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Ver. 27. the 8th Chapter to the R O MAN S. 259 internals, own Religion when profeffinn is not costly, put on a garb of devotion at times, but lay it aside ordínarily;do what is plautble to men, but negle &what is acceptable to God 5 now this is called a lying to the Holy Ghost, Aets 5. 3. Why to the Holy Ghoft ra- ther than the Father and the Son ? Because of his fpecial precedency and infpeftion over Church- Affairs, As zo, 28. TaI.e heed therefore unto your fives, and to all the flock over which the Holy Ghost bath made you overt err. A &s t g. i8. For it feemed good unto the Holy Ghost and to us, to 1ay Upon you no greater burden than theft necefary things.. They pretended to do it by his in(lin& 5 as all Chriflians that pray, profefs or pretend to pray by the Holy Ghost. Oh ! Obfetve this ; many make a false confeffion of faith, or pto- mice of obedience; this is called, a lying,not to men, but to God, As 5. 4. Oh then, we thould be exceedingly fortified agaïnft hypocrite in worship; 'tis to think to deceive God, whom we profess to be Omnifcient 5 tray 'cis a tempting of the Spirit of the Lord; v. 9. Haw is it that ye have agreed together to tempt the fpirit of the Lord? A put- ting it to the proof, whether he will difcover us or no 5 now rather than run this haz- zard, it concerneth us greatly and thoroughly to be poffeffed of this truth, That God feareheth the heart. 3. There can be no true worship, unlefi we be deeply pofef d with a thorough of the in- finite Iezowtedg of God. I. There can be no faith, unlefs the worship be performed and tendred to God as in all - Peeing Spirit, Heb. I I. 6. Without faith 'cis iwpoffible to pleafe God :for he that cometh to God, rauft believe that he ii, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently 'leek him, If God know me not, nor in what manner I ferve him,'tis all one whether Ì ferve him religioufly, or with a' cold, faint, formal worship, for he teeth not with what heart I go about it 5 if we pray, and think to be never the better for praying, there can be no life in prayer ;for a perfwwIioo to be heard and accepted, mull be at the bottom of all duties 5 therefore all that would ferve him diligently,muft believe that he isOmnifcient, and knoweth all things. 2. There can be no reverence 5 For'ris all one ro pray to an idol, and to a God that heareth not, and Teeth. not; yea,'tis Worfe; for they were perfwaded of a Vertue or a Divine Power belonging to their Idols; therefore all your worship wilt be but a confor- tnity to the common cuftom and fashion, Ezek. 31. 31.. They come before thee as thy peo- ple cometh, and ft before thee as thy people, and they hear thy words, but they will not dd them :for with their mouth they !Jew much love, but their heart goetb after their covetosrfnefs. 'Tis but athew of Devotion, II S E. Is comfort to fincere wor(hippers. i. God knoweth their perfons 5 that there is loch a man in the world, the defires of whofe foul are to the remembrance of his name: 'Tis an ufual temptation which haunt - eth the children of God, that in the throng of his creatures he forgetteth us, Ifa. 40. 27. My way is hid from the Lord, and my judgment is patted o.ver by my God. God look - eth not after me, taketh no notice of thofe things which concern me, or regardeth not my caufe and complaint : How doth God know all things, and not know you ? All things are under á Providence, but his people are under a Cpecial Providence : Chrift faith of the Cpatrows, Luke t 2. 6. Not one of them is forgotten before God. And are his chil- dren forgotten? No,Chrifl knoweth his sheep by name, John so. 3. And to Mofs, Exod. 93. 12. I know thee by name. A Father cannot forget how many childrèn he bath, tho his family be never fo large and numerous. 2. He knoweth their condition, and wants, and weakeef r, Maob. 6. 32. Tour heavenly Father Jjnorneth that you have need of theft things, Matth. 6. 32. And v.8. Tour Father knoweth what things ye have need of, before you ask him. Yet asking is neceffary,folemnly to aet your faithand dependance 5 but he will not negle& of forget us 5 hisOáinifcien- cy giveth all that have interest in him, that hope. 3: Our prayers are heard, tho never fofecret, Match. 6. 6. Thy father which feth the in fecret, fhall reriard thee openly. Though confined within the clofet of the heart, Aets 9. II. And the Lord faid unto ,him, Arife, and go into the fireet which is called Strait,and en- quire in the bouft of Judasfor one called Saul of 'Tarsus, for behold he prayeth, 4. Our prayers /hall be rightly uuderfleod. There are many good motions known to God, which we either will not or cannot take notice of in onr fcIvess as many times large affe &ion to God, ovcrlooketh that little good which is in us5 but God Both not overlook it : 'Tis well when we can fay as Peter, John 2 i. i7. And he faid unto hire, Lord thou lfnoweft all things, thou knowefi that l love thee. But he owneth fameerity, where, 9 K 2 tic