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cr,237 the 8th ChIpse o cue m,A N 8. and yield he utv obedr nee to tfi m, you are a peculiar. pedpla Why ?, @teoaufe,cailed oat of tlarktt fs t'nto his m rrvell6u light, r Pet. i, 9 Alibis create are the work of his hands, d&taackt t hedtfpoialuf his. Providence 5_ but. yáu have a,fpeçial p:opriety, and peculiar inter-eft in hislove nd 'care whom b will maintain, and never forfake: j. Byb -hit eçl&ng jou are ihierefed in is kingdom end glory to h had 'hereafter: ,For (aid, k Pet. 3. 9 1ojtae called to inherit zr ble uge That is, a ble(leduefs, which - ¡codas in the cleat vi(tot5, add full fruition of God. Surely they; that were naturally `finder the' Corteitsould behiöreápprehenfivéof this greatpriviledg. y 3. 'pi an .16e àf Pater,. !fool. 4. 17. Even cod, who gxickneth the dead, and caller! thof things which be rot, às'tha i.heÿ mere. .dod Only 'can work Co' great a change by his 'creating power, which 'peke all things out of nothing ; ,ertàitrly, he that can do what he will both in R 3,/eh and id Earth, :Pp/. 135. J.. can Cubdue the heart of road whenhe peafeth c The will of àta t; rho never, fa deeply ;engaged in a epurfe of (in and witkedne6, cannot 'refill- it, but yieldeth to it Pfal. r lo. a.. They f of be .4 Milling people in the day of thy power. Of gricelefs they become gracious; of unveil- 'ling, willing 'i and God Iheweth more power in thïs,than in other his works; for here is a princie of reli(tanee ; as to break a skittifh HorCej is more than to role a (tone. 2. The ends mith'refett to màïì. 'Tis a great mercy; this external, internal, and e#` Tedualcalling take it all together. 1. It gi.seth ùs noiicc of the remedy provided for us, by the propïtiaton of Chriff, and the Eovcnant founded thereopor. Light is come into the world, John 3. 19. A fare way to di- 'reei us to trice happinef ; without ié the world had been a dark dungeon, wherein guilty 1.Walefanors are for a while permitted to liv . 2. This callinghringeth hone this grace to us, and layeth it at áír doori, and leaver it '1u4' s ;a cur ,hoice; if we will accept it,well and good, AEis 13. 26. Toyou Ps the word, of falvationjent. What fay you to it ? God hath Cent a gracious meffrge to you in particu- lar, Will you accept Or refufe ? And Ads 3. 20. And he 'hall fend Jefus Cbrif, which be- fore mar preached f?nto yott. It doth excite us in particúlar, to look after the remedy of our lapfed eftate. 3. Thiscatlrng i our ivakrant, plea, and clásiss, 7P re set f us leave to alp chef ledges, privà- if we confenttothe duties required as the, Apo(tie faith of an office, fo 'tie true of the dignity Or beisig ChriGiarts, which is a fpiritetal PrieRhood, :-leb. ,q. 4-,And no man taketh tbi; honour upon birnfel f, bùt he that is called, of God, as was Aaron. For a man to takeor receive to hiaifelf, honour add priviledg, which doth not belong to him, is ufurpation, which will fucceed ill with him; but by calling we have Gods confnt; or as thofe, Match. áo. 7. Why 'land ye here idle all the day? No man path hired us. Be- fore we can with any tolerable fatisfaetion to cotifcience all'ume fuch great priviledges, we mini produce our warrant t 'Twas.incouragement to the blind man to, come near to IC brill, Artfe; the Mauer callelh thee, Mark to. 49. The fame hath the trembling Goner, The Muller calleth thee, and wilt thou draw back ? 4. The internal elfettual call giveth as an heart to corse to Chrif6; For the power of God diCpofeth us to accept of his offer; and not only encourageth, but inclineth us to kome to him; for his -calling is faidifying, and changing the heart, Itom. 9. 25. /will roll them my people, which were not my people. That is, make them to be fò. a. Zi S E, Hearken to this calling. á. From the benefit t Doth God call thee tri thy löfs or dó thee any wrong, when Ile difturbeth thy fleep in fin and invites thee to partake of the riches of' his Grace ill Chrift ? No, he Calls thee to the, greateft happinefs thou art capable of, 2 Thef 2. 14 He path called yoà by our gofpelto the obtaining of the glory of our Lord Jeffs Chrifl. God feeketh to advance you to the greateft honour can be put upon mankind : 'Tic à bleff d eftate, t Pet. 5. tó. He bath called yon to his eternal glory by Jefes aryl. That glorious happinefs for ever. . a. The great rmf ry, if we refufe this call. None of thofe that Were bidden, (hall talk of my Supper, Luke 14: 24. They arenot,only excluded from happinefs, but are under extream wrath and mifeiy, Prgv. 24, 25, 26. Becauf I have called, and ye refufed, I have f retched out my hand, and no man regarded, but ye heave., jet al nought all my cornea, and Mould none of my reproof I will alto laugh at your calamity, .1 will mockwhen your fear com- eth; a. USE is, To pref. you to make your callilk and elellian foe, 2 Pet. 1. 1c, It cannog be more lure than it is in its fell, but it may be more fine to us. This may be known by thee figns, ' 9 p 2 t .Dftb