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Ver.26. the 8th Chapter to the R. O M A N S. 255 4. Natural Fervency when inftantand earneft, for fome kind of bleffings, efpecially when we are oppreffed with grievous evils, and would fain get rid of them ; yet they cannot be looked upon as a motion of the fpirit ; partly, becauj 'cis the temporal inconve- nience they mind, more than the removal of fin ; and cry more to get cafe of their troubles, than repentance for their fins which procured them ; and the fupply of their neceflities which they mind, and not the favour of God ; and therefore the Holy Ghoft calleth it howling, Hof; 7.14. Like the moans of the Beads for cafe ; partly; becaufe they have no more to do with God, when their turns are ferved , and they are delivered from their troubles, Ter 2. 27. In the time of their trouble they willfay, arife and fave rss Exod. to. 17. Intreat the Lord, that he may take away this death only. So that all cometh from mere felf love ; partly, becaufe thofe relentings which they have for fin, go not deep enough to divorce their hearts from it, Pfa. 78. 36, 37: Neverthelefi, they did flatter with their mouth, andthey lyed to him with their tongues ; for their heart was not right; with him, neither were they fledfaft in his covenant. Even then, when they fought God right early,and remembred that God was their Rock, and the high God their Redeemer the Judgments of Godr; had fume flight effeít upon them, reduced them to Tome degree of repentance, and good behaviour and temper for a while, but all this while they were but like ice in yielding weather, thawed above, and hard at bottom ; partly, becaufe if they pray for fpiritual things,'tie bat a dictate of confèience , awakened for the time; not the defires of a. renewed heart, fecooded with confiant endeavours to obtain what we ask of God ; and fo, The foul of the Haggard defreth, and bath nothing, Nov. 13.4. They are not urging defires, that quicken to diligençé But what prayers then come from the fpirit ? t. When there is fomething divine in them, fbeh as are fuited to the Objeh td whom' we pray,and looketh like worfhip relating to God, when it hath the ftatftp of his nature upon it; we apprehend in God two fort of Attributes, Come that belong to his Mercy and Goodnefs, Come to his Majefly .and Greatnefs; now his Mercy and Goodnefs is fern in the joy of our faith and confidence; his Majefly and Greatnefs in our Humility and Reverence ; both prompt us to ferious worfhipping. 2. When there is fomething beyond the workof oar natural faculties 5 and prayer is not the fruit of memory and invention, but of faith, hope, and love 9 a man by the help of memory and invention, may frame and utter a prayer which bis heart diflid keth. 3. Whatever prayers are according to the will of God, v. 27. And he that fearcheth' the heart, l{noweth what is the mind of the fpirit, becaufe he malieth intercellion for the faints according to the will of God. 3. V S E is to exhhorr you to get this fpirit of prayer and fupplication. r. Beg the Spirit of 'God ; From his fatherly Love, Luke t r. 13. If ye then being evil know how to give good gifts to your children, how muchmore ¡hall your heavenly' Father give the holy fpirit to them that ask him? 2. Beg it as ?inhaled by Chriß ; as one of his Difciples, as one that bath contented to the Covenant of Grace, which is a dutiful and obediential acceptance of Chrift Jefus, as our alone remedy ; fo cloth 'Paul pray for ir, Eph. C. 17, 18. That the God of our Lord yefss Chrifi, the Father of glory, may give unto you the fpirit of wifdom and revelation in the knowledg of him : The eyes of your underfianding being enlightned, that ye may know what is the hope of his calling, and what the riches of the glory of his inheritance in the' Saints. So doth God offer ir. 3. Obey the fpirit in other things, and then he will help you in prayer, Rom. 8.1-4. For as many as are led by the fpirit of God,are the foes of God. That implyeth, that he not only direïìs, but we follow his dirertion;therefore make it your bufinefs to obey his mo- dons when he would reftrain you from fin, Rem. 8. 13. If ye through thefpirit, snornfsé the deeds of the body, ye fhalllive. When heinviteth and leadeth you into Communion" with God, which is called by the Apolifei walking in the fpirit, Gal. 5.2'5. Obey him fpee- dily, for delay is a plaufible denials thoroughly doing all that he requireth of you con- ftantly, not (òmetimes only, when generally you negleet him ; the fpirit is a firanger to` you in prayer, when you negle&his other motions; there is a grieving the fpirit, Eph. 4, 3o. And grieve not the holy fpirit. whereby ye aretfealed to tie day of redemption. A refill- ing the fpirit, AQs 7.51. Te ftiffnecked and uncircurmcifed in heart and ears, ye do aires» reffi the holy ghefi. And there is a quenching the fpirit,. Thef. 5. 19. iuencb not ehrt ¡pirit. 4. Da