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S E R 1Vi O N S upon Serm.XXXVIII: Beh,ld what manner of-love the Father birth befiowed upon us, that we Jhould be called the font of God. Behold now we are the fans of God, and it doth not appear what we (ball be: but we !¿now, that when he (hall appear, we fhaII be like him, for we jhall fee him as he is: Thus God is an object of our love: 2. The alt. 'Tis the complacency and well-pleafednefs of the foul in. God, as án all-lùfficient Portion. This implieth, I. A defre or earnefi Jeeking after God in the highefi way of enjoyment we are capa- ble of here 5 and fo thole mercies are molt valued, which are neareft to himfelf, and thew us molt of God, and do leap detain us from him, his favour and image; or to men- . lion but one, his fanítifying grace and fpirìr 5 and therefore his faints are defcribed to be thole that hunger and thirft afterrighteoufnefs; Math. 5. 6. They earne(tly defire to be like God in purity and holinefs, and his faníìifying fpirit is the fureft pledg of Gods love, Rom. 5. 5. Becaufe the love of God is flied abroad in our hearts by the ho- ly fpirit given us ;'and doth molt help us to love him again, Rom. 8. r5. And have re- ceived the fpirit of adaptor:, whereby we cry, Abba Father. Other gifts that conduce to pleafe the fiefh, may keep us from him, as wealth, honour and pleafures; but faving grace, as it cometh from rjod, fo it carryeth us to him. 2. A delight in him; fo far as they enjoy God, they delight in' him, Pfal.4. 6, 7. Lord lilt up the light of thy countenance upon us, thou baff put gladnefs in my heart, more than in the time when their corn and wine increafed. His favour is life, his difpleafure as death to their foul. Thou didfi hide thy face, and I was troubled, Pfal. 3o. 7. They look upon God reconciled as the heft friend, and God difpleafed as the molt dreadful Adverfsry. 3. 'Tis their comfort and folace , that they (ball more pettedly fee him, and be like him in the other world, to which they are tending 5 when they (hall behold their glo- rified Redeemer, and their own nature united to the Godhead, and their perlons ad- mitted into the neareft intuition and fruition of God they are capable of and live in the fulleft love to him, and delight in him, Rom. 5. z. We rejoice in hope of the glory of God. 4. They arefo fatisfted with this, that their great buftnefs is to pleafeGod, 'and be accep- ted with him, 2 Cor. 5. g. Wherefore we labour, that whether prefent er abfent, ere may be acceptedwith him. 3. The properties of this love. . t. 'Tis not a fpeculative but a prallical love. Some pleafe themfelves with fancies, and airy Religion, thar confins in lofty (trains of devotion, and fellow -like familiarity with God; but the true love is 'teen in obedience, John 14. 15. If ye love me, keep my commandments 5 and r John 5. 3. For this is the love of.God, that we keep his com- mandments. Our love is a love of duty, we have fuch a deep fenfe of the Majeny of God, filch an efteem of his favour, that we dare not hazzaíd it by doing any thing which may be a breach of our duty; or a grief to his fpirit, or a di(honour to his name. 2. 'Tis not a tranftent, but a fixed love : Not a pang of zeal for the prefent, but a ra- dicated inclination towards God, or a deep impreffion left upon the heart, which difpo- feth it to Peek his glory, and do his will; the bent of the mind is to God and Heaven : They do not chufe him for their portion only,but cleave to him; all their defire and en- deavour; is to pleafe, glorifie and enjoy God. Some have good inclinations, but they are as unnable as water, beíg divided between God and the world, jam. r. 8. But there allow no rival and competitor with God in the foul, Pfal. 73. 25. Whom have 1 in heaven but thee? and there it none on earth that I defre beides thee. 3. 'Tis not a cold, but afervent love. We are not to love Gòd after any fort, rémi(ly, coldly, but with the greaten vigor and intention of affe &ions fo it runneth, Matth. 22. 37. Thou fhalt love the Lord thy God, with all thy heart, and with all thy ford, and with all thy might. Many words are heaped together to incteafe the fence, that our love may be a growing love, quickned and heightned to a further degree. t. 'Tis God that is loved, not the creature. Thou (halt love thy neighbour as thy felt, but God with all thy heart ; in a moral confideration there are three beings, God, Neighbour, Self. There is a law, that you (hould love God, and a law that you (hould love your neighbour; but where is the pofitive law, that you fhould love your felves? Turn over the Scriptures, and you will find nothing of this : There are Laws to reftrain fell -love, none to excite it 5 in this we need no Teacher 5 there is ..