fpirit of hit fin into onr heart:, crying Abbe Father. A great part of the life and comfort of Prayer, confi(teth in coming to God as a reconciled Father. Now this. is feen in two things, 1. Child -like confidence. 2. child-44 reverence. 1. child-like confidence, or a familiar owning of God in Prayer, when we come to him as little Children to their Father, for help in their dangers and necef cities. Chrift hash taught us to fay our Father, and in every Prayer we muft be able to fay fo in one fafhion or an other; not with our lips,but with our hearts; by option and choice,if not by dire& affirmation, Luke z I. 13. lfye then being evil, know how togive good gifit to your children, how mach more (hall your heavenly father give the holy fpirit to them that ask it ? We forget the duty of Children, but God doth not forget the mercies of a Father. Let it be the voice of our truft and hope , rather than of our lips. 2. With child -like reverence, in an humble and awful way ; God that bath the title of a Father, will have the honour and refpe& of a Father, Matt. 1. 6. If this Ihould breed fear and reverence in us at other times, it should much more when we immedi- ately converfe with him, I Pet. 1. 17. If ye call on the father, who without refpeil of perfonr judgeth every man. God will be fanllifted in all that draw nigh unto.him, Heb. io. Co Phil. '3. si. Serve the Lord with fear, and rejoyce with trembling. Our fami- liarity with God, mutt not mar our reverence; nor confidence and delight in him; our humility and ferious dealing with God in Prayer , is wrought in us by the fpirit ; in whole light we fee both God and our (elves ; his Majelty, and our vile- nefs ; his purity, and our finfulnefs, his greatnef ; and our nothingnefs: 2 the necedity of this help and affi fiance. 1. 'The order and economy of the divine per fops fhemeth it. in the myftery of re- demption God is reprefented as our reconciled God and Father, to whom we come. Chrift as the Mediator, through whom we have liberty and accefs to God, as out owl God. And the Spirit as our guide, San &ifier, and Comforter, by whom we come to him.God is. reprefented as the great Prince, and IIaiverfal King, into whole prefence- chamber poor petitioners are admitted; Chrift openeth the door by the merit of his Sacrifice, and keepeth it open by his confiant interceffaon, that wrath tray be no hindrance.on Gods part, nor guilt on ours ; for otherwife, God is a confuming fare, Heb. 12. 29. and fin divides and feparates between God and us, yfa. 59. 2. Then the fpirit doth create, preferve, and quicken ; and a&uate there graces in the exercile of which this accefs is managed and .carryed on. ,Otherwife, Inch is our impotency and avert-tiers, that we fhould not make ule of this offered benefit, Eph. 2. 18. For through him we both have an accefs by one fpirit unto the fitber. The injoyment of the Fatherly love of God, is the I;igheft happier, in which the Soul Both nett content; Chrift is the way by which we come to the Father ; and the Spirit our guide, which caufeth us to enter in this way, and goeth along with us in it. . We cannot look aright