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Ver. 28. the 8tb Chapter to the R O MAN S. ? SERMON XXXV'IIB ROM. VIII. 28. And we know, that all things work together for good, to them that love God, to them who are the called according to hispurpofe. N the former Verle, the Apoftle telleth us, how the fpirit ràaketh Intercellion for the Saints ; what God liketh and thinketh bell for them, not what they like themfelves;moft profitable, tho not molt pleafiog; Green Fruit is moll pleating to the appetite of the Child; but the Parents knoweth 'tis not fo whollom ; on the other fide Me- dicinal Potions are bitter, but they tend to health. Therefore tho the af8iûions continue, God may hear our prayers, for we find this belt for us in the ¡flue, Andwe know, &c. In theWords, a. A priviledg. a. The perfons qualified: In the priviledg obferve, 1. The certainty of it, And we know. a. The nature of it : And there, 1. the extent of it; All things ; profperity, adverlity, all the varieties of éonditltind cc e pats thorough. 2. The manner of working, work together ; with the fpirit fay fome, cooperanter, non per fe operantnr. This is a truth, but not of this place ; the poyfonous ingredients which are ufed in a medicine,do good, not of themselves, but as ordered and tempered by the skill of the Phyfrtian ; rather work together, omnia finel adjumenta fssnt, as Bezel para- phraftically rendreth it ; fingly they are aga ¡aft us, if we look upon Providences by pieces ; as there is no beauty in the fcattered pieces that are framed for a building, till they are all let togethet, fo men look upon Gods work by halves. 3. The end and ifue,fargood. Sometimes for good temporal, for our greater prefer - vation; but rather for good fpiritual, the increafe of grace ; chiefly for eternal good; to fit us and prepare ustor the bleffednefs of the everlafling eftate, this is the privi- ledg. a. Adeferiptionof the perfons who enjoy it. t. By their a& towards God ; To ti em that love God,believing his Mercy and Good - nefs in Chrift ; they love him above all things, and are willing to haziard and venture all things for him. 2. Gods all or work upon thew : They areeffehtually called; to them who are the called according to parpofe. rn::re is a dittintive term by which Gods purpofe is intended, they arecalled, not obiter, by the ho, as they live within the hearing and found of the Gofpel; but according to Gods eternal purpofe, and the good pleafure of his grace. I begin with the priviledg. Dort. That all things that befall Gods children in this life,are direiled by hisProvideusé to their eternal bapp:nefs. 9 L 2 i, l