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Ver. 28. the 8thChapter to the R O (WANTS. 295 hurt thee, for I have much people in this city. Wherever God lighteth a candle, he hath Ionic loft groat to reek : He had much people belonging to his ele &ion in Corinth ; God doth not fay, becaufe there are much people; though it is good carting out the net where there is (tore of flub ; but I have mach people; he under(tandeth not the Corinthi- ans, which were converted already : fo there were few or none at that time in Corinth, but to be converted ; they were Gods people, ele&ed, and redeemed by him, though as yet wallowing in their fins. Therefore the firft moving -caufe of all this bufinefs, was the ele &ion of Gad, or his purpofe to call them ; the perlons never thought of reeking means for themfelves, and have not an heart to entertain them for a long time ; but God is at work for their good, when they intended no good to themfelves. We read of faints in Nerds houJhold, Phil. 4: 22.' Who would look for faints in the family of 'Co bloody a perlecutor? yet the Gofpel could find its way thither, and feize on fome of his menial fervants ; for God had thratfge ways and methods to convert thofe that belong to his grace; I cannot fay to them, but to Corns others, Chrift was made known to them by Pauá defence, 2 Tim. 4. 17. Notmithflanding the Lord flood with me, and ffrengthened me, that by me the preaching might be fray known, and that all the Gentiles might hear. 4. In bleffing the means, quite beides the purpofe and intention of the parties that receive benefit by them, as appeareth by the circumftancesof their converfion, and firft accep- tance of Chrift ; marry times they come where they may hear of God, and Chrift, with carelefs and flight fpirits, or drop in by chance, as Pauly Infidel, i Cor. 14. 24, 25. There cometh in one that believeth not. How many do thus (tumble upon grace, unawares to themfelves , not minding or clearing any fuels matter, but God dire&eth a ferious word that pierceth into their very hearts ; fometimes God calleth them, when oppofing and perlecuting, as Paul, Alls 9. Vergerius. Many when they came to fcoff, have felt the mighty power and Msje(ty of God in his ordinances.; and what begun with fcoffing,ended in a more Cerious work,ICa. 47. t8. He went on froinardly in the way of his own heart: I have feen his mays,and I will heal him. The officers that carne to attack Chri(t,' John 7.46.laid, Never man fpalke like this man. Sometimes men have been loath to come, drawn with much importunity, again(: their inclination, and prejudices, John I. 46. Can any good come ont of Nazareth, faith Nathaniel to Philip ? come and fee ; and there he met with Chrift. The Galilean, were a ruder part of the yews, a grofs and blockifh fort of people; it was ge- nerally conceived, no,Prophet was of that Country, where Jonah was ; thus Nathaniel held off out of a prejudicate opinion. Many of there things which come as it were by chance to us, and without our forefight, are well forefeen, and wifely ordered by God ; As Aquiline was carried betides his purpoCe, that Gods purpofe might come to pals in the converfion of Pirnias a Manichee. 4. In fuiting all his dealings with them, fo after converfon, that they may be kept blame - left to his heavenly Kingdom, John to. 3. Chrift calleth his (beep by name, knoweth all his flock particularly, taketh notice of all their perlons and conditions, path a fpecial affe &ion to them, and care of them ; fo PCal. 1. 6. The Lord knoweth the way of the righ- teous, knoweth their neceffities, (traits, hopes, burdens, and temptations. His bufinefs . in Heaven, is to order his providence for their good, 2 Chron. 16.9. (ometimes giveth feafonable corre&ion, PIal. 119.74. I know, O Lord, that thy judgmentsare right, and that thou in faithfulnefs haft afflidled me. s Pet. t. 6. Now for a Jeafon (if need be) ye are in heavinefs; fometimes to leffen the afi &ion, or remove it, PCal. t25. 3. For the rod of the wicked fhall not ref! upon the lot of the righteous, left the righteous put forth their hands to iniquity. And 1 Cor. to. 13. But God is faithful, who will not Her you to be tempted a- bove that you are able, but will alfo with the temptation make a way to efeape, that ye may be able to bear it. God conldereth who needeth chaftning, and who needethprote&ion and deliverance. Thus I have fined it. 2. IJl, ill give you an argument or two to confirm it. a. That there is a difference between man and man, is plain and obvious to fence; fome are good and holy, others are naught and wicked ; Come undeeltand the Gofpel, others are ignorant of it ; Come fcoff, others believe; fome have a dead faith, others a lively and deep retire of the world to come, and make preparation accordingly : ask the reafotf of this difference, whence is it ? you will fay their choice and inclination; Come chufe the better part, others abandon themfelves to their Tufts and bruitifh fatisfa&ions true. But whence comets this different choice and inclination ? Experience (heweth us, that man from his infancy and childhood, is very corrupt, and more inclinable to evil than to good ; to things earthly, than Heavenly; carnal, than fpiritual: and you may as welt expet