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"S$ S E' R. M. O N S u p o n Serm. X i 3. Thofe who have a louder call in the nlúrd, are the more obliged to regard this call and invitation by the works of Gods. Creation and providence. The call by the word is more perfefl, and more prefîing, and fuited more to work upon our thoughts, the object being more clearly and fully propounded to us; yet this latter tall h not privative, but accumulative ; it doth not null the duty of the former call, or make it wholly ufe - lefs to us; but helps us tb interpret it the better ; and we need all helps. Faith Both not withdraw it felf from natural knowledge, and make it ufelefs to us ; though we are to exercife our felves in the law of God day and night, yet we muff not overlook the works of Creation and Providence; and whileft we ftudy his word, .neglea Gods works; for they are a confimation of our faith, and a great occafional help to our loveas appear - eth by the inftruûioos which the holy men of God gather thence ; witnefs David his night - meditation, Pfal. 8. Thy moon and thy fars ; And his morning meditation, Pfrtl. 9. The Heavens declare the glory of God. The glories of God which we read of in the word, are vifible in the Creation ; and though David preferreth the book of Scrip- ture, yet he doth not lay afide the book of Nature. We muff ufe the world as a Oafs, wherein to ,fee the glory of God ; he hath not the heart of a man in him, who is not ttricken with admiration at the fight of thefe things; the glory of the heavenly bodies, and the wonderful variety of all creatures ; and befides, there is none fo good, but he needeth the mercy and direction of God, to invite him to a more frequent remembrance ,of him: How happy are they that have fuch a God for their God? How miferable they that make him their Judg and Avenger ? 2. The proper calling, is the voice of God in the word of his grace, inviting inners tó Chrift. This is called his diftinály calling, Eph. 1. 18. That ye may know what is thé hope of his calling; And the high calling of God in yefno Chr J1, Phil. 3. tç. And again, That our God Mould count you worthy of his calling. 2 Thef s. t t. And explained, 1 Cor, 1. 9. Faithful is he which hash called you into the fellowfhip of his Son yefus Chrill our Lord. Now this is a more dole and full difcovery of God, than is to be found elfe- where; God calleth and inviteth fome by the creatures only, others by his grace in Chrill. But this being calling molt properly taken, Why is it not vostchfafed to all? l anfr er. t. God h not obliged to fend the gofpel to any; 'Tis his free difpenfation, Rom. 1 t, 35. 'Or who bath fsrfl given to him, and it (ball be recompenced to him again? God doth not fend the Gofpel by neceflity of nature, or any pre- obligation.on the creatures part,but meetly of his own grace, whichworketh molt freely, and fendeth it where it pleafeth him. 2. All have more knowledge if God by nature,tban they' make good ufe of, Rom. t. a/. When they knew God, they glorified him not as God. And till men improve a lower difpenfation,. why thould they be trufted with an higher? If a veffel will not hold water, you wilt not trult wine, or any more precious liquor in it. 2. Gods gracious invitation of loft (inners to Chrift, which properly is his calling them; is either external, or internal; external by the word, internal by his Spirit. 1. External, by the commands and promifis of the word, requiring fuch duties from them, and affuring, them of filch bleffings upon obedience, Thus Wifdoms Maidens are Pent forth to invite guefts to her palace, Prov.4. 2. And the kings fervants to call them to the marriage feaft. Mattb. 22. 9. And fo far they prevail in their meffage, that many prefent themfelves; God would not leave us to a book, but bath appointed a living Miniury, 2 Cor. 6.1o. . 2. Internal, not only by the word, but by his Spirit, and the checks of their own con - fcience, which is.a nearer approach of his grace and power to us, By the motions of hid Spirit; How elfe could it be Paid, Gen. 6. 3. My Spirit _hall not always firive with man: And AQs 7. 51. Te do always refill the Holy Ghofl. And alto by their confèiences, follici- ting them to the performance of their duty, and challenging them for the negie& of it 'Tis natural duty, Rom: 2. 14, 15. The Gentiles do by nature the things contained in the law; thefe having not the law, are a law, to themfelves ; which fhew the works Of the tam writ- ten in their hearts; their confciences elfo bearing witnefs, and their thoughts in the mean while, accufng or excufng one another. And for acceptance of the Gofpel- Covenanr, s John 3. 20, 21. If our hearts condemn us , God is greater than our heart, and kneweth all things; If our heart condemn us not, then have we confidence towards God. 3. This external and internal calling, maybe inefèbtual, or efjèCleal. 1. The inef ellual call, confifis in the bare tender and offer of grace, but is not entettaineel ; Fed tray keock