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ae4 SE R M 0 11l S upon Serm. XXXVI. t., he maketh interceon. 2 The perfnns, for whom ; for they faints. 3. The rule, nature, or kind of irte re ion, Bear according to the will of God. Let us 'firft open thefe things, 2. Confider w'hy the prayer fo made, muff needs be acceptable and pleating to God. I. Tie work of the fpirit, he maketh interceffion 5 that is, exciteth and direeteth us to pray ; he itbployeth and maketh ufe of our faculties, mind, and heart, and tongue, yea of our graces, faith, hope, and love; of faith to believe Gods being and providence, both as to his prefent government, internal or external, or as to the future and eter- nal recompences. This faith is the life of prayers for how (hall they call on him in whom they have not believed? Prom. to. 1¢. And Heb. n 1. 6. of our hope, looking for tbefe things, we askof him according to his will otherwife prayer is but a wearifome, fruitiefs task. Mal. 3. 14. 'RC in vain to ferve God; what profit is it to call upon him? When we expe&. what we ask, there is more life in asking; Pfal. 13o. 5. I wait for the Lord, my foul doth wait, and in his word do I hope : That's the pofture of the foul in prayer. And for love ; for here we come to thew our hearty groans after every thing, which will bring us nearer to God : Surely they that call:upon God aright, are they which delight themfelvesin the Almighty, Job 27. so. The duty is an a6t of love, and the life of the dirty .cometh from the fervency of our love; for 'cis a folemn expreffonof our de- fires ; if God be our portion, we will thirft after him, and exprefs our defires after what -c, nduceth to:communion with him. Thus the fpirit maketh ufe of our faculties and graces 5 he tlrengtheneth Our faith, quickneth our love, and ftirreth up our hope; fo that asl'tís laid, Matth. to. 20. 'Tis not yefpake, but the fpirit of your Father that fpaketh in Yost ., when he.doth finable us to fpeak what is fit and proper before the Tribunals of men. So he maketh interceffion, when he inableth underfranding creatures to (peak what is fit and. proper before the throne ofgrace 5 what *i11 become faith, hope, and love. 2., The perfüns for whom hé prayeth 5 for the Saints, for two reafons. .1. Becaufe the faints only are acquainted with thefe operations, 1 Cor. 2. /4. The natural man receiveth not the things of the fpirit; and John 1¢. 17. Whom the world cannot re- ceive, becaufertheÿ know him not, and fee him not. They do not regard his motions and Operations , but have their eyes fixed upon this world, and the fins and vanities there- of:! They have no mind to imploy him,' though he offereth himfelf to them; but the Saints cannot live without him. 2. Thefe are only fit to convert with God in prayer;, the perlons are qualified for au- dience and acceptance with God, and may obtain whatfoever in reafon and righteouf- nefs we can ask of him; 1 Jahn 3.. 22. And whatfoever we ask,we receive,becaufe we keep hit commandments, and do what is pleating in his fight. None elte are in grace and favour with God, and in a receiving pofture,according to tr , terms of the promite ; none but fuch as are jullified, fanftified, and live in obedience to him. Prey. 15. 8. The facri- fice of the wicked is an abomination to the Lord, but the prayer of the upright is his delight. John. g. 3 t: God heareth not inners; but if any man be. a worfhipper of God, and Both his will, him he heareth. And James 5. 16. The fervent effectual prayer of a righteous man a- váileth much. And Pfal. 66. 18. If I regard iniquity in my heart, the Lord will not hear me. So Prov. 28, 9. He that surneth away his ear from hearing the law, even his prayer is an abomination. Thefe andmany more places thew, who are they who have Gods ear? the Saints, and none but they; who are. careful to avoid all known iï t, and make ton - fcience of performing all known duty: then you will have a large share in his heart and love, and he will be near you when you call upon him, to counfel, quicken, and direhb you, and give you anfwers of grace upon all occafions. 3. The rule, nature, or kind, of this interceffion he puts us upon ; x 7a' ea, is the fame with ust 1« verle 26. according to the will of God, for matter, and manner ; and ask lawful things to an holy and lawful end. a. The matter of the prayer. s John 5. 54, 15. And this is the confidence that we have in him, That if we ask any thing according to his will, he heareth us. What is the meaning of that, According to his will? Anfwer. i. With conformity to his revealed will, 2. With duefubmiltion to, and refervation of his ferret will. r. Wish