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boo S E R 1Ví O N S upon Serm. .XXXIX be like,him in glory, unlefs we be like him in Grace fiat 5 this is the pledg of our bea- titude. 3. This is a fign of our communiontrith Chrifi, t John 2. 6. He that faith he abideth in him, ought a fo to walk as he walked. If his fpirit be precious to you, is his example of no regard ? Do you value his benefits, and flight his holinefs ? 'Tis a fign you efteem him for your own turns. You love Chrift the Saviour, and hate Chrifl the Sanftifier; you would abide in him to have his happinefs, but you would not abide in him to imi- tate his obedience; this is perverfe and unthankful dealing 5 no, you mull mind both, if you would juflifie your pretentionsof adhering to Chrift. 4. This will give us boldnefs in the judgment, t John 4. i 7. We have boldnefe in the day of judgment ; becaufe as he is, fo are we in the world. That day may be confideted in of fe rei, or in effe cognito ; in effi rei, the day its felt, when a perfect di[tin&ion is made be (wean the fheep and the goats, ele& and reprobate ; now you [hall (land in the judgment, for Chrift will own his own image, acknowledg his mark ; in fife cognito, in our prefent apprehenfions of it, that when we think of it, we may have bòldnefs 5 this giveth you joy and confidence for the prefent ; fincerity breedeth confidence ; when we are like Chrift, our confciences are imboldned again(l the terrors of judgment to come. 3. In felicity and glory. Conformity to Chriflfheweth us not only what we fhould do, but what we may expeft; the Scripture fpeakethof this conformity to him in glory both as to the body, and as to the foul 5 the body, Phil. 3.21: Who pall change our vile body, that it may be fafhianed like unto hisglorious body. And the foul, t Cor. 15.4. As we have barn the image of the earthly one, we (hall alt bear the image of the heavenly, t Job. 3. 2. When he fhall appear, we fhiall be like him; and Pfal. t 7. 15. But as for me, I will be- hold thy face in righteoufnefs, I (hall be fatisfied when 1 awalle with thy likenefi. Our blef- fednefs fiandeth in Communion with God, and conformity to him ; or the vifion and fruition of him ; when we are thoroughlyehanged into his likenefi, we are in our per - felt Mtge ; holinefs for the prefent fiandeth in the intuition and fight of God, which we haje by faith, and that Communion we have with him in the duties of obedience. God is an holy and happy Being g our conformity to his holniefs is more eáa& 5 our communion with him as the fountain of all happinefs is more full; we are in a capacity for a more pert er reception of his benefits. 2. Why this is the diflinifion between theelec7 and others. This conformity to the image of his Son. i. This fuiteth with Gods defign of recovering man out of his lapfed eflate, by fet- Ring up a pattern of holinefs and happinefs in our nature. To evidence this, I will thew, i. That our primitive glory was Gods image 5 Let us make man after our image andlile- nefs, Gen r. 26. This was our perfe&ion, which made us amiable in the fight of God, and was beftowed upon man as a Ipecial and eminent favour; this was the Ornament and Crown of Glory, which he would put upon a creature, which was his mafter- piece, rnd the molt excellent of all his works ; and indeed what greater perfection can be in a crea- ture than the neareft refemblance to his Creator? pow this being loft by Gn,to have this reftored is the true glory of man,2 Pet. T. 4. That we may be made partakers of the divine nature. We read, Prov. t 2. 26. That the righteous is more excellent than his neighbour. Namely, as he hath more of the image of God upon him ; 'cis not the rich, the honoura- ble, the powerful man, but the righteous man is more excellent ; he bath more of God, . and more of a divine Spirit in him, than all the reit of the world have; the Saints are called the excellent ones of the earth, Plàl. 16. 3. as the wicked are called vile perforas, Peal. 15.4. Wickedness maketh a man bate and vile as holinefs puts honour and glory upon them ; therefore this is the greateft excellency we are capable of to come as near to Qod as we can, in Wifdom, Purity and Holinef. 2. When this glory was loll, none was fit to refiore it, but Jet s Chrifi, theSon of God, in- carnate, or made man ; For thereby the glory of the Father was again vifible in him in our nature, Col, I. t8. He is the image of the invifble God. Heb. I. 3. The brightnefr of his fathers glory, and the exprefi image of his perfon. He was made fle(h, that the per- feáions of the Godhead might once more thine forth in humane nature 5 in an image there mutt be fìmilitude and likenefs, and deduiLion, or a means of conveying that like - nefs; therefore to make us like God, there mutt be a fit means ; God is is a pure Spirit, we are creatutes that indeed have an immortal Spirit, but it dwelleth in fle(h; therefore to make