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270 S E R M 0 N S upon Serm. .XXXVII bring it to pafi as it is at this day., and to Pave numb people alive. Both the Egyptians and themfelves had wanted a preferver, if lie had not been fold, and fent into .Egypt. We often find by experience, that God ordereth our difappointments for good ; (uppofe a mans heart were much met upon a voyage to fea, but he is hindered by many impediments, and before he cometh, the (hip is gone ; and afterwards-he heareth that all that were in the veffel were drowned; this difappointment is for good. Crabs his Rival in the Per- , fan war, when he heard how that Army was intercepted and cut off by the craft of the Barbarians, had no reafon to ftomach his being refufed. Many of us, whole hearts are met upon tome worldly thing, have caufe to fay, we had periíhed, if we had not peri(h:. ed ; and fuffered more, if we had fuffered lets. In thefiory of jofeph, there is a nota- ble fcheme and draught of providence ; He is call into a pit, there to perith 5 thence up- on fecond thoughts drawn forth to be fold to the ifhmaelites 5 by them-brought into E- gypt 5 fold for a llave again. What doth God mean to -do with poor yofeph? While a flave, he is tempted to Adultery; refuting the temptation, he is falfly accufed, kept long time in ward and durefs ; all this is againft him. Who would have thought that in the iffue all fhould have turned to his good ? Who would have thonn++t that the pri- fon had been the way to preferment ? That by the pit he thould come to the palace of the King of Egypt ? That he Ihould exchange his parti- coloured coat, for the Royal robes of a Kings Court ? Thus in temporal things we gain by our Idles, and God choof- eth better for us, than we could have chofen for our felves;. 2. Spiritual good. So all of liElion is made up and recompenced to the foul ; it afi &i the body, but bettereth the heart. Pfal. 11 9. 75. It is good for me that I have been afi- âed, that I might learn thy ftatutes. There is more to be learned in affliction, than in the vas elt Libraries; No book will teach us fo much," as experience under Gods difci- pline. Mad men are kept in the dark, and under hardfhip, to bring them to thtletrkits again; fo God is forced to ufe us a little hardly, to cure us of oar fpiritual frenzy, Thou dare(} not pray, Lord let me have my, worldly comforts, though they damn me; Let me not be afflitìed, though it do me good : And if thou dareft not pray fo, wilt thou murmur when God ordereth it fo? If a man break an arm or a leg in pulling us out of the water, wherein otherwife we Ihould certainly be drowned, would we be angry with him ? And (hall we fret agirnfl the Lord, when he takes away the fuel of our lutls,which will certainly drown us in ;dition, and everlatling deflruftion ? Is it not a good ex. change, to part with outward comforts for inward holinefs? Certainly that will be of more gain to us, than all the aflfietion, pain, and lofs, which we fuller, will do us hurt. Certainly we lofe nothing but our rut( by fcouring 5 if God will take away our peace, and give us peace of confcience ; our worldly goods, and give us true riches , have we any caume to complain ? If outward wants may be recompenced by an abundance of in= ward grace ; and we have the leis of the world, that we may have more of God ; and be kept poor and deftitute, that we may be rich in faith, James 2. 5. who is the lofer? If we have an healthy foul, in a fick body, as Gains had, 3 'ohm 2._ And an aking- head, maketh way for a better heart; Doth not God deal gracioufly and lovingly with us ? In (hors, aflli&iions arecompared to fire, that purgeth away the drofs, I Pet. 1.7. To the fan that driveth away the chaff, Mattb.3. 12. To pruning, that cuts off thelux- uriant branches, and maketh the other, that remain, the more fruitful, John 15. 2_ To phyftck that purgeth away the tick matter, Ifa. 27. g. To ploughing and harrowing the ground, that fitteth it to receive the good feed, Jer. 4. 4. And [hall we be troubled, when God cometh to make ufe of this fire, to purge out our drofs? This fan to wiry now away our chaff? This prunings,to lop off the luxuriancies of our fouls? This plough, to break up our fallow ground, to dettroy the weeds that are in our hearts? This (harp medicine, to cure our tick fouls? Should we not rather rejoice, that he will not let us alone in our corruption, but refine us, as metal is by the fire? And fan and winnow us, that we may be .pure grain, and prune us, that we may be fruitful in holinefs? And of medicine, to cure thofe diftempers which otherwife would deftroy us ? And fuffer the ploughers to make long furrows upon our backs, that we may injoy the richer crop? This is for good. 3. For our eternal good. Heaven will make us compleat amends for all that we fuller here, 2 Cor. q. 17. Thole light afflidions which are but for a moment, worketh for us afar. more exceeding and eternal weight of glory. Theme aftlidtions are fo far from infringing our bappinefi, that they do promote it : How promote ? and how work ? Partly, as the patient enduring, doth fecure our intereft. God will not fail to reward them that pa- tiently fuffer for his fake, or fubmit to his difcipline 5 for theme tranfrtory light aMietions and