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:84 S E It MO N S Rpm Serm.XXXVIII° .. Why is this made the evidence of our inrereft in this priviledge? Why thofe that love plod, rather than thofe that believe in Iltm? efpecially fince faith is the immediate fruit of effeaual calling? I anfwey. r. The Apoile fpeaáeth of the children of Goil5 and 'children will love their fns ther; What more natural ? What more kindly? They are regenerated and fan &ified by the fpirit for this eud, Gal. 4. 6. Becaufe ye are foes, God bath lent forth the Spirit of his fon ieta year hearts, crying, Abba, Father. An heart inclined to God, cannot keep away from him. 2. 'Of children that belong to the gofpel- difpenfation. Now they that love God, are the only Gofpel Chriftians, being deeply pofléfled with that love which God hath [hewed td us in Chrifl, t John 4. 19. We lave him, becaufe he loved us firff. Now we fee greater reafonsof loving God, and are taught a more perk& way of loving God. We know God more, and feel more, and tail more of his love, Luke 7. 47. Wherefore 1 lay unto thee, her fiefs whicb.are many, are forgiven, for the loved cinch ; but to whom little is forgi ven, the fame loveth little. 3. This got el efiate we enter into l y fdth. Now faith is fuch a believing of Gods love' to us in Chrift,.as giveth us a lively Celle of it in our fouls. 'Tis not a bare apprehen lion, an hearfay - knowledge, but a talc that we have by faith, i John 4. 16. And we have Gtsown, and believed the love that God hath to us. And t Pet, 2.4. If fo be ye have lofted that the Lord is gracious. Whatever of the love of God faith ápprehendeth, and feel eth, begetteth love again; Gal. 5. 6. Knowledge, and Faith, and Hope, are but the bel' lows to keep in this holy fire, to work our hearts to love God. 4: This faith is the fruit of ejúaal calling, which is a great eápref ion of Gods love to us, who were fo unworthy, 2 Tim. i. 9. and palling by thoufands and ten thou - fands who were all as good as we, and We as deep in the common pollution as they and ire outward refpeas were far better, and more confiderable; great, wife, and learned. É Cor. I. 26. re fie your calling, brethren, that not many wife nice after the flefh, net many' ssble, are called. And called us to fuch dignity; and honour,' and bleffednefs, i. Pet. 3, 9. Knowing that ye are thereunto called, that ye fhould inherit a bleffing. i Thef a. 12. That ye would walkworthy of God, who bath called us to his kingdom and glory. 'Twas not our will, nor our worth that moved him, but his own love; Now this love calleth for love again : God loveth firft, belt, and moft but.yet we fliould love as we can, love ta' our utmoll; that which was begun in love on Gods pair, fhould be accompanied with' !Save ón our. This efthual.calling is the fruit of Gods eternal purpofe, which he purpofed in him; felt to fave us by Chüft Vocation is anual eleaion, the firft eruption and breaking'', out of his eternal purpofe ; For as God diflinguilhed us from Others, who lay in the facie polluted mats of mankind, by the purpofe of his grape before time; fo he aCtuallÿ calleth us out from others in time, to be a people to hitnîelf: therefore vocation is call- ed ele&ion, john 15. 19. Now in Gods free ereerion; We have the cleare[t vievi of hit' love, and our great obligation §s to God. And therefore what fhould more exéite our love and gratitude ? this was ancient` love before we or the world had a being ; 'twas the defign God travelled with, from all eternity; And who are we, that the thoughts of God fhould betaken up about us fa long ago ?'Tis love purpdfed and defigned5 his heart is fet upon it to do us good 5'twas not a thing of chance, but forel'sycd, and före-ordained. If one doth usa kindnefs that limb in his way, and when opportunity doth fairly invite him, he is friendly to us but when he fludieth to do us good; 'ti's moreobliging: This is a feall long in preparing,, to make all things ready for Our acceptance, therefore this calléth för love. 6. This purpofe is followed with his watchful and powerful providence , guiding and or. dering all things, that it may not mifearry and lofe its whicts is as great andfenliblc' an argument of the love of God; as can be propöundëd to mi. Job 7. t 7, r 8. What is mad that thou fhouldefi magnifie him? and that thou/ fliouldefi fet thine heart upon him;" and that thou fbouldeft vfthim every morning', and try hem every moment? If a Prince fhould forni the manners of a beggars child, and watch him at every turn, it wòuld ben grear condefcention : When others are fpilt on the great Common of the world by a loafer pro, vidence, they are a peculiar people, who have a fpecial iotere[t in hisTove and care,' and his charge. Now the Scripture delighteth to fuit qualifications and priviledges, Pfal. 31. 14. I trufled in thee, O Lord: I faid, thou art my God. Ira. 58. 13, 14. If t hoü' turn away thy foot from the fabbatb, from doing thy plea, fore on my holy day, and call ibé fob-' batfv''