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;2,92 SERMONS upon Serm.XXXV111° I. Doth theword of God come 'to you with power, fo as to produce its effea? 'Ta a Tiign of eleftion, when the'Gofpelbomet to us, net in word .only, 2 Thef. T. 4, 5: The fpirit accompanieth it, that this calling may have its effe&, and convert you to God. 2. By your obedience to this call ;' attendancy, choice, and purfuit ; 1, A deliberate weighing; in order to choice, A&s 16. i 4. The Lord opened the heart of Lydia, fo that fire attended *nto the things which were fpoken of Paul. A deep and Cerious confideration of the offers of pardon and life by Chrift , this maketh way for other things, Matth. 13. 19. When any one heareth the word of the kingdom, and underfandetb it not, then conseth the wicked one, and catcheth array that which was _fin*: in his heart, &c. Matth. 22. 5. But they made light of it, &c.' Non - attendancy is the bane of the far greate(t part of the world ; a filth of lightning cometh into their minds, and is Coon gone. 2. A thorough choices As Lydia is commended for attending; fo Mary for chafing, Luke to. 42. But one thing is needful, and Mary hath chofen that good part which (hall not betaken away from her. 3. A confiant and earnefi partit ; a choice made in a fudden pang and humour may be as Coon retracted, Phil. 3. 12. Not as tho 1 had already attained,or were already perfeff; bist 1 fallow after, if that I may apprehend that for which elfo I am apprehended of Chrif! Je- fas. Seeking thefe things in the fire place, Matth. 6. 33. That purfuit which is the fruit of calling,muft be fpeedy,Gal. t.T 5, 16. But when it pleafed God, who feparated me from my mothers womb, and called me by his grace, to reveal his Son in me, that I might preach him a- mong rye heathen, immediately I conferred not with flefb and blood, &c. The call of God mutt be obeyed without delay, Heb. 3. 7, 8: Wherefore as the Holy Ghofl faith, To day if ye will hear his voice, harden not your hearts, as in the provocation, in the day of temptation in the wildernefs. The cafe is uncertain, we know not whether we [hall ever get again filch an offer; and our indifpofition is the greater; and then it mull be earnel, Phil. 3, 14. I prefs towards the marl;, for the prize of the high calling of God in Chilli Jefus, h mutt be our fcope and bufinefs,and accompanied with Pelf denyal and dependance on God, Heb. i 1.8. By faith Abraham when be was called to go out into a place, which he fhould after receive for an inheritance, obeyed, and he went ont not knowing whither he went. 3. By walking worthy, of it, Eph. 4.- t. I therefore, the prifaner of the Lord befeech you, that you walk worth} of the vacation wherewith ye are called, d Thee 2. 12. That ye wallt worthy of God, who bath called you unto his kingdom and glory. That ye behave your felves, fo as may befeeni the duties and hopes of Chriltians; more holy, mare Heavenly ; God is an Holy God, and the happinefs he bath called you unto,a glorious elate; labour to get the heavenly mind,and holy converfation : be deeply poffefled with Gods love in cal- ling you,that you may love him again; 'tis not our will,nor our worth,therefore it could not begin with us. t,. Not our wil ; betides a limple want of good will, there is in us a carelefneßs,yea, an averfenefs in elating with his gracious offers, Matth. 23, 37. if it did depend on the choice of our will, we would refufe to be gathered, and would live and dye eftranged from God ; when all things are ready, we are not ready. 2. Not our worth ; There is nothing in the Eleft more than in the Reprobate, to move God to be- low this biding on us; yea much, why he Ihould abhor us, Ezek 16.6. Only where tin abounded, grace did much more abound, Rom. 5.2o. The worthiel have no claim. but Grace. We come now to the lal Claufe, To them who are the called according to his purpofe. The limiting term of this calling mutt be now confidered, According to purpofe. Surely, 'tis not meant of our good purpofe and refolution to turn to God, which is none at all, till God work it in us; and calling is Gods aft, and therefore'tis meant of hispurpofe5 and prefently his fore - knowledg and predelination is fpoken of; nothing plainer can be Paid to lignifie Gods purpofe, which he purpofed in himfelf; but if Gods purpofe be meant; Come think 'tis only his purpofe concerning the way of falvation, or the Caving. of mankind by Chrif, or the Gofpelway, Eph. t. 9. Having madeknown the myflery of his will according to his good pleCure, which he purpofidin himfelf; and Eph. 3. r 1. Accord- ing to the eternal purpofe which he purpofed in Chrift Jeffs our Lord. The Carpel was firm- ly relolved upon by God according to his eternal purpofe; but this is not all, the word relateth to a degree concerning thoCe perfons in particular whom he intended to Cave by Chrif; his revealedwili holdeth forth the way of our duty,or the courte agreed upon, and purpofed by him ; but there are Come perfons, whom he determineth to call to grace and glory ; the word is often elfewhere applied to perlons, 2 Tim. 1. 9. ¡l'ho hath cal- led us with an,holy calling, not according to our works, but according to his own purpofe and grace; and Rom. 9. 1 r, That the purpofe of God according to elellion might Hand ; and Eph. i.