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SER 1Ví 0 N S upon Serrrl.XXVIII. SE R 1/i Q N XXXVIIIo ROM. VIII. 28. - to them that lote Gród O W we come to the Charaáer and Notification of the perlons to whom this great Priviledg doth belong, Firlt, their carriage towards God, To them that love God. Doit. The Elefl are fpecifred by this charatler,That they love God. Here I fhall thew you, r. What it live to God. 2. Why this is made the evidence of our interefi, . what is love to God. Love in the general is the complacency of the will in t hat which is apprehended to be good : The objeá is good, and love is a complacency in it : The objeih mutt be good, for evil is the objeá of our difplicency and averlàtion , and apprehended as good ; for otherwife we,may turn from good, as evil to us ; now love to God is the complacency of the will in God, as apprehended to be good. And therefore we muft confider, The object. 2. The M. 3. The Properties. r. The objet. We confider God as good ; there is a double motive in the objeá to excite us to love God, Becaufehe is good, and doth gocd Pfal. 119. 68. from his na. inre, and from his work. r. The excellency of his nature, he is good : There is a threefoldgoednefi inGod. r. Hi, efential goodnefr, which is the infinite perfI&ion of his Nature. 2. His moral goodnefr and holinefs, which is the infinite perfeáion of his Will. . 3. His beneficialgoodnefr, which is the infinite propenfion that is in him to do good to the creature. All there are the objeá of our love, 1. Hir ential goodnefr Ihould make him amiable to us ; partly, becaufe the glorious perfeáions of his nature, are the objeá of our elteetu, and esteem is the ground of love : We affeih what we prize and value, or elfe we do not really elléem, prize and value it ; and partly, becaufe they are the objeá of our praife; now we pralle God for his excellencies, to increafe our love to him, and delight in him í otherwife our praife is but an empty complement ; and partly, becaufe the Angels and blefIed Spi. rite do admire, and adore God, for the excelleociesof his nature, not only for the be- nefits rhey have received by him, but as he is an infinite and eternal Being, , of glorious and incomprehenfible Majefty ; they are reprefented as crying out, Eft. 6. 3. Holy, ho- ly, holy,Lord God of Hogs I Now God muft in Tome meafure be ferved on earth," as . he is in Heaven s Surely we should not fpeak, or think, or worship the infinite eternal God,withou, Come aá oflove,holy delight and pleafure,l.'f.s4.7t.Praife ye the Lord for it rr