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16o SERMONS upon. Serm:XXXVY sve can farce own it ; andmany a feritus foul hath his condition Cafe before God, when he cannot count it fo himfelf. This is implyed in this place. 2. Caution. Let us take heed of all hypocrifie in prayer, or putting our (elves into a garb of Devotion, when the temper of our hearts fuiteth not; let not your lips pray without, or againft your hearts: I. Without your hearts ; That may be done two ways. I. When you pray mords by rote ; and all that while the tongue is an utter ftranger to the heart ; as force birds will counterfeit the voice of a man; fo many men do that of a Saint, faying words prefcribed by others, or invented by themfelves without life and affe&ion ; this is to perfonate and a& a part before God, complaining of burdens, we feel not, and expreflr'g delires we have not ; in thefe is verified that of our Saviour, Mai th. 15.8: This people draweth nigh unto ,e wi;h their mouth, and boneuretb me mitb their lips, bet their heart is far from me. Or that of the Prophet, Per. r2. 2. Than art near in their mouth, and far from their reins. They do but complement God with empty fotmaiiries. 2. When we pray curforily ; or Ife a few general words that ferve all turns and perfons alike, but are not fuited and fitted to our cafes unlefs all your confef3ions and delires be particular, they do not affe& the hearts for generals are but notions, and pierce not very deep, I Kings 8. 28. What prayer andApplication jhall be made for any man, or by all the, people, which {ball know every man the plague of his own heart. That is, the fin whereby his own confcience and heart isfmitten,and thereby moved to pray; 'tis eafie to fpend inve &ives againft fin in the general, this cloth not come clofeenough to ftir up deep com- 'pun &ioni and holy defiles; we pray, tho of courfe, but do not bemoan our leaves, and draw forth our earneft requefts for the things we {land in need of: Names are prized when we hate the thing, and names are hated when we love t'se thing. 2. Again/I the heart ; When you are loath to leave the fin which you feem to' pray againft, or ask that grace which you have no mind to have, Plal. 66.18. If I regard ini- quity in my heart, the Lord will not bear me. He that asketh for that grace he would not have, doth but lie to God. Now to quicken you to this Caution, take thefe Confidetations. 1. No mandring thought in prayer is hidden from God, Job 42. 2. No thought can k withholden from thee. From his notice ánd knowledg, Pfal. 139. 2. Than knowefi my thoughts afar off: Your thoughts are as vifible to God, as your words are audible to men. 2. God moll abhorreth our payers when we pray with an idol in our hearts, Ezell 1¢, a. Thefe men have let up idols in their hearts, fbould I be enquired of them, faith the Lord? They were refolved what to do, yet would ask counfel of' God; as many now would keep their lulls, yet pray againft them, as if the very complaining were a difcharge of their duty, without detèlling, without endeavouring. 3. Above all things God looketh to the [pmt, what the poile and bent of the heart is, Prov. 16. 2. God weigheth the fpirit. The fpirit puts us in the ballance of the San&ua- ry ; therefore look to principles, ends, and aims. 4. That in covenanting with God, there may be a moralfincerity, where there is not a fu. pernatural fncerity, Dent. 5. 28, 29. I have heard the words of this people, which they have fpoken unto thee, they have well Paid, all that they have fpolten. ()that there were Inch an heart in them, that they would fear me, and keep all my commandments always. They diffem bled not for the time; which may happen in two cafes, by fome impendent or incumbent judg- ment ; as when people are frightned into a little religioufuels, or in a pang of devotion or folemn worfhip; now this fhould make us cautelous, bring to God the bell defires and purpofes that you have, but cell not in them, but get them ftrengthned yet more and more, that our fincerity may be verified and evidenced. I come now to the fecond thing ; Gód knoweth the mind of the fpirit. Dolt. That 'tie a comfort to Gods children, that the Lord knoweth. what kind of fpirit is working in prayer. Here I thall do Three Things. . t. Shew the different fpirit that worketh in prayer. 2. In