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Ver. 28. the 8th Chapter to the ROM ANS. 285 bath a delight, the holy of the Lord, honourable, andfbált honour him ; notxloingthine own ways, not finding thine own pleafnre, not fpeaking Mine own words ; Then fhalt thou delight thy felfin the Lord, and L will caiifethee to ride upon the high. places of the earth, and feed thee with the heritage of yacob thy .Lather : for the mouth of the Lord bath fpolen it. Pfal. 9 t. I. He that dwclletb in the floret place of the Mofl High, Atli abide under the 'ha- darn of the Almighty. So here, Gods love exprefied in his chindfulnefs and vigilancy over our affairs, fhould etcite our love to him again; and our lóve will be highly recompen- çed by his care and thindfulnefs ans. 7..Thefe Believers and called ones, are confderedas afflilled, aísd hit purpofe is to arm them againfl the bitternefs of the croft; Nothing fo fit for this ufe, as love ; if we did love God, the burden of of li&ions would be light and eafie to be born, becaufe'sis from God it cometh, John t 8. i s: Love is the ftttef.t grace to bring the heart to fubmit to God. Love God once, and nothing that he faith or doth, will be unacceptable to you; his commands will not be grievous; nor his providences grievous; our defiles will be after him, when his hand is moli fmart and. heavy upon us; and when fenfe reprefenteth him as an enemy, yet we cannot keep off from him. ,Ila. 26.8. In the way of thy judg- ments, O Lord; we have waited for thee: thedefire of our foul is unto thee, and to the rennin. braise? ofthy name: 8. Not only with ordinary a fflil ions, but troubles for their fidelity to, Chrifl 5 love will indure much for God, as well as receive much from him. James t: ta, BlefJed is the man that indureth temptations : far when he is treed, he (hall' receive the crown of life, which he bath promifd to them that love him. Mark, 'tis not Paid to them that fear him; or truft.. in him, but them that love him ; becaufe 'tislove that maketh us hold out in temptations,, love that ingageth us to zeal and conftancy, that overcometh all difficulties and oppo -. litions, for Gods fake. Nihil eft, good non tolerat, qui perfella diligit 5 he that loveth much, will fuller much. He cordially adhereth to God with courage and refolution of mind, and is not daunted with (-offerings. Cant. 8. 7; Many, waters cannot quench love,, neither, can the floods drown it ; ifa man would give aD the Jubilance of his,hottfe for love,. it would utterly be contemned. Love is not bribed nor quenched ; where love prevaileth upon the heart, we ;hall efteem nothing too much; or too dear to be parted with for Gods fake. As in there troubles, Gods love:is beft known and difcoveredap us; fo our . love to God is belt known and difcovered alto 5 the more we love God, the more fen6- ble do we find ir, and are perfwaded that all things (hall work together for good; your title Is clearer,experience greater. i.Cor.8:3.If any man love Ciad,the fame is known ofhim ;. That is, owned by him in the courfe of his providence. If we are ianEtified to God, all things would be fanilified to us : 'Tis otherwife with hypocrites; if God indow them. with gifts, they prove a fnare to them; but if you' love God above all, count his fa-. vour your happinefs, and make pleafing of Gód your confiant work, and refolve to .o- bey: biro at the dearelt rates; you will loon find this tellimony of Gods love, then all the influences of his 'eternal love and grace (hall be made out to you ;, and,his external pro -e vidence doth help you on in the way to Heaven; for a man that loveth God as his chief good, (hall never be á lof r by him. . 9. This is a fire andfnfible note of effèilual calling ;. for as fincere faith, is the imme diate fruit of it; fo true faith cannot be fevered from love: This is that which maketht us faints indeed ; but without it, whatever gifts and parts we have, whatever know -, ledge, and utterance, we are nothing. it Cor. 13. 1, x, 3: _ There may be many convi&i -, ons, and purpo(es, and wifltes, and good meanings, in thole who are yet but under a common work ;. but till there be a thorough fixed bent.of heart towards God, as our ball end, and chief good, we have not a lure evidence of grace, or that our calling home. to God is accomplifhed. Many a thought there is of the goodnef of God, the necef (iity of a Saviour, of Chrift, and the joys of Heaven; yet after all this, the heart may be unrenewed, and unfanttified, till,this addiltednefs anddevotednefs to God ;, foe 'cis riot eery wifb, or minding of Chrift, but an hearty fincere afetlion, which is re- quired of us as to our title, Eph..6. 24, Grace be with, all, them that love our Lord Jefes thrift in finterity; not for a time, not with an uneffetlual love, or upon fume foreign' motives, but have this habitual love, which conllituteth the new heart. Well then, "this'; is, afire mark of one that bath interefi in the love of God, and one ofthofemarks which ss beft known to.the perfon that hath it; for love to Chrift cannot be well hidden; but will be eally difcerned. U S E.. To inform us, That theft are, for the. prefent excepted oui of this priviledg'e,that; dthy riot fencerely love God, and love hint above all_ Ttet