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Ver. 27. the 8th Chapter to the R. O M A 11.5 äóa 2. In what f of God is faid to know the mind of the f irit. 3. Why this is, filch a comfort to Gods children. rit. r. The different fpirit that may workin prayer. I (ball take notice of a fourfold fpi- r. The natural fpirit of a man, reeking its own welfare,. which is not a fin; for God put it into us; and inclination there was in Chrift himfelf, Matth. 26. 39. O my father, ifit be poffible, let this cuppaps from me; neverthelefs, not as I will, but as thóu wilt. And John 12. 27, 28. Father, fave me from this hour; but for this caffe camel to this hour: There was the innocent defire of his humane nature to be freed from the burden, but his greater refpeli to Gods glory, and the publick benefit of mankind made him fob - mit to it. His humane nature was to (hew a reafonable averfation from what was de- flrudive to it, but his refolved will was to fubmit to God, and overcome all impediments. Take the infiance lower. Nature prompted Paul to ask freedom from the Thorn in the flefh; but grace taught him to fubmit to Gods will : Paul finned not in having or giving vent to the natural inclination; but the fpiritual infiind mutt guide and overrule it. So when we ask natural conveniences, we fin not, but yet this is not the fpirit which God heareth in prayer. Chrift was heard, in that he feared, Heb. 5.7. Yet the. cup did not pafs away, but he was fupported ; fo Paul' was heard, not for the removal of the thorn in the flefh, but for fufficient grace, 2 Cor. 12. 9. And he Paid Unto me, My grate is fufcient for thee, for my flrength is made perfil in weaknefs. 2. There is a carnal, fnful fpirit, which may be working in prayer, is when the Difci. plescalled for fire from Heaven: Chrift telleth them, Luke 9. 55. Te know not of what fpirit ye are of Men often mifcarry in prayer, being blinded an erring judg- ment, or their carnal Paons. I. By an erring judgment. They put their falfe conceits and opinions into their pray. ers, and fo would engage God ( as Bataan; fought by building Altars ) againft bis own people. This kind of praying, 'cis a begging of God to do the Devils work, to defiroy bis own Kingdom, and fupprefs his molt ferions worshippers to gratifie the faction that oppofeth them: .Nothing is fo cruel and bloody, but falfe and partial zeal will put men upon, if their judgments be once tainted; they think the killing of others is doing God good fervice, lob: t 6. 2. Their devotions will be foon tainted afro; for men that follow a blind confcience; will hallow andconfecrate their ragé and cruelty by prayer and fo- . lesen worfhip, Ifa. 66. 5. Tour brethren that hateyou, that calf you ant for my names fake; faid, Let the Lord be glorified. Thence the old by -word, in nomine Domini, incipit o nne malum: Prayer is made a Preface to cruelty. Now 'cis a comfort to the faithful; that God will not hear there prayers 5 he knows what is the mind of the fpirit. 2. Bycarnalpa óni and deftres 3 Flefhly intereft breedeth partiality, and men think Godihould hear them in their worldly ?equels ; the motions of the flefh are very ear- nett, for corrupt nature would fain be pleafed, Jam. 4. 3. Te arkand have not, becaufe ye askanrifs, that ye may confsme it a onyour lufis. 'Tis the fief t prayeth, and not the fpirit. Tort askmeat for your lofts, Mal. 8. i8. When their wants were abundantly fupplyed, yet they remained querulous and unfatisfied ; They mull have dainties as well as ne- ceffaries, as if Gods providence muti ferve their carnal appetites. In there and fuch like cafes, the flefh prayeth and not the fpirit ; but Chrift will not put this drofs into his golden Cenfer, nor perfume our lotis with his fweet incenfe. 3. The new Nature , called a fö fpirit , which incineth us to God and Hea- ven, Zech. 12. Io. I well pour upon them the fpirit of grace and fupplication. This prompteth and urgeth us to ask fpiritual and heavenly things; And fuel). kind of requefis are molt pleating to God, 1 Kings g. to. chore things which are neceffa- ry to Gods glory, and our falvation. There is what the help favoureth, and what the fpirit favoureth; the wifdom of the flesh perverteth and diverteth hearts from God and heaven, to bafe low things; fuch as the good' things of this world, plea - lures, riches, honours. But the fpirit or the renewed part, favoureth other things 9' What is the favouring of the fpirit? What the new nature would be at, or chiefly defireth. And 'cis a truth , that the fame fpirit which is predominant at other times, will work in prayer ; for the delires follow the contlitution and frame of the heart; Rom. 8. 5. For they that are -after thé ffefh, do mind the things of the fisrjh; but they that are after the Spirit, the things of the Spirit. As their constitution is to will their gulf be, and this tall and relifb will thew its felf ih aft things; étßn in their prayers. and