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Ver. 27. the StbChapter to the R O M AN S. 253 When we pray alone, 'tis good to obferve the workings of our own hearts; furely Whatever Prayer we -make to God, we thould find it in our hearts, 2 Sam.7, 27. There. fore hath thy fermata: found in his heart to pray this prayer unto thee. Having a deep fenfe of our wants, a real defire of the bletfing, we ask exerci ìrg grace, rather than memory and invention; pouring out our very Souls to God,with fighs and groans, rather than words; we are at liberty there t ufe, or not ufe the voice; to continue fpeech, and break it off, and lift up the heart by thong delires to God. V S E. It informeth us, a. What kind of help we have from the fpirit of Gad inprayer ; his work is to guide awl quicken you. Firft, to guide you in Prayer, that you may Pray to God in an Holy manner ; we know not what to pray for as we ought, on a fourfold reafon ; I. As blinded with felf ive. 2. As difcompofed by trouble. 3. As flruck dumb by guilt. 4. As flraitned by barrenefi and leannefe of foul. r. As blinded by feilove. Oh, what ftrange prayers will men put up to God, if they take counfel of their lofts and interelh! as the Difciples that called for fire from Heaven ; Chriff told them, ye know not of what manner offpirit ye are of, Luke g. 55.. Selflove fo blindeth us, that if we be lead by it, we fhali rather beg our ruin, than our falvation 5 for we know not what is either profitable, or prejudical to us ; fo that it would be an argument of Gods anger, to grant our requefts. The Ambitious, if he fhould pray from the paillon that poffeffeth him,would only ask honour and world- ly greatnefs. The Covetous only, that God would double his worldly portion, and inlarge his eftate, according to his vaft delires ; the Senfual, the ability and opportu- nity of glutting his bruitifh inclinations; the Vindiltive, that he may ínterefs God his quarrels. All [inners would ferve him, only to ferve their carnal turns ; whatever words we ufe to God in Prayer, if we ferve him to thefe ends, and hope that by pray- ing, they (hall be the better gratified, our Prayer is turned into fin ; but he that is guided by the. Spirit, intreateth nothing of God but what is pleafing to him, and fuiteth with his Glory ; we come to our Father which is in Heaven when we Pray 5" and our welfare in the World mutt be fubordinated to our Eternal and Heavenly ettate.And we come in the name of Ghrift ; now to ask honours in his name, who was born in a Stable, and Dyed on a Cros ; pleafures in his name who was a man of forrows, is utterly incongruous: no ! Gods Glory, Kingdom, Will, mutt be preferred before our inclinations; other things asked with refervation and fubmiffion. z. Our minds are d feompojed by trouble, that we fcarce know what to do, or fay. 2 Chron 20.12Lord,we Isnrw nrt "What to de,but oar eyes are unto thee. Our Lord Cbrifi, John r2. 27. My foul is troubled, what fhall Ifay? in great grief, Chritt himfelf was at a lofs.The great Teacher of the Church, who bath fo much to fay for our comfort and counfel in loch cafes, yet was amazed, and at a nonplus ; and David, Pfal. 77, 4. I am fore troubled, I cannot fpeak. Our words ftoppeth the mouth. Now when our thoughts are thus confounded, we fcarce know what, to pray for ; the Spirit teach- ethus what to fay. Look as in the cafe 'of the fear of men, Luke r2. 12. For the HolyGhoft / hall teach you in the fame hour, whit you /hall fay. So in our perplexities, when we are fcarce able to open our mouths to God. 3. When (truck dumb by fose newly contraAed guilt, as David kept thence and grew flay of God, Pfd. 32. 3. The Spirit urgethus to penitent confe}fion, and hum- ble filing out our pardon, v. 5. with that brokennefs of heart which becometh a finder. 4. When flraitned by barrennef, and leannefs of Soul; would fain Pray, but are dry, and barren of matter;_ 'tis becaufè we ufe not meditation, and ferious recolleetion,Pfal. 45..1, My heart is initing a good matter, my tongue lithe pen of a ready writer. One that iewell acquainted with God and himfelf,cannot want matter.Firft,The HolyGhofk puts us tipon the ferions confideration of there things i and then when we come to (peak to God, a man will copioufly enough be fupplíed out of the abundance of his heart, Matth. 12. 34. Out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth feaáeth if the mind be flocked and furnifhed with holy thoughts, and meditation , it will break out in the lips. 2. His next oIce is to quicken yea, or raffe your a,'eh.Ìions, and holy delires, which are the life of Prayer. The prayer continueth nálonger than the desires do. There- fore groans are more Prayer than words; weeping hath a voice, Pfal. 6. 8. The Lord hdtli