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Ver. 28. the StbChapter to the ROMANS. -3,7y° ah. But while the dittance continueth, fee how the hearts of the faints worked]; Pfals 63. 8. My font followeth hard after thee! All acts of the fpiritual life are a further_ pur fuit after God, that we may meet him here and there ; and we may find More of hit in every duty, and be united to him in the neareft way of communion that we are ca pable of Peal. 27.4. One thing have I dFred of the Lord,, and that will I feek after; that I maydwell 7n the houfe of the Lord all the days of my life; to behold the beauty of the Lnrd, and enquire in his Temple. This was Davids great delire,' above all earthly de Tres what- foever. But have the faints always this ardent and burning delire ? No, 'cis mightily quenched by the profperity of the Bel, when they have fomethi ng on this fide God to detain their hearts, they forget him, fuck on the breaks of worldly confolationiyouu will find theirdefires are molt carne!. in aftliftion; As David, when in a wandring con. dition, Pfal. 42. I, 2. Aa tie-hart panteth after the water brooks, fo panteth my foul after thee, O God; my foul thirfleth for God, yea for the living God; When (ball I come and ap- pear before thee? Naturalids tell us, that the hart is a thirfty creature, efpecialt when it hath eaten vipers, they are inflamed thereby, and vehemently delire water. This en- bleme David choofeth to exprefs his affeftiot) thereby, and -his longings after God, and the means to injoy God, when -tic was in his troubles; fo the Prophet Ifaiah, Ira. 26.9. With my foul have I de f red thee in the night ; yea with my foirit will Ifeek thee -right early' He fpeaketh this in the perfsn pf the Church, during the time of their troubles; when Gods judgments are abroad' in the earth, then they had continual thoughts of God, and their endeavours were early and earnett. At other times you will find the Church flat, cold, and more indifferent, as to the tellimonies of his favour, Jer. 2. 31, 32. O gene- ration, fe e yethe word of the Lord'; Have I been a wildernef unto 1f:ire!? a landof darknefi.? Wherefore fay nay people, we are lords, we will come no more unto thee? can a maid forget her. ornaments ? or a bride her attire? yet my people have forgotten me days without number,: They had fomething whereon to live apart from God ; therefore afflistións.are necell: ry to quicken there deliires. 2. The other afeúion, whereby love bcwrayeth its fell, is by a delight in God 5 the cream of it is referved for heaven g but now 'Lis pleating to think of God, if the fou! be in good plight, Pfd. 104. 34. My meditation of him (ball be freed, I will be glad in the Lord. 'Tis the folace of their hearts to entertain thoughts of God; to fpeak of him, and his gracious and wondrous works, is the contentment and pleafure of their fouls, Eph. 5. 4. Neither filthinef, nor foolifh talking, nor jelling, which are not convenient, but rarhrr giving of thanks. There is their jetting, to draw nigh to him; Pfal. 122. t. 1 was glad when they fardunto me, let us go into the hour of the Lord. This is their heaven upon earth, to obey him, and ferve him, Pfd. 112. i. Praife ye the Lord: blefjred is the man thatfear - eth the Lord, that delighteth greatly in his commandments. Now this delight is flagged, and we even grow weary of God, and weary of well doing ; we dont upon the world,- and grow eliranged from God, and cold in his fetvice, till we are quickned by [harp af- fliltions ; Then we -begin to mind God again, and a ferious religioufnefs is revived in us. The hypocrites never mind God, but in their troubles, Job 27. lo. Will he always call upon God? But the belt Saints need this help, and would grow dead, and careiers of God, were it not for (harp carraftves. Well, now Peeking after Gpd, and delighting in God, being our great duties, we thould oblerve how thefe are promoted by all ;hm troubles that befalls us. SER.;