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Ver. 28. the 8th Chapter to the ROM AN S. 293 t. t t. In t'hom alto we have obtained an inheritance, being predeinated according o the counfel of hisamn Will: And fo it Cuiteth with the Tear, which, applieth this to per - fons 5 three words are here ufed, purpofe, forelnotvledg, and predeflination t Becaufe there is Wifdom in this decree, therefore it is called fore-knowledg , becaufe there is an ordi- nation of means to a certain end, therefore .615 called predefination ; becaufe 'tis fired and unchangeable, therefore it is called purpofe. Many Notes might be oblervedin thiisClaule. r. We are beholding to Gods eternal eleílion and psispofe, for all the good that c'e get by afliiflion and other providences a For Gods purpofe is the fupreme reafon afligned in the defcription of the perlons who have an interell in -this priviledg'S we love God be- caufe we believe his goodnefs in Chril' g we believe his'goodnefs in Cbrift, becaufe he hath called us; and he hath called us, becaufe of this eternal purpofe 5 and thence it is that all this good cometh to us. 2. The purpofe of God concerning our eternal falvation, is manifefled io oar being called ; That's the fìrft eruption of Gods elelive love 5 we are in the dark before. 3. Thofe that continue in their final unbelief and impenitency, are called only by the by; thi 'elell, with a purpofe to Pave them. God raineth on the Rocks as well as on the new mower;, graft. But I will content my felf with one Point, That there are certain perfans before all time elected of God according to his weer good pleaf rre and grace, that in time they may be effoflually called and raved. For Come perlons here are raid to be the called according to purpofe: Let me explain, and then confirm it. r: The objetl of this purpofe are certain,deftnite and individual perfons; Jacob,not Efate Peter, not Judas ; man by man, or by head and pole,they are known to God,2 Ton. 2.19. Put into the hands of Chrift, that he may redeem them, and give an. account of, them at the lali day, John r 7. 6. I have manifefied thy name unto the men Which tboggaveff me out of the world ; thine they were, and thou gnvefi them me, and they have 4ept _ thy word,' John 6. 4o. And this it the trill of him that font me, that every one which feeth the Son, and believeth on him, may have'everlafiing life, and I will raife him up at the lafi day. And they do all believe, and are infallibly converted, John 6. 37. All that the Father gi veth me, (hall come tome ; and him that cometh to me, I Will in no wife call off: 2. The reafon of this purpofe is only the Lords grace and good pleafure. Chrilt debating the matter, gtveth no other account of the Gofpels being hid from the wife, and;prudent, and revealed unto babes, but this only, Matth. r r. 25. Even fa father, for fo it feemeth good in thy fight. The caul is only.Gods pleafure 5 the reafon of this can be found no where elfe, but only in the Bofom of God himfelf: There is nothing before, or above, or without his purpofe, as the firli caul of all that good which enmesh to us ; he cloth not forefee any merit, or motive in us, as Chrïll telleth his Difcipies, John 15. to. k have chufen you, you have not chofen me. His choice is antecedent to ours 5 the perlons that are ftngled out to be objets of this fpecial grace, were a, part of loft mankind, by nature the fame that others are, fore of the world that lay in wickednefs 5 but, when God had all Adamspotletity under the'profpett of his all - teeing eye, he chore Come, and pall by others; he found all guilty, but doth not punilh all, but fpare Come; and found nothing in the creature to call the ballance of his choice, or to determine it to one more than to another. Others were as eligible as they, God created them all; all were alike obnoxious to him. The Prophet argueth, Mal. t. 2. Was not Efate Jacobs brother;' 'Twas grace alone did put the difference. 3. This purpofe noteth the fare and powerful efficacy of this grace. God will not bedif appointed in his purpofe; for there is nothing that can be imagined, that should occafion the alteration of it ; men are forced to alter their purpofes either out of a natural levi- ty that is in them; or Come impediment falleth out which they forefaw not 5 or through defel of power, they cannot do what they intend to do ; but none of thefe things are in God, no levity and unfrability, for he is Jehovah that changeth nor, Mal. 3.6. And the Aponte fpeakerh of the immutability of his counfel; Gods purpofe is both an a& of bis underftanding, and therefore called counfel; and alto his will, therefore called his de. cree ; and therefore being once let, it cannot be altered or revoked ; no cause 'of revo -, caticr,