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er.28. the 8th Chapter to the R. O M A N S 287 2. That love runnetb a wailing on the creature; That is ruinous and deftrulive. This . conduces to out good 5 if we fuffer lots here, twill be recompensed by a greater be. nefit. I come now to the laft claufe, who are called according topurpefe. DoEtrine. The efètlually called, are theft that love God, and are beloved by hint, Let me fpeak, I. Of the feveral kinds of calling. 2. The properties of effeeáseal calling. 3. The ends of it. I. Let us diflinguifb the feveral kinds of calling, r: There is a twofold calling, proper and improper ; Firff, the improper call is the ge- neral and common invitation of all men in the world, by the works of Creation and Providence ; by all which God inviteth men to feels after him. The work of Creation, Atis 17. 27. all Gods works have a tongue, and a voice proclaiming, and orying up an infinite, and eternal power, who is the fountain of our being and happinefs. So Rom. I. 20. 1 he invifble things of God, from the creation of the world, are clearly feen being underfloodfrom the things which are made. Pfal. rg. 1. The Heavens declare the glory of God, and the Firmament fhemeth his handy -work No man can look ferioufly upon the works of Creation,but this thought will arïfe in his mind,That all this was made by a pow- erful, wife, and good God 5 he telleth us verfe the 3d. There is no fpeeeh, and language, where their voice is not heard; Though it be not an articulate, yet it is a very intelli- gible voice. They in effe&t fpeak to every Nation in their own language, that there is an eternal God, who muff be fought after, and worlhipped, and ferved. And as the works of Creation, fo the works of Providence, whether for good or evil; Good, Acts 14. 17. Neverthelefi, he left not himfelfwithout witnefs, in that he did good. The com- fortable paffages of providence, are pregnant, full, and clear teflimony, that the go- vernment of the world is in the hands of a good God. So affiillive providences ; fome of Gods works have a louder and mow diftinEt voice than others, Micha 6. g. The Lords voice cryeth unto the city, and the man of wifdom ,hall fie thy name 5 hear ye the rod, and who bath appointed it. Or if you fuppofe that concerneth the Church, take Rom. I. 18. For the wrath of Clod is revealed from Heaven againfi all ungodlinefi, and unrighteoufìsefs of men. God Both dilcipline and' inftruhh the world by his judgments, that he is holy, ¡aft, and true; Gods works fpeak to us, only we muff take heed of a deaf ear 5 non- attentivenefsto Gods providence, made way for the *valency of Atheifm and Ido- latry in the world. There are two propofitions, that if well minded, and improved, would preferve a lively remembrance of God in the hearts of men; That all good com- eth from God, James t. 17. Every good and perfetl gift is from above, and cometh down from the Father of lights. And all evil from God, Amos 3. 6. Shall there be evil in a city, and the Lord bath not done it? And that any notable effe& in either kind, is a fign and witnefs of an invifible power. If men would not look upon all things that befall them as meer chances, they could not fleep fo fecurely in their fibs; but God would have a greater teltimony in every mans bofom, that he hath a care of human affairs, and is a rewarder of fuch as pleafe him, and an avenger of fuch as do offend him. The queftion about this improper calling is, What is the Life of it, or whether it be fufficienz. to falvation. t. Though the works of Creation and providence reveal a God, yet thefe natural Apofileo, Sun, Moon, and Stars, fay nothing of Chrifi 5 and there is falvation in no other, Alts 4. 12. They did teach the world, That there is a God, and that this God mutt be ferved, and will be terrible to thofe that ferve him not: And pofiibly that God was placable, or willing to be appealed, becaufe of the continuance of the Creation, and the manifold mercies we loft or forfeited by our Apoftacy and defe&ion from him; The Apoltle. faith, 'cis an invitation to repentance, Rom. 2. 4. Yet the knowledge of jefus Chrift the Son of God, and ofRedemption purchaled to loft [inners through him, is a myfte- ry which the greateft wits in the world couk not underhand, but by Gods revealing k in his word. 2. The rife of this call to thole that have no other, but barely it , is to leave men without, excufe, Rom. I. 20. And that it might prevail to work Come reftraint of fin, and to pro- mote Come external reformation in the world, for the good of mankind, Rom. 2. 14. 3. Thof.