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Ver. 29.: tbe 8íc6 Chapter to l~hz R. O M A N . excitement toduty, 2 Cor. 5. 14. Tie bye of Chrtff con firainetb Korn. 12. a. r' frech you by the mercies of God. t John4 19, Titus 2. 11, i2, It bleedetha gdod if love is at the bottom of all our duties: 2. We have the trnefi view of our obligations to God, in hia eleelive love; dateixs ìpfafonte. Nothing will fo much excite our love and gratitude, as tO confide, r. That Gad Allfiiffiicient, who needeth nothing, Auld cluf ùr. L:e Might have poffeffed himfelf, if he had never created any thing without himfelf; if you remote all Creatures from him; you detrat nothing from God 5 if you add all to hini, you item creafe nothing in God; 'Tts the Creatures indigent condition, that maketh him go without his own compallfor the happinefs of his being; man cannot be Íi ppy in 10. wing himfelf, nor be fatisfied in his own intrinfick perfethions, therefore feeketh fupplies from abroad; but Gods happinefs is to love himfelf, and delight in.himfelf 2. That When God would loop abroad among the Creatures, he would cluf ki Wheels he found in the polluted mafs of mankind, and make ks objeils of his grace; and when be- came to call us, found us entangled in other fins, as Abraham the father of the faithful, an Idolater, 3ofbua 24. 2. every one that looketh into himfelf, will find they were in temper to chore any thing, rather than Chrift , unlefs the Lord had prevented us by his goodnefs, and turned our crooked wills; and if we confider, why we taken,and others left, Jer. 3.14. -I will takeyou one of a city, and two ofa family. , And. lafi ÿ, ifwe con- fider this powerful profecution of bis eternal purpofe, This certainly ivill'exctte 027 101,ë and gratitude. SERMON XXXIX. tl R O M. VIII. 29. For whom he did forel¿nótr, he elfo did predeftinate to be conformed to the image of his Son, that he might be the firft born among many brethren. Ere is a reafon; why all affli&ìous Work- tógether fer good to the called according to purpofe, becaufe they were predetli laced to be like Chrift in all manner of likenefs; in fufferings, holine(s, felicity. In fufferings, they mutt be affli&edas Chrift was ; he had his [hate, and they have their (hare, Col. 1. ß4. 1 rejoice in nsÿ (offerings, that ¢ may fill up what is behind of the _Wirings of Chrift, in my fief,; Chrift myftical is to fuffer fo much; be was appointed, and they are appointed, s Thef 3.3. That no man fhonld be moved by thefe afliûi. one : for your felves know, that we are'appointed tbereunto. Holinefs, we are to be holy as he is holy, as well as of li&ed,as he was afi&ed ; t Pet; T. 15. and again for felicity, his fufferings had a good end, fo (hall ours; he bore affi &ions, and paffed through them to eternal. glory, The captain of cur falvation was made perfeíi by fufferings, Heb. 2. 20. So in us, the crofs maketh way to the Crown; we can go no other way to Heaven than Chrift did. Therefore the conclufion Out of all, is, That affli&ions' work. for good; they. do not infringe our bolinefs, but promote it rather, if we be humble; meek, and patient as Chrift was ; they do not infringe our happinefs; for (till it fareth with us: as it did with Chrift ; as he was a pattern in bearing afi &ions holily, and cou- ragioutly, fo in the Crown of glory to be- obtained after the vi&ory. He was the leader of a patient and obedient people to everlafting happinefs ; ,fothat here is a dou- ble argument, Why all afl(i &ions mutt turnRo good? becaufe our affii &ions fall not out betides the purpofe of God; as not in Chrift, fó not in us; the head was to bear his (hare, and the'members their share; and becaufe the croft and fufferings are a meant 9 P conducing